My Property Panel Has Gone To Kill the Gods

Chapter 4 - How to leave this copy?

  【Combat record: Your skill “Frenzy Slash” hits the target, you are immune, and did not cause any damage or skill effects…]


   The attack is completely immune.

   The smile on Guan Shanshi’s face stagnated, and he took a deep breath, and quickly stepped back, carefully looking at the child in front of him.

   level one.

   is indeed level one.

  The appraisal technique can’t make mistakes. Since the appraisal result is level 1, the opponent’s level is level one.

   But how could a first-level boss be able to stop his attack.

   is wrong.

   is not blocking, but immunity.

   The opponent did not use any skills, and stood motionless from beginning to end, even if his attack fell, it did not shake the slightest.

   Is he immune to his attacks based on physical attributes alone?

Do not.

   absolutely impossible.

   You need to know that his character level is 30, and the combat class [Brazer] also has a level 30.

   own attributes plus skills, in this case, for a first-level small boss, it would be good not to kill the opponent in a second, it is impossible to cause no damage at all.

   Use invincible skills?

   The problem is that I didn’t see any movement of the opponent using the skill at all.

has a problem.

   This first-level boss is not easy.

   Sure enough, how could the legendary trial dungeon be so easy to clear the level.

   Guan Shanshi looked solemn, put away his contempt and smile, and got serious.

   “It’s me.”

   Strong fist punched his hair, paused, and then rushed over.

too slow.

   Guan Shanshi took a deep breath while frowning, raised the giant sword in his hand again, and moved up to greet him.


   Fist hits the giant sword.

   The result was unexpected.

   Facing the slash of the giant sword, the body of the Qiangshenquan did not waver at all, always maintaining the posture of punching.

   The giant sword bounced off after falling, fell again, then bounced off again, and fell again.

   After three consecutive cuts in the wild.

   Guan Shanshi looked completely shocked.

   [Combat record: Your skill “Three consecutive cuts of madness” hits the target and is immune, without causing any damage or skill effects. 】

   was immunized again.

   is not only the skill damage, but also the skill effects such as knock fly and knockback other than damage are also immune.

   It’s just a first-level boss, how is it possible.

  How about skill determination?

   How could it be judged to fail based on his attributes, level, and skills?

and many more.

   There is no judgment failure prompt.

   In other words, the skill judgment passed, but all skill effects and damage are still immune.

  His strength is indeed stronger than the opponent, and he can’t move because the little boss in front of him has absolute immunity skills.

   If that’s the case, then I’ll be a fart…

   Guan Shanshi was speechless for a moment, and looked around.

   How do you leave the trial copy?

   Can he stop fighting?

  Boss is too ridiculous, I don’t have to fight at all…


  Leaving just think about it.

   is a trial copy after all, it can’t be without difficulty.

   Thinking of this, Guan Shanshi took a deep breath again and decided to continue trying to find the weakness of the boss.

   There is absolutely no invincible boss in this world.

   There must be a weakness.

   had to find the weak points and should be able to kill this little boss in seconds.

   Then, where is the weakness…

   Guan Shanshi thought of electric transfer.

   Qiangshenquan looked at his fist, was dumbfounded, and suddenly angrily said: “Damn it, I blame you.”

  Who is to blame?

   Guan Shanshi was puzzled, and looked at himself, very at a loss.

  What did he do…

   While watching, Chen Cha couldn’t help sighing.

   Obviously, the Strengthening Technique found that his attack could not cause harm.

  The object of blame is naturally the property panel.

   Regarding this, he stood with Qiangshenquan.

   The property panel is indeed damnable.

   Even if the starting point is to make him a god, it’s damning.

  How can it be that easy to become a god? Can’t it be done slowly? The moment he just crossed over, before he could react, he just abandoned him and challenged the core of the world.

   still yelling something to hear the Tao, you can die in the evening.

   is simply a second-hand.

   look now.

   Forget about hurting him, but also hurting his cute body-building boxing skills.

  It hurts to think about it.

   As a mature skill, how cute, hard work, and good is the physical strength punch. Without him, he will grow and become stronger by himself, and it’s so worry-free.

