My Sister the Protagonist

Chapter : Second String Never Snaps

A long and lanky body was draped over a table, deeply asleep despite their uncomfortable half seated position. Long wavy brown hair half tied into a messy bun. Drooping rabbit ear's twitched ever so slightly, at the movement of the one beside them. Lace sat idly with his friend, weaving a few fresh flowers into Thistle's hair as they slept. Smiling at their work, Lace's-stained hands barley made a sound as he messed around. Thistle didn't bother waking, the deep dark circles around their eyes enough proof they needed the rest.

If Thistle was awake, it would make no difference. Long gotten used to Lace's habit of sticking flowers and odd plants into their hair. Lace often helped Thistle hide their ear's when they needed to go down the mountain for work. Dealing with a few plants braided in, was an easy price to pay.

The sound of footsteps approaching stilled Lace's work. Xian opened the door to Lace's office, giving a nod before joining them at the table. Pulling out a stack of paper work. As a second set of heavy steps approached, Lace sighed. Now both workaholics were in attendance. Thistle dragged their head off the table accepting it was time for the meeting.

Yi Bian last to arrive brought a basket of snacks in tow. Dropping it in front of his seniors like an offering.

"From Leader Umvil. They worry we might work too hard and fail to eat."

As always Yi Bian's long hair was neatly bound, his clothes pristine. Anyone would be surprised he'd most likely come straight from training with his student's. Lace often claimed even dirt was afraid of him. Being the youngest of the second in commands. Yi Bian couldn't help being too formal with the others. His head would often send him over with such 'bribes' to help the serious young man get along with the others.

Lace and Thistle had grown up together within the Division after all. Xian had been taken in as a babe in arms, following his leader around as long as any of them could remember. Yi Bian on the other hand, had been picked up as a starving street kid. His branch head seeing the potential of the child. In spite of him having only one good eye at his disposal. He worked hard to prove his leader's goodwill. Training until he was the best of their Moroseil recruits, then raising ranks to become second in command. In terms of time spent in the division he'd clearly achieved the most in his shorter time. The others hadn't looked down on him for a second.

Thistle not waiting for anyone peaked into the basket. Grabbing something to nibble on. Their buck teeth flashing as they bit into a sweet. Trying to absorb enough energy to stay awake.

Thistle being second in command for the leader of the whole division; meant they often had to deal with more work than the others. Spending more time running around solving problems. No one in the Division was surprised to find him asleep in strange places at this point. Knowing it was hard to even catch sight of his fluffy rabbit tail when he was awake. Always rushing from one thing to the next.

To get all four of them together took a lot of planning. Xian lately was out on missions. Lace often took to calling them honeymoons. Enjoying finally having something to tease Xian about. Even Thistle joined in questioning Xian about his new little 'friends'.

Xian could only rely on Yi Bian to not join in. Always staying focused on the task at hand. Though his eye would shine with the slightest curiosity. So, with the two younger one's keeping the meeting on task, Lace could only give in and get to business.

Once all the report's had been talked through and issues mended. The strong and silent duo had to give into the after-meeting ritual of idle gossip. Which their seniors wouldn't let them escape no matter how busy they were.

Thistle stretched their lanky body leaning onto of the papers still strewn about. Lace brough a fresh pot of tea over, their eye's gleaming as he decided what to talk about first. Xian braced for impact. Yi Bian sorted through his paper's tidying everything neatly.

Lace filled the youngest's cup first, "That favorite student of yours has been trying to get my Brach's healers to train with her lately. Combat training's all well and good but she is a bit over zealous. They almost always end up too sore to study what they should be."

Yi Bian who had started relaxing stiffened, sighing as he pictured the blue haired young woman ordering the healers around.

"Nori… I have spoken to her. With her squad mates being both from Akava it's become impossible to keep her away. Apologises."

Thistle chuckled, "Still acting proper. Anora is as good as a little sister to you. You spoil her rotten, in your own way. She runs around my branch nearly as often. I think she'd consider the whole Division her territory if Jaunvei had more then a bunch of dusty books in its mountain."

Yi Bian rubbed at the scar at his brow, before nodding his head apologetically. The politeness didn't quite reach his eyes though. Fondness for his branch junior leaking through. Anora had been following him around since she started learning to fight. Accepting none other then the best as her teacher. Without her determination and stubbornness, perhaps he wouldn't have ended up the teacher of all the young warriors of his branch.

Xian tried to balance out the other two's playing that was likely going over Yi Bian's head.

"She's very capable. She helped my team mate train many times."

Yi Bian nodded seeming pleased at his addition. Xian noticed for the first time that the way the man's brown was stuck in a slight furrow was quite similar to Anora's default frown. Having gotten to know the girl as of late was making their shared mannerisms obvious.

Lace sensing an opportunity latched onto the next topic.

"Note correct? He's a rather good student. I'm having fun teaching him magic. It's clear he should be transferred to my branch."

Thistle didn't even look up from his cup, "Tough luck, he's ours. You already scouted his sister."

Yi Bian looked up wistfully, "Lise would have been a wonderful addition to my branch. Her combat abilities are far above any of the kids that I've been training."

Xian felt the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. He had always wanted Note to join his branch… Now that they were living together in his house. It could be said he had effectively found a loophole way to steal him from his mountain. Xian stole a glance at Thistle whose tired but sharp eyes were already on him.

"Don't be looking guilty. Both your team mates are Pathosmet. That fact doesn't change because you whisked them away on a technicality."

