My Sister is a Brocon Supermodel

The Marie Sisters

When I opened my eyes, I could feel the warm breaths of Valentine and Eve's soft snores against my body. They were still holding me tightly and only began shifting in the bed once they felt me move.

I picked up my phone and saw that I had several texts from both Yelena and Yvonne. I was about to open them when I felt a soft hand cover my own and push the phone down. I turned around to see, surprisingly Valentine, awake and kissing my chest while her other hand began snaking under the covers.

Her sleepy eyes looked up from my chest and I felt myself grow hot. I was used to being around beautiful women, or so I thought, but the way she was looking at me was just a little too much.

I was getting aroused but she stopped moving her hands while cutely shaking her head. I was a little disappointed but it made sense that she didn't want to go for another round. It was a bit intense for her first time and she was too sore to go again.

Eve woke up from our movements and began kissing me as well. She didn't bother with anything and immediately sought out my lips. I traded a few kisses but got up, much to their disappointment. As they sleepily stretched, I stood up and looked at my phone. It was a workday and I had told Yvonne the other day that I'd be there at the restaurant.

I quickly changed into my uniform and gave them both a few more kisses before I exited the room. I dropped four slices of bread into the toaster and yawned while frying a few eggs. I set out the plates for Valentine and Eve then grabbed a yogurt for myself.

I put on a coat and stepped outside.

While the smell of our lovemaking was nice, so was the cold morning air. I took in a deep breath and stretched myself with a slight groan. I cracked my neck and headed off to work. I was feeling antsy and decided to walk the few blocks instead of taking a cab or bus.

Yvonne was already in her usual spot when I entered the restaurant, the bell clanging as it announced my arrival.

She gave me a bright smile when seeing me, her auburn hair done in a ponytail. "Hey, did you get my text?"

Oops. I shook my head and her smile became cramped. She stepped towards me, and sniffed. Her nose wrinkled at whatever she was smelling. Her tone became a little bit dangerous. "Ah, so you were too busy with her to see. Well I was just saying merry christmas but I guess it wasn't necessary."

She sniffed a little. But her eyes went wider as she started sniffing a little harder. She turned a little red when she realized she had grabbed me by the shoulders, pressing her small nose against me. Was she a bloodhound?

"W-w-wait! Why do I smell someone else? Don't tell me..."

'You're smelling Valentine, we had a threesome last night.' is what I thought. But considering Yvonne, I gave her a more appropriate response.

"I hugged the girls goodbye when they left the house."

She seemed dissatisfied by the answer but nodded anyways.

She seemed a bit extra touchy-feely during the shift. She'd randomly brush her hand against mine or hold onto my hands a little too long when she took a dish from me.

I was on my lunch break and put on my coat again to get some food. I was about to leave when I heard Yvonne pattering behind. "Wait up!"

She had her coat on as well and I gave her a look. "What?" she defended herself, "Lets eat together."

"You sure? It's not gonna be anything fancy."

"It's fine!"

I sighed and took her to my go-to burger shop. I had found this restaurant a while ago and usually went here because of the low prices. It didn't taste bad and wasn't as oily as normal fast food so I quickly became a regular.

I lead Yvonne into an alley and knocked on a door.

It opened and a thick-framed man wearing a bandanna and a sleeveless muscle shirt appeared with a scowl. The scowl quickly disappeared when he saw it was me.

I gave his hand a shake. "Heya Mr. Martin, how ya doin today? Brought the little missus heeya?"

He was originally from the deep South and still carried a thick Southern accent. I smiled and shook my head. "She's just a friend," to which Yvonne stiffened. The cook gave a sly grin, "Would ya like the regulaah Mr. Martin?" I nodded. He looked to Yvonne, "And for the missus?"

Yvonne gave me a quick look before turning. "I'd like the same as Adam, please."

He nodded graciously and stepped back to let us enter.

The restaurant was a pretty well-run place, despite its outer appearance. The whole place was surprisingly clean and we could smell the patties already sizzling as the cook got the food ready.

It didn't take for our food to arrive, coming in trays and baskets. I took out the steaming burger and dipped it in the sauce provided. I took a bite and groaned in satisfaction. For a midday break, eating a freshly cooked burger was heavenly.

Yvonne bit into her food as well and had the same reaction. It seemed she had severely underestimated the taste as she began to wolf it down, only stopping when she saw me looking at her with a grin.

She turned away and muttered. "I was just hungry..."

I laughed before finishing the meal. I paid at the counter, adding a large tip for the cook/waiter Donnie. We left after saying good-bye, both of us agreeing to come back at a later time.

By now the streets were crowded. It was the lunch rush and we nearly got separated. I grabbed onto Yvonne's hand, telling myself that it was just so we could stick together. She didn't object and held onto it tightly while following me close behind.

We made it just in time before our break was over, the manager giving us the stinkeye for causing a scene at the entrance as we were both panting from half-running here.


"How's the design business?"

