My Refrigerator Turned Into A Dungeon

Chapter 75:

Dungeon Teacher

To return to Tokyo, we leisurely drive along the winding coastal road in a rental car. Ruu, sitting in the passenger seat, and Serai-san and Nina-san in the back seat are all fast asleep. After having breakfast prepared at the hotel, they immediately began to look sleepy.

That's because even after safely returning from the underwater dungeon, Serai-san and the others, who had acquired an unknown job status, had been excitedly talking about it without sleeping.

Shark said she would send us all to a place near her house after changing clothes and leaving the beach house.

Oh, by the way, Serai-san and Shark exchanged contact information, but I didn't. Shark seemed like she wanted to exchange contact information, but I felt it would be impolite to do so in front of Ruu. At least I wouldn't find it amusing if I saw Rua exchanging contact information with another man. So, what I don't want to be done to me, I shouldn't do to her.

(Hehehe. But they all have such cute sleeping faces…)

Ruu was next to me, Nina-san reflected in the rearview mirror, and Serai-san slept with expressions of complete peace. Surprisingly, all of them are my students or Special Students.

I checked to see if there were any abnormalities or changes in their bodies, and Serai-san said, "I feel like I can hear master's voice more clearly than before, and words spoken to me seem to enter my head more smoothly.". It seems having the same job as a teacher and student has that effect.

However, there are still many mysteries and unknowns in specific details.

However, as a teacher, my guidance will reduce the experience points needed for the students' level up and provide positive modifiers to their abilities' improvement. I can expect that.

("You are not ‘rotten oranges'! You are ‘my cute peaches'!!", "Kyaa~! Sensei♡ (Hug!)")

Hehe, something like that. Mufufu.

"Mm… Ah, Coach?"

Oops, it seems I woke up Ruu with my mischievous laughter.

"You're awake, Ruu. You can keep sleeping if you want. Well, since we're here, should we take a look at that motorcycle gear shop by the way?"

"A motorcycle gear shop…? Why?"

Ruu, rubbing her eyes and looking puzzled, asked with a tilt of her head.

"Well, you guys always wear armor, right? While it's not bad, it feels a bit lacking in defense from my perspective. Motorcycle protectors are sturdy and could be useful in the dungeon, so it's good to know there are options like these even if we don't buy them right now."

"I see, then I'd like to see."

"Alright, let's check it out."

We parked the car in the motorcycle gear shop's parking lot, and Serai-san and Nina-san also woke up, wondering where we were.

"Huh… Where is this?"

"What's this… a break?"

"Oh, we're just taking a little break. While resting, I thought we could look at some protective gear for motorcycles with Ruu. What about you two?"

"Oh, I'd like to go too!"

"That's right! Well then, I'll get a little more sleep. (Sleep.)"

Nina-san said as she lay back down.

"Alright, the three of us will go."


This is a motorcycle gear shop located near the junction for the highway along the national road. There are several car shops nearby, and it seems to be a place for such businesses. The building is two stories high, with a spacious layout and a garage next door for repairs. I remember when I used to visit such a shop alone, I would see couples with motorcycles and silently wish them to "Get Blown Up Riajuu!!".

With Serai-san on my right and Ruu on my left, we entered the automatic door with excitement. If the old me had been watching, I would have said, "This guy should explode!".

"Wow! I think this is the first time I've ever been in a shop like this!"

Yeah, Serai-san seems to be enjoying herself. Unless you're into motorcycles, it's not the kind of shop you'd normally visit.

"Wow… There are a lot of unusual things here. And it has a unique smell…"

On the other hand, Ruu seemed slightly less enthusiastic. She didn't seem to like the smell. Well, the garage is nearby, and it's close. So people can smell the oil and gasoline. Inside the shop, they have metal products like parts, rubber products like tires, and oils. So the smell in this kind of shop is unique. When I smell it, it makes me a little excited.

"Let's go upstairs. It seems this shop sells rider jackets and boots on the 2nd floor."

"Gloves and protectors are probably displayed around here."


"Ah, excuse me~♪"

As Serai-san briskly climbed the stairs, a man in a rider jacket coming down from above was startled and moved aside.

Yeah, I understand that feeling.

Today, Serai-san is wearing that "Cherry Killer Knit" with the neckline open. When I look at Serai-san, my gaze is nailed to her chest like I'm being stared at by Medusa. So I try not to look at Serai-san's face as much as possible.

On the other hand, Ruu, who follows me, is in a light and cool one-piece dress. But for some reason, the color is like battleship gray, mixed with blue, a dull shade. When I asked what color it was, the answer was "graple." I have no idea what color that is. Ruu is cute, so I think she would look good in brighter colors.

"Wow! What's this? It's cool!"

When we arrived at the wear section, Serai-san immediately picked up a pair of battle gloves. The black, thick leather gloves with aluminum alloy plates attached with rivets were very robust and had an intimidating look.

"Oh, that's it. Many people who dive into dungeons often wear such things. However, they're expensive, and once the metal bends, it's hard to straighten it again. In that regard, resin protector gloves are more affordable and won't deform."

"I see… But they look so cool!"

Well, I agree on that point. If Serai-san wore those battle gloves, she'd look like Oifa from FF. No, to be more precise, Serai-san gives off more of an AOrith vibe. Yeah, that's it. And if Nina-san wore the battle gloves, she might fit the image of Oifa perfectly.

We tried on other items we could try, and Serai-san was having a great time. But is Ruu being a little too quiet? I wonder what's wrong. She was so enthusiastic in the underwater dungeon.

"Ruu, is something the matter?"

I leaned over a bit to peek at Ruu's face. I had to do this to be at the same eye level as her.

"If you were to ask me to choose, I'd like the same one as Coach rather than anything sold here…"


What do you mean?

"Because, if I had to choose, the armor Coach is wearing can withstand slime attacks, right? In that case, I want the same as Coach."

"Oh! Ah, I see… You mean my Bug King Suit…"

"Yeah! If that's the case, I want one too!! I've never seen anything like that on other customers, and didn't master made it yourself? So, make the same one for us! Oh, but maybe not the same, something a bit cuter!"

Hold on, Serai-san, don't say it's so easy. The Bug King Suit took me 2 weeks of dedication to create, even when I forgot to eat and sleep. But then again, considering the possibility of Ruu and Serai-san getting seriously injured, should I make suits for them?

"Mmm… Well, um…"

"Is it difficult, Coach…? (Puppy eyes)"

"Uh, well, there are also material and other things to consider, so I can't answer right away, but I'll think about it…"

"Yay! Yay! Yahoo!"

Um, wait? Both of you?

I haven't decided to make them yet, you know!?

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