Lace tugged at Thistle's long ear, "Now, now dear. There's better topics at hand. For example, why is your branch head letting you go on Path mission's? Us aids tend to have our hands full already. Why sigh up for the extra risk? You're from a protected bloodline the same as I and Thistle. Going out more then you need to is putting yourself in harms way needlessly."

Xian unknowingly glared at the Lace as he replied, "I'm capable of it."

Lace sighed as Thistle smirked. Yi Bian seemed a bit lost.

"The risk? I know Sir Thistle disguises his ears. I assumed it was to avoid unnecessary discussion."

Lace shook his head, "In our current world, strong bloodlines have nearly all been sent into hiding or eradicated. In my case, my families magic was too powerful. The Division was keeping an eye because we were dangerous. Their Tree's across the world are neutral institutions. So, no other power is in their pocket. Eventually my family decided it was safer to hide within this Willow tree. For these two, they had no say in the matter."

Yi Bian nodded along. His branch was all about fighting and training, coming off the street himself he'd never received many lessons. He'd never thought to, so he listened intently. As Lace continued, slipping into lecturer mode.

"Those siblings we fight over also have something in common with this issue."

Yi Bian titled his head, "Young miss Lise and her brother? They look less obvious than even Nori does, with her pointed ears and bright hair."

Lace smiled encouragingly, enjoying that their grim youngest aid had slipped into his sudden lesson without resistance. His clever eye's already trying to figure out what Lace was getting at.

"What any distinguished bloodline has in common, is origin. When the heavens and hells were still linked to our world, it was common for demons and celestials to come here and… mix in. Some distinct families were born out of this fraternizing. The stronger the link is to that heritage varies from family to family. Which is why were blessed to witness such lovely ears and fluffy tail on dear Thistle here."

Thistle gave a swift pinch to Lace's side. The love mage's dimpled smile showed no sign of discomfort though as he looked at his friend.

Yi Bian seemed lost his eyes moving from Thistle to Xian. As if analysing and trying to understand.

Xian got up giving a reassuring pat to Yi Bian's shoulder, "My family inherited shape changing magic, that was taught to us. I don't have feathers on this form."

"Then… its dangerous because of what you have that others don't?"

Lace hummed as he pointed at each in turn, "Their different Yiyi. Which makes the average person, a danger to them."

Lace's smile held a hint of something malicious. As if he was remembering a time facing such threats. Yi Bian figured anyone who'd dared threaten Thistle in front of Lace must be long burned and buried by now.

Thistle tugged on a curl of Lace's hair as he spoke, "It's why the Division's became a place for freaks to hide. Way back in the day perhaps looking like I do would have come with benefits. But people have forgotten the difference between celestials and demons."

Yi Bian looked to Xian as if hoping for a more concise translation.

Xian tried his best, "Animal feature's mean celestial. Elemental one's demonic."

Lace then went and ruined this simple answer, "But myth has it, demons had way's to forcibly convert celestials. Which eventually watered down the rumor mill until everything meant demon. Elemental or otherwise. Whether it was true or not. In the end demons dragged everyone down with them. All the mixed blood decedents were hunted. Until near no non-human looking ones were left."

Thistle had finished the basket of snacks and was beginning to lay their head down.

"But some things lay dormant for generations. Next thing you know someone like me gets born. If I hadn't been born to parents living in the Division…"

They'd fallen asleep mid sentence, making their words weigh heavy. Yi Bian thought of Anora with her blue hair and red eyes. Does that mean her family hails from demons? Celestials? He looked at Lace whose pink and red pupiled eyes against black sclera were always unsettling. Definitely demons. Xian's golden eye's even through his frown were beautiful. The shape shifter had always embodied fall to him, no matter the season around him. Rubbing at his scar feeling like he had a lot of new information to process. Yi Bian rose took his things and gave a farewell bow. His brow furrowed in thought as he left.

Xian picked up his things giving a slight nod as he turned to leave. But before he could get past the doorway Lace called after him.

"These are things you should be teaching your little traveller. He likely doesn't know our world's history. He seems the type that would never forgive himself if anyone got hurt… Well besides himself obviously."

Xian looked back trying to ignore the flash of an unpleasant feeling that bubbled up. Lace always acted un-seriously. But he rarely spoke without intent. He'd gone back to playing with the sleeping Thistle's face poking the mole just under his eye. A carefree smile on his face as the rabbit frowned in his sleep. His buck teeth sticking out as if he wished to bite his aggravation.

Xian continued to the door, "Understood."

As the sound of Xian's footsteps were replaced with the sudden flutter of wings, Thistle opened his eyes again.

"Do you think those brats will be alright."

Lace chuckled, "What brats you only have a year on Xixi. And Yiyi might be the baby of us hands. But he's worlds more capable than most."

"You know which one I'm talking about."

"Have you sensed something? You're the most unmagical magic being I know…"

"I don't need magic to see the way Xian and those two kids of mine run around together. I just don't know if they're up to it."

"A shadow, a shape shifter and a traveler… Who knows. We'll have to wait to find out."

Lace pinched Thistle's cheek. They retaliated by tussling his hair before shoving all their papers into their bag. They then ran out, their long legs taking them swiftly away. Leaving without a word of goodbye.

Lace looked at the now empty table, messy with cups and crumbs. Those three really only knew work and nothing else. Heaving a dramatic sigh, Lace smirked to himself as he cleaned up after the others.

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