My Sign-in system in Marvel(AU)

Chapter 2: Ch. 1 Better Life

From the moment Katerina was five, she knew she was different but she didn't know how, growing up she thought she was a boy cause that's what the doctor's labeled her, but by the time she was in her early to late teens she was hit by the truth hard, she wasn't a male, she was a natural born futanari. The moment her parents noticed her changes they disowned her, sent her to a orphanage.

No one but a few of the workers knew about Katerina's issues, thought the few that did stayed away as if she was death itself, this caused the other children to not go near her.

She was fourteen when she entered the orphanage, now she's seventeen and looking for a job, she had been given a small education but never sent to school in fear that the orphanage might be laughed at for harboring a "freak" either way she was fine with it, less people to interact with and more time to study. She had a knack for technology and biology. She found a place that was hiring and made her way their, she wanted to work on not only the future of biology but what made her...her.

But sadly on her way towards the office's she was caught in the middle of a shootout, cops versus some dumb criminals and she was literally in the middle of it.

A stray bullet was struck into her neck, sadly she felt everything, she just wanted a normal life and someone to love but what did she get? Hatred, shamed, and dead on the street from a shootout.

Everything was just a cold empty void, Katerina wasn't sure if she was dead or alive, as she just felt...floaty, as if the gravity had been turned off, "Did I die? But if I died how am I here? Where is here anyway?" A soothing yet powerful laughter broke her from her thoughts "My My, what an interesting human. I guess I should apologize for what some would call "a shitty life" as I happened to mix up somethings when you were being born, this...accident..caused you to be what some in your world term as 'Futanari' since you are a perfect combination of male and female.

Either way because of my oversight of both you're birth and death I have some gifts for you, first being able to reincarnate, you won't be able to chose the world but I believe you will have fun.

Second is the Sign-in system, you can sign in everyday for a random gacha roll, the system also has quests that you can do for more rolls and stat points, to start you off all you're stats will be boosted to twenty, most humans stats are five to eight, but be warned you aren't a match for someone like say...a super soldier, second will be the system points, or SP, that come with sign ins and quests, these will gather until the system seems you have enough to travel to a new world, but once you have enough the system will deem you worthy when you are ready to traverse, it won't be you're choice for the first time.

Next is the inventory, while anything you get from the sign is can go in there infinitely other stuff you get from the world has a limit of fifty, this goes up everytime you traverse worlds.

Now you will keep you're current body but I'm adding a bit of...charm, if you will, the love you wanted to experience in your past life can be experienced in you're new! Now I say there is a limit to this cause, well, can't have every girl right? Anyway you have a limit of one girl every world that is deemed as a 'soulmate' and yes I am using that as a werewolf term sue me, it's an amazing way to phrase eternal love.

Now I know from you're past that you read a few fan fictions and loathe those system's with personality, while you're system will be similar it will only be partially, think of it more like an...artificial intelligence, if you will.

Well I think that's it for now, anyway when you wake up check you're inventory as I will have placed a few helpful things! Oh and you will be the adopted daughter of Clint Barton!"

The last bit was barely heard as her conscious faded out but her last was one of happiness and distraught 'The world of MARVEL!?'

Katerina felt her conscious coming back, her head was pounded slightly, she heard a knock come from the door, "Katerina, honey, wake up you're father needs you to chop some firewood today!" Said the female voice from on the other side of the door, Katerina got up with a groan and then noticed she was wearing the same outfit she died in, a grey hoodie with some black leggings, yes not the typical clothing for going to an interview but the place said no business attire, just casual clothing, tossing that thought out her head with a shake she got up and looked around the room, it was simple and honey with a lived in feel.

Putting all thoughts aside she remembered what the being said before she lost conscious, with a happy smile she quickly got some jeans on and ran outside. Upon reaching outside she saw Barton but he looked younger, then it clicked, this is the same version from the Thor movie, but what surprised her was that Natasha Romanoff was there as well.

They were having a soaring session with wooden weapons, Clint saw Katerina walking up out of the corner of his eye and decided to test her, "Dodge!" Without much warning he turned to send a hit to her stomach but much to his suprise and even more so Katerina's, she blocked it then reversed it hitting Clint in the stomach, "Oh shit, dad I'm sorry I didn't know if I should dodge, parry, or retort" while hunched over he gave Katerina a slight nod, "Not bad, I did say dodge but I guess our training is working out either way, hooo- ok maybe next time I'll give more of a warning, mainly for myself hahaha, also watch your mouth you may be turning eighteen tomorrow but that doesn't mean you can go around throwing curse words" Katerina just nodded, "Yes sir, anyway what's Natasha doing here?" Katerina felt a bit down seeing as Natasha wasn't her 'soulmate' as she really liked her, but seeing in her in the flesh she didn't have the same feelings so she just shrugged it off, Clint looked at Natasha who nodded and spoke, "instead of Clint training you like usual, I figured it'd be me today. I got some time, anyway I figured I'd see everyone for a bit" Katerina smiled and nodded, "sure but let me get a water and some rags, knowing how dad is after 'training' with you, I know I'm gonna need the first-aid kit plus more, so I'll be back" after saying this Katerina quickly made her way into the bathroom, where thankfully no one was in there, she locked the door and thought, 'System? System you there?' And a robotic female/male voice sounded in her head as well as a translucent golden/silver screen, 'Hello Katerina, I am you're Sign-In System, what function would you like?' 'I'd like to look at my inventory please.' 'Affirmative' the screen changed from text to fifty boxes for fourteight were empty, the two boxes that had stuff was a gift box and two sign in redeem tickets, Katerina mentally tapped on the tickets and the system spoke 'Congratulations, with the use of 2 sign in redeem tickets, you have a total of 3 sign ins' Katerina nodded then mentally clicked the gift box, it contained 3 things, Super Serum(revised), Symbiote(perfected), and a HUD(always active)


(That's it for the first chapter!)

While I might work on this story more cause it's one I can actually mess with unlike the others, timeline perspective, I will still continue to work on the other two but I like this story a bit more so far with how I'm gonna make it, and I'll explain the Super Serum and Symbiote next chapter, whenever I make it, as for the HUD...cmon you have to know what a HUD is.

Anyway if I messed up on wording or naming or something let me know!

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