My Sister the Protagonist

Chapter 29: What Needs to Be Spoken

The boat ride back was quiet. The trio were each independently questioning themselves and their allies. The scene that played out in the old boat house was a bit hard to keep up with. Note was trying to understand the parts he'd glossed over in the moment.

So, after a few days travel. The trio tucked themselves away at the front of the ship. Night had already blanketed the sky in starlight, a small lantern sat between them. Casting shadows as they got ready to finally properly discuss.

 Note looked between Ravan and Xian. All three seemed to be unsure of how to explain the new discoveries. Or ask about them. Then Ravan made a decision pulling out his sheathed dagger. Deciding to go first. The dagger almost gave off the aura of defiance. Ravan clearly intended to impose guilt on the magical weapon. It was ready to refuse any accusations.

Ravan held it out, "So… This traitor. How did you get it to listen to you?"

Note hesitated, "You're not going to like it."

"Try me."

"I just asked it… More or less."

Ravan's eyes grew as he glared down at the dagger, "You'd betray me so easily?"

Xian scrutinized the blade, "It couldn't be that easy. This is a high-level tool. It should only accept one master. The only way to possibly gain control would be through killing its current owner."

Ravan glanced down at himself, "Well dear, as you see I'm still alive. You can see me right now, right?"

Ravan poked at Xian's arm, garnering an eye roll. Note continued staring at the dagger. No, it wasn't just his impression, it really felt like the magical tool had its own awareness. The faintest sense of the gleaming steel asking for his help. Prove it's innocence. Doing as it was designed. Note held out his hand, beckoning to the little weapon to come over. Happily, the dagger unsheathed itself and landed in his hands. Quieting the two who had begun bickering with their eyes.

Ravan glanced after at the magic trail it radiated. It was glowing faintly in that new burgundy hue. The dagger flew back over to Ravan, it's deep green returning. Note and Ravan looked to each other, before turning to Xian.

Simultaneously they spoke, "You try it."

Xian's brows nearly flew into his hairline. As he glanced between them.

"H-How? Do I- uh call it? I'm not a magic- I don't."

Note patted his knee, "You shapeshift, no getting out of this. Just try and…. extend yourself? Reach out like mentally. Yeah go. You got it."

Ravan sighed heavily shaking his head. Note having tried his best to explain looked to Xian expectantly. As if he was confident in his teaching. Xian did his best from the scraps of explanation and the additional advice Ravan gave as he tried to focus on the weapon.

The dagger stayed still hovering by Ravan. Then as if shivering, the blade shifted. Before turning toward Xian, now glowing faintly with a golden shine. All three looked wide eyed at each other. Ravan used a few choice words; totally aghast his dagger had now cheated on him twice. The dagger turned burgundy as it landed in Note's hands. As if it was seeking protection from its masters' insults.

Note carefully held the cool steel that was radiating mistreatment.

"It pleads not guilty."

Ravan huffed, "It was bad enough it listened to you. At least that made sense. You just turned an ancient spirit into a common house pet. The pigeon doing it, is an insult."

Xian didn't seem insulted, titling his head hand on his chin. Seeming lost in thought. Note could almost imagine the tiny Liaud in his head, stuck in fast forward mode as Xian skimmed through his lectures. Trying to think of the reason.

Ravan continued, "Actually now that I mention it. What the hells did you do exactly. How did you do it?"

Note blinked, "I've decided its best to not overthink it. Magic does what it wants?"

"Does what you want."

"Well, what the starlight… god? Lord master, whatever. Wanted? I think they were helping. Giving me their favour? I don't know how it works. It just did."

Xian looked up, "You… That might explain that then."

Note followed Xian's pointing to look up at the night sky. The stars were shining brightly, brighter than they'd ever been since Note first looked at this foreign sky. Large multi-coloured pinholes of light beaming down at them.

Ravan's mouth hung open, "I overheard the sailor's earlier saying the stars seemed eager to come out today… This isn't just a clear night is it. The starlight lord's showing their approval. How long has it been since any of the lords of creation… It's amazing."