We were in a lull and didn't have much work to do. There hadn't been a new customer in over twenty minutes and we were just lounging around the dishwasher sinks. Yvonne perked up, excited to talk.

"It's going great. I've gotten a ton of new commissions and VS asked to give them some time before they prepare a contract."

"Really? That's great to hear."

I gave her a grin. I was happy to hear that her business was taking off. Considering how much effort she put in, seeing it come to fruition made me feel proud. She became quiet all of a sudden, making me raise my eyebrows.

"The thing is...I might quit the restaurant."


"I'm getting so many offers that I need to prioritize one or the other and I'm not sure, this is my dream you know? Ever since I got out the family business, I always wanted to design those clothes beautiful girls like your sister posed in..."

"Don't worry about me, I'm also planning on quitting soon too."

She turned to me in surprise. "Eh?"

"Yeah. I might start my own business too..."

"No way! Seriously?"

"Mhm, I've been saving a lot of money and I've gotten enough to start investing in creating a startup."

"You got any ideas of the sector you'll be in?"

"It'll most likely be a talent agency."

"If you do, then you can always call me for help on website designs or logos. I'd love to give you a commission."

"I'll keep that in mind."


When the shift was over, Yvonne held my hand and dragged me towards her locker. She took out a large wrapped present and handed it to me while blushing. "It's not much but I hope you'll like it...Merry Christmas"

I opened it and it was a silver culinary set. I was a little surprised. I didn't think she knew about my blossoming hobby of cooking. She saw my confusion and explained with a quiet voice. "Eve told us about it in the group chat and so I got a set for you, especially after hearing that your current one is pretty old. Do you like it?"

"I love it, thanks so much Yvonne."

I hugged her with one arm and she wrapped her arms around me tightly. I heard something that sounded like "Soon," but she quickly ran off. I didn't have time to hand her the present I had brought over for her and was left standing still holding the set.

I was going to run after her when I heard a knock on the door and Yelena appeared, looking behind her while pointing. She had a stick in her mouth. She recently quit smoking and was trying to deal with it by playing around with similar sized things inside her mouth.

"Was that my sister just now?" she pointed behind her.

I nodded. "Yeah, I didn't get to give her my present."

"Oh you can just hand it to me, I'll make sure to get it to her."

"So. What's the news."

She laughed. "It's always business for you huh? Well your promotion's been approved. I guess this'll be the last time you'll call me 'Big Sis.'"

I grinned, suddenly feeling like teasing her. "I don't know, I think I'll keep things the way they were, 'Big Sis.'"

She snickered. "Yeah keep that up will you."

We had a light banter until we finally got back to business. "The higher ups want a meeting with you to discuss the future."

"Right now?"

She nodded. "I'm to take you to headquarters by the hour."

I finished changing out of the uniform and went outside, getting into a black sedan waiting outside the restaurant. Yelena was waiting in the backseat and I joined her silently. 


I stood before a group of a dozen men, most of them giving me an indifferent look while the sole exception, an old man, who looked a little like Milkovich, glared at me with clear hatred.

Yelena wasn't allowed in and had nervously clapped me on the back before wishing me luck. She told me she'd wait right outside the doors and to call her if I needed anything. 

The man glaring at me cleared his throat and spoke with a heavy accent. "We're here to discuss the future. Now that you've unfortunately been given a chance to promote, it's tradition to offer several opportunities. The first is a genuine offer to leave the family, should you wish. Since you've made the distinction of being honored as a possible branch leader, you can pass the promotion and leave. We won't stop you but you won't be able to interact with anyone from the family." He looked pointedly outside the door where Yelena should be. Ah. So that's why he was glaring at me.

I guess Yelena had been speaking about me to her father. I guess it made sense considering I was the reason why his daughter was even still in the business instead of getting ready to marry. 

He coughed and cleared his throat again. "The other option is to accept the promotion and become a branch leader. With that, we'll compose lists of recruits to send your way." He gave an evil smile, clearly planning on giving me shitty recruits just like he did with Yelena. 

I made a thinking pose and acted like I was considering the offers. Then I stood up, catching the attention of all dozen men. "Instead of those two options, I'd like to present a third."

This made Yelena's father gnash his teeth. Looks from the other higher-ups quickly silenced him as he sat back, red in the face. One of them nodded at me to continue.

"I'd like to create a company, that can work as a part of the family. While we won't be responsible for the jobs, we can pay dues and use the profits to fund projects for the family. The offices can even serve as a safe house for any members in a tight spot in the area."

I saw the thinking gears in all the men spinning. The first to speak was Yelena's father. "Hell no! We already have enough benefactors as it is and one more company wouldn't even make a drop in the bucket!"

"Now hold on Yuri, it's an interesting idea," an elderly man with a monocle spoke with a chipper accent. He opened one of his eyes and looked at me. "Now will you be using the company as a front for more unscrupulous transactions?"

I shook my head. "No, it will be completely legal asides from its relationship with the family. The whole point of this endeavor is to make money for the family without catching the attention of the law."

