My Researching Journey (HxH)

Chapter 161: Offer Denied

Chapter 161: Offer Denied

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Chapter 161: Offer Denied


Yasuo thought previously about also allowing Morena of getting a guardian beast but after some recent findings, he realized it's not an option.

He plans to go through with the succession contest and reap the benefits so if she participates, he will have to kill her which he doesn't want to do.

The seed urn ceremony is quite interesting to Yasuo especially after coming to a few theories about it.

The winner of the ceremony will get a hidden prize or so he predicts, and even without the contest, the first black Whale remains a treasure trove that he plans to harvest.

Yasuo picked his ringing phone and accepted the call then just waited for the caller to say his piece, the caller who happened to be Parsiton Hill, "You disappeared for a long long time and I thought you'd be available after your last words, even Beyond wasn't able to contact you at all."

"Yeah, I was quite busy researching a few things as I'm sure you concluded as well. Anyway, what do you want?" Yasuo casually answered.

Pariston was silent for a few seconds before saying, "When it's time, I'll contact you, and if you want to participate then let me know." Then directly after, He hangs up leaving Yasuo with a thoughtful expression.

Beyond's expedition team is quite interesting to him and he will most likely participate. Each of them is special.

A team specially gathered by Beyond to survive and even conquer the dark continent, that definitely made Yasuo interested in their abilities, he knows the abilities of a few of them and he set his eyes on them let alone the rest.

He was only thinking for a few more minutes before he received another call though this one is an unknown number.

He accepted the call with the caller directly saying, "Can we meet? I'm in the Kakin empire's capital.", "Sure.", "I'll send you the meeting location, or send me a location if you don't like mine."

A strange call indeed, one Yasuo expected, in fact, he thought the caller will talk to him much earlier but he apparently took his time.

The address was sent to him only a few seconds later as apparently, the caller was already prepared and he of course knew Yasuo would be here simply because the black Whale will sail soon and he judged that Yasuo will definitely go to the dark continent.

Yasuo closed his eyes for a second focusing on one of the numerous Aeroeye threads he has all around the city and focused his Aura on it to activate it and see through it then he disappeared.

He appeared comfortably seated on a red cushion with golden straps decorating it. What appeared to be a traditional fancy restaurant with a pleasant smell and air around which is due to the small pure waterfall he can see from the window, a restaurant that describes the tradition of the Kakin empire perfectly.

'It's certainly cozy.' Thought Yasuo with a pleasant smile on his face before turning his head to look at the man who called him. The golden-haired man who didn't seem fazed by how he suddenly appeared in front of him

He looked at Yasuo with his brown eyes observing him carefully and frowning noticing how different he has become from the pictures and the video he watched of Yasuo entering the association a few months ago especially his strange silver eyes that seem to shine even on the brightest day.

The man was wearing a black tuxedo, quite a formal attire in contrast to Yasuo who is wearing a tight black sweater and black pants and his usual black boots with his silver earring on his left ear never leaving it.

"I believe you know who I am considering how much time I spent with your brother but I will tell you nonetheless. I'm Kurapica, a new member of the Zodiacs with the codename 'Rat'."

"Yasuo Zoldyck." Yasuo Simply introduced himself as he knows Kurapica knows a lot about him, he was investigating him for a while after all.

Kurapica didn't want to waste Yasuo's time or his time so he directly stated his purpose calmly, "I want the scarlet eyes you have, state your price."

Kurapica investigated him enough to know any other way is unlikely to work especially against a dangerous family such as the Zoldycks though he only confirmed it after talking to someone and meeting Yasuo here.

He can't sense the extent of Yasuo's power at all but that deep desire within tells him not to go against him.

That deep desire tells him that if he tries to use forceful methods, his revenge will not get fulfilled or he will not live long enough to see the people where his hatred truly lies die and he trusted that desire.

"I don't have them anymore." Yasuo's answer made Kurapica frown even more, how could someone like Yasuo give them away or sell them? He investigated him long enough to know he wouldn't and he's right, the scarlet eyes are too precious to Yasuo and he of course didn't sell them away.

Kurapica slowly lifted his hand from which a chain with a round metallic bead at its forefront was dropped and he asked again, "Where are the scarlet eyes?"

Yasuo raised his brows amused by this scene knowing full well the chain is highly unlikely to detect his lies if his assumptions of how it works are true though he still honestly gave an answer, an answer Kurapica feared he will hear dearly.

"You see, I'm a very curious human being and I love to research anything that picks my interest so how could I let something as previous as the scarlet eyes escape my grasp? Of course, I performed a few tests on how they work... Unfortunately, they were destroyed in the process."

Yet those were words were uttered in the same unchanging calm tone as if he didn't care that happened one bit or about Kurapica who couldn't help but bite his tongue and closing his eyes taking a deep breath noticing the chain not moving, it may not be a foolproof ability but it's his best bet right now.

He continued on taking deep breaths trying to calm himself and not show his beautiful scarlet eyes that appeared against his will until a minute passed and only then did he opened his eyes with those familiar brown eyes showing themselves.

He knows it's useless to be mad at Yasuo, he knows the man isn't a good person but he isn't the person he wants revenge on and he can't risk going against him, he is but a researcher who was curious about the scarlet eyes, the ones who got and spread the eyes to the world at the cost of his family and people are responsible.

"You are an assassin so I want to hire you, I want you to help me get the remaining scarlet eyes, I already know where they are.

Also, If I die I want you to kill each member of the phantom troupe." After calming down, Kurapica made an offer to Yasuo and it wouldn't be called an offer if there is no price he has to pay.

"Everything, you can get everything I own from my eyes to properties and money and whatever you want... You just can't touch the other eyes if you find their location."

Those are the words of someone who doesn't care about his life, someone who is ready to give his life to fulfill his revenge.

Kurapika knew the day he decided to create his emperor time ability that he will likely die with the phantom Troup, he chose this path and he knew the consequences.

Yasuo just smiled standing up as he wasn't really that interested in Kurapica's ability, his proficiency in his every ability is already beyond perfect though some are interesting but he will leave that for later.

"I refuse, I already set my eyes on the spiders, they will all be dead in less than a month so if you want your revenge, you should act fast else I will do what I want before you have the chance to."

After which, he disappeared leaving the baffled Kurapica who continued as such for a minute or so before letting out a sigh of relief as he closed his eyes, "As long as they're dead then it doesn't matter much... I'm sorry, I wasn't able to get them all, I was late..."

The emotionless words seem to hold deeply hidden sadness within as he muttered to himself before standing up and going on his way muttering a few more words.

"Hisoka also wants to kill them, especially after Chrollo refused his offer to fight... I wonder what'll happen if Yasuo killed them first, yeah Hisoka will just set his eyes on him instead..."

Yasuo on the other hand appeared back in his house and continued to pump his Nen into the dark fume moving around in his body, something he never stopped doing with anticipation apparent in his eyes, 'Just what kind of guardian beast will someone like me give birth to?'

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