Xian wondered aloud, "What was that old holy swindler's name again?"

Note couldn't take his eyes from the sky, he'd always adored star gazing. He'd rarely given this world's sky a proper look, the stars were massive. Clusters of star systems were close enough to see with the naked eye.

Note half signed as he gazed up, "I never thought to ask."

Ravan joined in, "How about the spirit? Did you learn its name."

Note shook his head, "It couldn't recall anymore. Though somewhere a long time ago. He was called grandfather."

"I wonder if he has any family still. Out there somewhere..."

Xian suddenly slammed his hand down, the dagger that had been momentarily forgotten in Notes hand flew over. It's magic trail golden as it wove around a progressively reddening Xian. Note and Ravan tore their eyes away from the sky. Watching him blush as he hesitated to speak. It took a moment before he worked up the ability.

"I remembered… About enchantments like this one. I figured it out."

The dagger seemed to cheer. Xian was clearly going to leave it at that. Unwilling to reveal what he'd understood. The pointed look from Ravan and the quiet shine to Note's eyes eventually coaxed the answer out of him. His voice cracking and barley a whisper.

"It's… A soul bound enchantment. So… Certain... special… people. Can use it too."

Ravan seemed to clue in smacking himself, "Ahh- I'd forgotten. My mother did explain it when she gave it to me. It had been a gift for reaching adulthood…"

Ravan paused, something else falling into place in his mind. He slowly glanced towards Xian, who was looking down. The dagger was still happily dancing over his head. It quickly shifted to green and re-sheathed itself. Ravan then tucked it away, back where he usually concealed it. A perfect poker face settling over his features. When Note met his eye's quirking his head in curiosity, Ravan shifted his eyes away ignoring the silent request.

Note couldn't quite keep up with the sudden shift in mood. The awkward atmosphere drawing out a long silence.

Still there was one thing yet to be discussed and Note couldn't wait any longer to ask.

"Xian. When you came to rescue me… What did you come as exactly?"

The sudden new topic eased the tension. Ravan smirked as Xian raised his head.

"Ah- To be honest until the moment I rushed in to untie you. I didn't know I could do that either. I just desperately wanted to be able to sneak in and help. Suddenly… I was something, that could do that."

Ravan kicked at Xian, "I was going to do it. I could've snuck in easy, and with my dagger you would have been free in a minute. I tracked you to that run down shed easy enough. But he got one glance in and panicked. Turned into an adorable fluff ball and scampered in."

Note's eyes began to sparkle, "Fluff ball?"

He turned to Xian expectantly. Xian sighed, a faint quirk to the corner of his mouth. Before Xian's broad form was replaced with a small wildcat. Note could hardly contain himself. Xian's new form looked like a lynx, pointed fluffy ears brown and spotted coat. Small lithe body on large floofy paws.

The long dreamed of opportunity to pet a wild kitty was too much to bear. Note promptly grabbed one of those big paws petting and playing with it. Squeezing the murder mittens a few times before moving to scratch behind the adorably fluff pointed ears. Xian's feline face looked unimpressed, but the faint squint of his eyes gave away his enjoyment of the affection.

Ravan glanced on from the side, his had rose to also feel the soft fur but hesitated. Silently the hand fell.

Note after taking his fill of cuddles from this new form. Recovered his composure.

"Did you know… You had more settings?"

Xian shifted back, his hair a bit rumpled.

"Honestly no. I think my master might have mentioned my clan taking many forms. I guess I took it too literally, thinking people all had just one. Varying from person to person."

"You never tried before?"

Xian shook his head, "I never felt the need to be anything other then a hawk. Not until today."

Ravan chimed in voice half a whisper, "Your heart has grounded you."

Note didn't catch what he'd said but Xian did. Golden eye's turning and failing to meet Ravan's deep green ones. Note was too lost in his own thought to register the return of the odd mood. As he began muttering to himself.

