My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 42

Chapter 41 waste?

Pearl City Golf Course, Su Yong is playing with his girlfriends, life is extremely comfortable.

Su Yong is the owner of the Oasis Group. He is not very old and is in his thirties this year. He is mainly engaged in the purchase and processing of agricultural raw materials.

His business situation was not good before, and he owed a lot of money to the bank. Until he cooperated with the Chu family and broke down the other party’s company, he made a lot of money.

The company that was destroyed belongs to Chu Ming’s family.

Su Yong secretly used some obscure means to send Chu Ming’s father to prison. After a few months of panic, he finally found that everything went smoothly, and his hanging heart was relieved.

Actually, in Su Yong’s opinion, he has nothing to worry about.

Chu Ming’s father was named Chu Jianghe, and he was very capable of working. The entire company held the power alone, and he supported a piece of the world by himself.

It is not necessarily a good thing that Chu Jianghe is so strong. For example, he was framed and entered prison, and there was not even a person who could help.

So, Su Yong is very calm now. Without Chu Jianghe, he has peace of mind.

As for Chu Jianghe’s trash son, there is no threat at all. It is estimated that the other party is still kept in the dark.

Everyone thought it was a normal investment failure. The new products contained substances harmful to the human body, which was a food safety issue.

But the real reason was very complicated. After Chu Jianghe was imprisoned, there was no capable person to help him investigate, and at this time, he had to stop.

As for three years later, even if Chu Jianghe was released from prison, that would be nothing but wrong, and the evidence would have long since vanished.

At this moment, Su Yong’s cell phone rang suddenly.

He raised his eyes and looked at the phone, and he couldn’t help showing a look of surprise.

“Qin Mingcheng, what did he call me for?”

Qin Mingcheng is a well-known dude, who is not doing business all day, and he has a match with Chu Jianghe’s trash son.

Su Yong is also very familiar with Qin Mingcheng. I remember that Qin’s father gave him 50 million yuan to invest, but he lost every minute.

Later, Qin’s father secretly trusted his relationship to help him, so that the advertising company he last invested in survived, and finally he had a decent job.

Of course, no one has told him about Qin’s father secretly helping him fix the advertising company. He always thought he was lucky.

In fact, there is so much good luck in this world, but he has a good father.

Father Qin is wealthy and he doesn’t want his son to think he is a waste.

Even if it is muddy beach, as long as there is enough capital, he can be supported on the wall.

In fact, for Father Qin, as long as Qin Mingcheng can do something quietly, whether he can succeed or not, he is already very good.

Although Su Yong looked down on Qin Mingcheng very much, he had to consider the influence of his father, so he put a smile on his face and connected the phone.

“Hey, Master Qin, we haven’t seen you some days, why did you think of calling me?”

Su Yong said with a smile.

On the other end of the phone, Qin Mingcheng said coldly: “I have a business I want to talk to you. At 8 o’clock this evening, I will see you in the Wanghailou Hotel.”

After finishing speaking, Qin Mingcheng hung up the phone, leaving Su Yong standing there with a dazed expression.

“This second generation of Qin, what do you want to do?”

Su Yong frowned, not knowing what other moths the other party had.

Although he didn’t want to talk to each other very much, he didn’t dare to offend him.

The more this rich second generation is, the more difficult it is to deal with. If you offend him because of such a trivial matter, it is a bit unworthy.

After pondering for a long time, Su Yong finally decided to go there.

Time passed quickly. At 8 o’clock in the evening, Su Yong arrived at Wanghailou on time and met Qin Mingcheng.

Qin Mingcheng looked very happy, holding a beautiful young lady in his arms, and introducing to Su Yong: “Brother Su, long time no see, come, let me introduce you, this is my girlfriend.”

Su Yong nodded without a smile, feeling very speechless for Qin Mingcheng.

special, this young lady is obviously the waiter of Wanghailou. When she came here yesterday for consumption, the other party still served herself food.

Well, because the other person looks good, I took a few more glances, so I remembered it.

is not because I have been thinking of her in my heart.

“Mr. Qin, what do you want me to do?”

Su Yong came alone, and he was not polite to see Qin Mingcheng, and directly sat down on the sofa opposite.

Qin Mingcheng said with a smile: “Of course it’s about business. Brother Su, your Oasis Group is getting bigger and bigger. Are you interested in putting up an advertisement in our company?”

Hearing this, Su Yong’s complexion suddenly turned black.

special, what kind of junk advertising company you are, don’t you have any idea about it?

Of course, Su Yong certainly can’t expose each other face to face, but responded with a smile: “I’m really sorry. Recently our Oasis Group has no plans to launch new products, and there is no plan to advertise.”

Qin Mingcheng’s smile gradually stiffened, and said, “Brother Su looks down on my little brother. I heard that your Oasis Group launched a new product three months ago. What is it called, Qiongye No. 3?”

Hearing the words Qiongye No. 3, Su Yong’s expression changed in amazement.

Qiongjiang No. 3 is a new product jointly developed by Su Yong and Chu Jianghe. Su Yong is responsible for providing raw materials, and Chu Jianghe is responsible for R&D and sales.

Seeing Su Yong’s gaze dodging, Qin Mingcheng’s body suddenly leaned forward and pulled away from the opponent. He deliberately lowered his voice and said, “There is but Brother Su, your exclusive product, how can it be? Don’t make an advertisement?”

Su Yong’s heart trembled, his eyes suddenly narrowed, revealing a very dangerous light.

“Are you threatening me?”

Su Yong said coldly, his complexion extremely ugly.

Qin Mingcheng shrugged indifferently, and said, “I’m talking about business with you, five million, and I want it now!”

Su Yong couldn’t help his eyelids beating wildly, his heart was so angry that he wanted to slap the **** in front of him to death.

Even if Qin Mingcheng’s father is sitting here, he doesn’t dare to be so arrogant, is he not afraid to offend him?

At this moment, Qin Mingcheng took out a QR code, handed it to Su Yong, and said, “I have everything ready, come, scan the code and pay.”

Su Yong snorted coldly, his eyes became sharp, and his voice said sharply: “Qin Shao, you are playing with fire!”

Qin Mingcheng shrugged indifferently, and said, “You choose yourself. If my boss comes, it will be more than that.”

“Your boss?”

Su Yong frowned slightly, and a bad feeling rose in his heart.

He felt that he was being calculated.

At this moment, Qin Mingcheng respectfully said to the table next door: “Boss, this kid doesn’t know how to promote him. What if he doesn’t give money?”

Su Yong followed Qin Mingcheng’s gaze. When he saw the young man sitting at the table next door, his expression suddenly changed in amazement.

“Chu Ming, why are you here?”

Su Yong stood up suddenly, very worried.

However, after only a moment of panic, Su Yong forcibly calmed down.

He just learned the ancient martial arts refining technique on the Internet, and now he has the second-rank strength, why should I be afraid of him?

Hmph, it’s just a trash, what a way!

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