My next life as the Winter Fox? I just want a carefree life

69 – Foxes don’t like reunions with idiots

After having my way with the giants my body was really tensed. Not to mention the road up till the demon country wasn’t exactly good. My body was feeling so stiff. So, when we finally reached a decent road, it was time for some sleep. But before I had gone to bed, I had left the strict order of “Don’t you dare wake me up” to the girls. I even added “You know what will happen if you cause a commotion, right?”, although I was doubtful as to whether they had understood such implications. 

At times the lolis can be very naive, but for some reason I have grown to trust them. Gama is also a walking computer, so there should be no need to worry. However, I ended up having to wake up to an uproar.

I could hear the girls shouting left and right, but honestly, at this point they’re the ones that are making the most noise. So I had no choice but to get out of the carriage. I’ll make sure to spank their asses later. Although… recently they seem to be enjoying that. Can it still be considered punishment? I can think of that later. For now…

“Pipe down already. You two are the loudest of them all! For crying out loud, if you must make a noise, can’t you do it quietly?”

What the fuck is going on here? Upon looking, one could see that the outside had been transformed into an illustration of hell. The demon country, that had been peaceful up until this morning, had been reduced to such a state.

As I surveyed my surroundings, various scenes had been reflected in my eyes. Human knights were attacking this place. As I scratched my head, I began to slightly nod several times. I can guess what’s going on. 

I then looked towards where my lolis were standing. Now that’s a powerful Mazoku. I can tell just by looking at him. Although he has the head of a wolf, he’s no puppy, that’s for sure. As for the humans… what the…!? 

Oh for crying out loud!! Out of all the places and timings… what are those 4 idiots doing here?

“Ahh! Crap. Shishou woke up!” (Sasha)

“We’re going to get scolded…” (Stella)

Darn right you are. But first it seems like I gotta deal with this situation. I got closer to them. Doggy was calm and didn’t show any signs of hostility.

“I take it you are the master of these girls? Would you mind if I asked something?” (Equinox)

“What is it?” (Edel)

“Who are you?” (Equinox)

“You know, it’s common manners to give your name first before asking for someone else’s.”

“Fuh. I guess you have a point. Then allow me to introduce myself. I am Equinox, one of the six swords of the Demon King. And you are?”

“Edelweiss. Most people know me as the Winter Fox.”

“Ah, yes. So you are the one. Her Majesty is actually expecting you.”

After confirming that, I once again looked behind at my former classmates. You don’t have to be Einstein to guess what’s happened to them. They most likely didn’t think that things would escalate on this scale. Serves them right for trusting that shitty king blindly. Then again… even if I had my own doubts I fell for their trap as well. And since we were classmates… I guess I can do them a little courtesy and help them keep their heads on their necks.

"Excuse me, doggy, but would you mind letting the 4 insects behind me go? It's clear from the dumb expression on their faces that they had no clue things would escalate this far."

"Surely you jest, miss. They are humans. Moreover they are the Heroes. Regardless of their involvement or not, after the damage they did, do you seriously think we're just gonna ignore them? Why would you want to protect them?"

I took another glance behind me. Their faces were saying that I was their salvation.

"Don't give me that stupid look, you idiots. Although it’s fine to have come all the way here as the country’s puppet, upon waking up to reality, you guys have started to crawl along the ground, huh?"

"Huh!? What are you saying?" (Ichiro)

"Whatever. Consider this as your wake-up call. Hopefully your snail brains will understand eventually."

I once turned towards doggy.

"Look, I don't give shit about them, but I don't approve of passing judgement randomly. So how about we compromise. I'll clean up around here, and in exchange, you won't kill them. Take them as prisoners if you must and at least give them the chance to tell their side of the story."

Doggy pondered for a while.

"By cleaning up, do you mean…"

"Killing every human knight here."

Especially Commander Arthur. I'm not one to hold a grudge, but the moment I saw his face in this chaos, a burning rage started to ignite in me.

"And just what makes you think you alone can achieve such a feat in this mass of chaos?"

"Just what makes you think I can't? Listen, do we have a deal or not?"


Very well. Since you were invited by Her Majesty, I will humor you. You have my word. We will not kill those 4."

"Good. In that case…"

*Fingers snap*

At that signal Gama came next to my side.

"Gama, assess the situation and please kill all the humans around here except for these 4."

"Understood, onee-chan."

"Oi! What's that supposed to mean? You're making another small girl do your job?" (Equinox)

"Did people ever tell you that you bark too much? As if I would even bother drawing my sword against such small fry. Just watch, doggy."

Gama started to levitate in the sky and in a few seconds she calculated and pinpointed every human in the vicinity. She even took into consideration the possible movements and directions they could run. Then, she raised both her hands in the sky and chanted:

"[All Ranged Bloody Rain]!"

A giant red cloud formed in the sky. And from that cloud, a volley of blood arrows hailed upon the ground. But they weren't randomly fired. They specifically targeted only the humans.



"No… please spare…. Aaaaaaa!!!"

The humans screamed in pain as they got impaled by the bloody arrows. Naturally, because they were weak, there was no way they survived that. Even Arthur screamed in pain. Serves him right.

"What… are we witnessing!?" (Ichiro)

"Amazing…" (Kasumi)

"I ain't never seen such a thing…" (Misaki)

"Are we sure we're safe?" (Amane)

The 4 were speechless before the show that was displayed before them. The humans, their companions just got killed, however these guys had mixed feelings at this point.

After confirming the surroundings, Gama landed next to me.

"Mission accomplished. All humans have been successfully killed."

"Great. That just leaves the annoying fires. I guess I'll handle that."

I inhaled deeply and then I let out a large puff. Cold winds assaulted the surroundings and snuffed out all the fires. The demons were speechless. Those who were still capable of fighting wanted to charge towards the heroes, but since we stood in their way and because doggy was also here they refrained.

"To be able to accomplish something like that… just who in the world are you girls?"

"Huh? Are you an idiot? We already introduced ourselves."

"That's not what I meant."

"Whatever. So, continuing from where we left off earlier, your promise still stands?"

"Yeah. We won't harm these humans. We'll only take them prisoners. I am very intrigued about the reason you chose to visit us at a time like this, miss Edelweiss. Then if you don't mind, I will escort you to Her Majesty."

"Fine by me."

Doggy then signaled some demons to come closer and bring some chains and shackles to restrain the Heroes. They couldn't keep up with the events that just happened. They didn't know what to believe anymore. So, without any resistance, they surrendered their weapons and accepted to be captured.

That's actually the smartest thing they've done since I have known them. Now then, let's move on and meet this Demon King. Because doggy referred to her as 'Her Majesty' it's safe to assume she's a girl. Hopefully a cute one.

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