The monocle-man frowned complaining about the "possibilities" but seemed satisfied enough. There were a couple more questions regarding the purposes and I made it crystal-clear that I would be genuinely starting a company. After some discussion, a vote came down and it was eleven to one. The only one who voted against me was likely Yelena's father who began downing his drink after the results came in.

Further negotiations began. 

I eventually agreed on giving 10% of the total profits pre-tax directly to the family. In return, I was allowed a neutral stance in "wars" and would be given help from the family's connections to promote the beginning of the company once I officially started it. I had insisted it wasn't necessary but I was dismissed, after saying that this was as much of an investment on their end as it was on me. 

Everyone walked out of the meeting room considerably brighter. None of them would turn down free money and my idea seemed interesting enough to work. 

Yelena quickly got up when she heard me approaching. She gave me a questioning look and I smiled. "They agreed."

"Really?" She looked super excited for me, something I would have never expected to see even a month ago. She had really changed...

She went in for a hug and I was a little surprised, seeing this was one of the few times she initiated contact. These sisters were really similar in that fashion huh. Realizing what she was doing, she pulled away and coughed. "Well I guess this is it huh?"

I tilted my head. "What do you mean by that?"

"You're not gonna be up for jobs are you? I don't really see a reason why our paths would cross..."

She looked down, the tiniest hint of sadness seen in her expression. "Hey, what makes you think we can't just meet without any ulterior motive?"


"We're friends right?"

Yelena made a small smile. "Friends huh. I guess you're right."

"Whenever you're lonely just text me yeah?"

She nodded happily. I was about to leave when I remembered something. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot." I reached into the bag I had brought, and took out a wrapped present. 

"That's right, Yvonne's gift. Don't worry I'll get it to her by tomorrow and I'll tell her it's from you." 

"Nah, this one's for you."

"Me?" she seemed shocked. I nodded. "It's only natural to give presents to your friends for Christmas, right?"

She unwrapped the present, revealing a pair of ruby earrings in the shape of a rose. "You knew I liked red?"

"Uh it's pretty obvious." I pointed at her outfit, which coincidentally had a lot of red. 

"I guess so," she giggled, uncharacteristic of her usually cool self. She pocketed the earrings with a grin. I handed her Yvonne's present as well. I waved goodbye as I turned around and left, leaving behind Yelena who was still smiling at my retreating back.


< Elsewhere >

A large stack of papers made a slamming sound as it was thrown against the deck.

"Officer Beckett!"

A stern-faced woman with long brown hair glared over a cowering pudgy officer. He was mewling and glancing at the thick stack while sweating. 

"You're incompetence is ridiculous. You have one day to fix these reports or you're cut!"

Turning around in her boots, the officer turned around with a click of her tongue and half-marched away. 

After she disappeared around the corner, several sympathetic officers crowded around the man who looked like he was about to cry.

"Aww don't worry about it Beckett, she's always like that."

"The Demon strikes again..."

"Poor kid, he looks like he shit his pants."

"It's probably because another man got scared from her bed. I heard she's literally caused five guys to run out on her."

The woman stuck her head back in the doorway and everyone jumped with fright. She swept a cold glare over the officers, all of whom began quivering. These were seasoned cops but they couldn't even stand their ground against the monster of a woman. She might be beautiful but she was rumored to be able to pressure the devil himself into confessing.

Her hearing was almost superhuman and she clearly heard the words being used to describe her, but the woman didn't care. As long as she kept the officers in line, it'd be fine. As long as she didn't let their words get to her it'd be alright. She already had enough of a headache with the recent increase in gang activities to be bothered with insubordination.

The woman stomped her way to the office where she promptly slammed the door shut and slumped in the couch with a sigh. She took off her cap and rubbed her forehead, the sleeves of her uniform slowly falling down revealing a series of elaborate tattoos. 

She heard the phone ringing and let out another sigh as she heaved herself up and walked over to the well-organized desk. She could still recall the shouts of her mother demanding to know why she was 34 and had yet to provide even a single grandchild. 

She hesitated before picking up the phone on its third ring. "Commissioner Alicia Richardson speaking."

"An anonymous tip?" 

She was writing down notes while shaking her head. This was the commissioner's office not a dispatch call. Who the hell were they kidding? She'd make sure to take note of the caller's ID to block further contact. If they were in an emergency they should be taking it up with dispatch. She was far too busy to deal with something as minor as a robbery. 

But her frown deepened as she heard the contents of the message. "The Russians? Understood."

She became excited. Now she didn't mind that they had called her instead of the station. It was a tip related to the Russian Mafia, a family that had been around since long before she entered the force. The caller had given her an address saying that it was the home of one of the upper echelons. 

She gritted her teeth, remembering the humiliation she had faced nearly a decade and a half ago when she was still green in the ranks. All cases revolving the Mafia were sent directly to her for a reason. She let out a nasty smile as she listened to the call and began making the necessary arrangements to create a small task force.

"Please repeat the address again?"

The distorted voice replied instantly: "Goldsuite Apartments, Unit 4A, home of one Adam Martin."

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