Trying to process what he understood and didn't about this world yet again. Once they got back perhaps, he'd have to do some more studying. The topic of these spirits and the pantheons of this world suddenly held a burning interest for him. Why had one spirit's plight mattered so much to the starlight lord? Were spirits despite their poor favour with humans more loved by deities? The gods of this world seemed to have no issue showing their favour. It wasn't a matter of belief. These gods weren't self made systems and that felt terrifying to Note.

Note got up and rushed away to write his thoughts down in his notebook. Going below to find candlelight, leaving his awkward companions alone with each other. Both watched him go. Ravan shook his head sighing. Xian smiled faintly after Note's disappearing form.

Then slowly the two glanced at one another. Eyes darting away the moment their eyes met. Xian peaked watching Ravan's throat bob, as he swallowed a large sip of the drink he'd snuck from the sailors. Ravan held the bottle out to him. Xian took it, taking a small swig of the bitter drink.

Ravan finally looked up properly their eyes locking.

"I-" Ravan smacked his lips.

Xian didn't blink as he watched the usually cocky sneak thief get flustered as he tried to find the words. Xian found himself unable to resist the rare chance to tease him.

"Do you need me to call your dagger out again?"

Ravan hung his head down slumping in defeat, "Enough I get it. Man, I didn't- This isn't fair."

"What's not fair?" Xian tiled his head.

"I- I wasn't even- Hadn't noticed. I'm not sure alright. I don't get what the damn thing means."

Xian nodded looking away, "Magic does what it want's."

Ravan snuck a glance, the feeling in his chest was chaotic. Recalling what his mother had once said when giving him the dagger. That it would help him figure out when he'd gotten really serious about someone. When a tool that's been soul bound listens to someone besides its master. Its because that person has become an extension of them. When did- how long… Ravan reflected on himself. Where did Xian sit in his heart? The dagger had forced a rude awakening on him. Of course, the damned bird had to know about it. Had to make him realise.

The itchy feeling in his chest wouldn't go away, "Hey, let's make a bet."

Xian kept his eyes on the sky letting Ravan analyse him as he wished.

"Why should I?"

"I'll give you something good. If you win."

Xian glanced briefly at him, "What is it then."

"Whoever likes it loses."

Xian didn't get a chance to ask Ravan what he'd meant. Suddenly his head was pulled down and lips met his. The slightly outgrown stubble of Ravan's face tickled. The smashing of lips was brief, no skills were applied. Ravan had begun to break away when a large hand pressed against the back of his neck. Bringing him back into the kiss. Some long-taught string snapped. As Ravan's togue dove into Xian's mouth. A deep groan slipped out, as the two fought in a way they hadn't before.

Finally after some time they parted, panting heavily the two mirrored a look of aggravation.

Ravan tried to act as if he wasn't still catching his breath, "I won."

Xian scowled, "Like hell you did."

"Who growled, huh?"

"Who shoved his tongue down my throat?"

"You wouldn't let me go."

"You started it."

The two shoved each other a few times before they both broke out into laughter. Their cheeks still tinted red; lips swollen.

Ravan laid down on the hard wood of the deck, "Note's gonna make fun of us forever for this."

Xian squeezed his eyes shut picturing it. That mischievous smirk that would creep up his face. Ruining his noble mask.

Xian groaned, "Were doomed."

Ravan gave a reassuring pat from his spot splayed on the ground.

"We just have to tease him more to get back at him."

Xian glanced down, "If you kiss him like that, he might run away."

Ravan tutted, "If he could endure your kissing, he can survive anything. I thought you were trying to eat me."

Xian kicked at him. Ravan rolled out of the way with ease. Neither bothered to put to words what was thrumming in their chests.

"Speaking of our notetaker, we should probably go put him to bed. He's probably huddled over a candle straining his eyes as we speak."

Xian hummed his agreement, standing up. Holding out his hand he hauled the rouge up off the floor.

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