Chapter 31: Quest Flag Activates
After having a good long rest after their last outing. Note kept expecting a new assignment or work to start. Things though stayed quiet. Note wondered if Reign was still upset with the rather… chaotic way things got solved whenever they went on mission. Had they been put on time out? Then a summons came.
The three were surprised when they walked into Reign's office to find Liaud also waiting. Reign had a look in his eye's, something heavy was stirring there. Liaud's face on the other hand was oddly blank, as if he was worn out and couldn't muster reacting to their entrance.
Ravan bristled to the mood, bracing himself. Note hesitated, clearly wanting to avoid the heavy atmosphere. Xian guided the two along, gently pushing them into the office despite their resistance. Liaud finally gave a slight smile seemingly to finally register their entrance. Though it didn't reach his eyes.
Reign looked to Note worry clear, "How have you been recovering? Still no side effects from over using your magic? Thistle has been keeping me up to date. But hearing it from you directly will put me at ease."
Note nodded, "I've been fine. Lace has been giving me frequent check-ups."
Reign sighed in relief, "I also herd you've been studying the other realms and the creation deities lately. Such a close encounter sparked your interest. Happy to see young ones, curiosity thrive… Have you delved much into spirit's yet?"
Liaud added, "More then the one's you've met head on. Of course."
Note shook his head. Just trying to get a grasp on the creation stories and myths around the main deities was a lot to handle. He hadn't had time to study much on how spirits played into things.
Ravan titled his head, "What's there to delve into? Spirits come from the heavens and hells. They can't get into our realm. Except somehow, they do. And the Division's across the world deal with it."
Reign shared a look with Liaud. Gesturing for Liaud to take over.
"Well, that is what the average person believes. It's the intended design of our current society to believe that. But the real narrative has long been obscured. I've been chasing the after effects of spirits for… longer then most. I believe the realms used to be linked openly. With Spirit's passing through at will. I won't get too into the skewed perception of the upper and lower realms right now. But as you know, some magic created by spirits has lingered in our world. One such way it lingers is through curses."
The trio all nodded as Liaud looked to them. They'd delt with cursed beings a few times now. The corroded magic had been heavy with dread, like it had rotted. Xian had told them some of the scary stories attached to Liaud's collection of cursed objects. There was also that strange cursed noble that often made a break for it from their clothes that came to mind.
Liaud noted their understanding, "To be honest, curses that pose a real threat are exceedingly rare. Though perhaps because of how long it's been since spirit's could enter our world… Much of their magic is expiring of late. Even the smallest well intended spell might be souring. Never mind magic that was meant to cause harm."
Liaud was fiddling with the stone pendant that always decorated his waist. Reign reached out to squeeze his hand. Liaud stilled, stopping his lecture and giving Reign back the stage. The leader of their Willow Division looked at the three. His eyes still heavily lingering on Note.
"I have a mission for you… I want you to seriously consider the dangers of this mission before agreeing. Though perhaps due to my own error. I have already forced your hand."
Note felt a shiver run through him.
Reign spoke slowly a look of guilt on his face, "I had intended to ask you three first. But then hesitated after hearing how much you had risked yourselves once again. So, I sent a capable team that was already nearby. But now we haven't been able to get in contact with them. I fear the worst."
Note had gone stone still, staring at the wall.
Ravan nearly stuttered, "You couldn't possibly mean?"
Reign lowered his eyes, "I'm afraid so. I sent young Lise's squad instead."
Xian quietly got close to Note, half expecting to need to support him. But Note stood still, his eyes still glancing into the distance. As if he was miles away.
Ravan sounded aggravated now as he spoke, getting angry on Note's behalf.
"And you want us to consider not going!? If it was so dangerous, why didn't you wait. Or send a more experienced team! Why was the next best choice those kids! Why not anyone else!"
Reign let Ravan yell accepting his anger, "I will not give an excuse. It was only with reasoning that I made my decision. And I accept I have made a mistake."
Reign stood bowing his head before he continued. His apology was sincere but he quickly moved on out of his own anxiety to resolve the matter.
"The location to be investigated is a known curse that reappears every century or so. There is a legend of a Well that grants wishes. When it appears countless people who go seeking it will disappear… I couldn't send just anyone to investigate. It needed to be someone with a higher chance to return safely."
Ravan was ready to argue again when Liaud gave a warning look.
Reign sighed, "As it stands, this Well was borne from demonic energy. Those with strong celestial magic stand a greater chance at resisting the Well's influence. It seems to call to people."
Xian looked to his mentor, "It's call?"
Liaud nodded, "The story that revives when it appears is it calling. I'm unsure just how far its influence is. But anyone with strong desire's will be drawn to it after hearing the story."
Ravan spit out, "There's no way to quell the story from spreading?"
Liaud shook his head, "It appears in dreams and spreads from there. Even if we could keep people from speaking on it. It would still be able to summon at least a few victims."