   How can such a skillful and hard-working skill not feel distressed or spoiled.

   What about the property panel?

   is just a silly looking wise, he took the house apart completely, he was so angry that he couldn’t beat him, cursed and cursed, don’t be too bad…

   Damn, it’s really disgusting.

After    condemned, Chen Cha’s curiosity returned again.

   Since I found out that it can’t cause harm, how do I win against the opponent…

   in sight.

   Qiangshenquan took a deep breath, packed up his mood, looked at Guan Shanshi and said lightly: “Continue.”

   See here.

   Guan Shanshi threw away the unknown in his head, so he squeezed the huge sword and rushed up again.

   If you want to find a weakness, you have to try to find it in battle.

   So, let’s fight!

  The giant sword fell again.

   madness cut!


   The giant sword fell on the ground of the ring, and brushed it a short distance in front of Qiangshen Fist.

   Guan Shanshi was not surprised, and at the same time he took the sword, he had to pass by and continue to attack.

  The most powerful combat class of the mad fighter is that once it starts to attack, the offensive is continuous, and the more the war becomes stronger.

   just faced his actions, the next moment, Qiangshen Fist suddenly hugged the sword body of the giant sword.

   What is this…

   Guan Shanshi was puzzled, and continued to close the sword.

   appeared unexpectedly.

   The huge sword that was hugged did not move at all, as if hugged by a mountain, it could not be pulled out at all.

   The mountain is stunned.

what’s the situation?

  How can a small boss of the first level achieve this level.

   What about the attribute gap?

   His 30-level, more than 300 power attributes were eaten by dogs?

  Looking at the current situation, he couldn’t pull it out at all. It was obvious that his power attribute was crushed by the opponent. Because of the big difference in attributes between each other, he couldn’t pull it out.

   But the problem is.

   Shouldn’t this difference be that he is stronger than the opponent? Why is he weaker than the opponent now, being crushed…


   completely unreasonable.

   One level, the boss is only one level.

   He is level 30, level 30.

   Guan Shanshi couldn’t accept the scene before him.

   Body-strengthening fist is under the effect of the tyrant body, holding the giant sword steadily, looking very relaxed.

   and see this.

   Chen Crack probably understands how he won.

  What is the domineering effect?

   In short: During the dominance period, all actions of oneself will not be interrupted.

   Now that the body fist is overpowering throughout the entire process, as long as he hugs the giant sword, Guan Shanshi cannot interrupt the action of the body fist.

   Therefore, the giant sword can never be pulled out by Guan Shanshi.

   What should I do in this case?

let go.

   Once let go, the giant sword is the weapon of the body punch. U U Reading

   Indeed, he has no attack power attribute, cannot cause damage, and even his skills cannot cause damage.

   But he doesn’t need to cause harm by himself.

  The giant sword is a weapon!

  The weapon itself has an attack power attribute, so it can cause damage by itself.


   As long as the body fist holds a giant sword and has a weapon, it can rely on the weapon’s own attack power attribute to cause damage.

   just right, the domineering body is very domineering, you can forcibly take away the enemy’s weapons…

  In an instant, Chen Lei’s thoughts suddenly opened up.

   Has no attack power attribute?

   Damn it.

   If you can’t kill the ants with bare hands, then use stones to kill the ants, and drown the ants with water. This can still achieve the goal.

   Although the trouble is a little troublesome, as long as the goal can be achieved.

   as it is now.

   Qiangshen fisted the giant sword, and then suddenly raised it.

   With that, Guan Shanshi was also lifted up.


   Before Guan Shanshi could react, Qiangshenquan hugged the giant sword and slammed into the ground.


   Guan Shanshi’s body was severely smashed on the ground of the ring. He recovered and opened his mouth speechlessly.

  What kind of channel does this special boss use? Why is it so brutal and domineering…


  The giant sword raised again.

   Guan Shanshi felt horrified when he saw this, and decisively let go.

   The giant sword fell, Qiangshen fist glanced at Guan Shanshi, then put down the giant sword, and instead hugged the hilt of the giant sword.

   The next scene is a bit miserable.

   Because a kid was holding a huge sword larger than himself, he started chasing a big man and chopped up…


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