Ravan squinted, "And why do we know so much about it. But not enough to not be at risk?"
Liaud smiled at the sharp question, "Your wit is as always precise... It so happens our division is likely the only place that knows this much about the Well."
Xian tilted his head but before he could ask Liaud answered.
"Because we have me… I'm apart of the small percentile of known survivors. Well… I can't confirm that other's have survived. But if I have, it can be assumed there is a method to escaping... Unscathed… Well relatively."
Liaud wiggled his metallic hand to embellish the idea of being 'relatively unscathed'.
Ravan blinked, "How could you? Didn't you say it takes-"
"Centuries yes. Of which I am. Did you think my hair was always this white?"
Both Xian and Ravan's mouths nearly dropped to the floor. Xian raised a hand as if wanting to reach out for his mentor. Disbelief on his face. Liaud's eyes softened as he looked at Xian's confused expression.
"Back then I was very young. I dreamed of becoming a renowned scholar. All too aware of how such things require a lifetime to achieve. All I wanted was enough time to study to my hearts content."
Liaud hesitated, a hollow look returning to his face.
"I once had a friend; we were likeminded. Desperate to make something of ourselves. He set out with me to find this wish granting Well… For reason's I do not know. Only I returned. I paid for my wish with my arm. For all the year's I lived since… I can only guess, I did not pay with just my arm."
Xian frowned, struggling to absorb this new side to his guardian.
Ravan looked on warily, "How can we resist it?"
Liaud's hand rubbed at his face, "I am entirely sure young master Ravan. That you cannot. Nor could Xian."
The two frowned back at the silver haired archivist. A look of challenge burning in their eyes. Reign lightly smacked Liaud, tutting at him in disapproval. Note finally seemed to blink and return to the room. His face was cool and indifferent. There hadn't been such an unattached expression on his face for a long time.
Reign felt something heavy settle in his chest as he looked at the dutiful older brother. He knew the look being concealed in his eyes all too well. Anticipating the words before they could even leave his mouth.
Note spoke, "I accept the risks. I'll take the mission. Where is my sister."
That evening the three had returned home to prepare. Liaud had given them a direction stone that would lead them to the missing party's last traceable location. Ravan seemed aggrieved about the situation, grumbling while preparing. Xian was silently processing the whole thing as he helped pack what they'd need.
Note watched them as they wordlessly worked together to get their travelling supplies together. Xian also was preparing things for his animals. Making sure what they needed was out and easy for Liaud to find when he came to take care of them.
From the side Note stared, barley remembering to blink. Ravan and Xian let him be. Thinking he above anyone needed time to work through what was about to be their most stressful mission yet. They'd never had to directly save anyone before. Though it had happened entirely by accident more then once. To be heading out in hopes of finding the trio of kids alive and well… To be their only hope. This was a new.
The ironic thing was, Note was as calm as still waters. Not much went through his mind besides watching his partners move about. Anxiously glancing at him from time to time. This mission was in fact the least surprising thing to have happened to him since he'd come to this world. It was the moment he'd nervously struggled to recall when he'd realised who he had woken up as.
It had been a bit too fuzzy then. But with Reign and Liaud's briefing, his memory had finally been jogged. This was a pivotal moment in Many blossoms. Lise had been met with a problem she couldn't just smash her way through. The enemy was a Well Demon, long sealed away and corrupted by its twisting nature. It granted wishes, but also demanded a great price. It always took people in groups, proving human nature's greed by making friends promise their companions lives in return for their own riches.
The demon was cruel but oddly fair. If companions sold out each other, it would simply kill them all. If one was willing to trade themselves for their ally's though…
This is how the fragile and useless Orion had managed to save his sister when she got dragged into the Well's domain. With no magic or ability, the sickly older brother had finally been able to protect his little sister. The humble comic relief had many readers' crying in the comments.
This was how Orion's part in the story ended. A plot device to push Lise to future level ups and adventures. Now it seemed it was time to see how things would go this time around. Note didn't want to get his hopes up. That he had changed enough to rewrite his ending.
If he did, he would. If he didn't… Well, he'd be dead. There'd be nothing to feel then.
What Note was sure of is he needed to make sure everyone else got out safe. Lise needed her friends. Xian and Ravan were also supposed to be her good allies. Ravan the dashing rogue who was the balance to Lise's idealised way of dealing with things. The two often bickered over the nature of the world, the protagonist's kindness unrelenting but balanced by the harsh bandits' methods. Xian who would come to be like a second older brother to Lise after she lost her only family. The two understanding each other better through their loss.
When Note thought of Yuka the little string bean who'd grown so much just in the time he'd known him. He'd be an impressive and cool sorcerer one day. Anora her blazing fighting spirit and battle scared hands. Always watching out for Lise with the utmost gentleness.
Lise as the protagonist should be safe no matter what happened; but the others. Who knows if they'd end up taking Orion's place if he wasn't careful.
Note wasn't willing to trade a single one of them.