My Mom is a Maternal Slime

Chapter 73: A Tight Transport

Putting Anne's mental trial aside, the rest of the day passes with Viviane's offer to make dinner. Then, after a reminiscent meal imbued with the inherited care of Amy, the four gather into the bedroom for their next dive into Anne's magical realm.

"There's an important question we must answer tonight!" Mary declares, her eyes firm before they change for the night.

Daniel and his two slime mothers stare at the ebony artist. With such expectant eyes, she clears her throat and lifts her chin. "If Daniel and I enter Anne's dream world together with clothes on, will we appear there dressed?"

Indeed, an important question; however, Daniel continues to stare more exasperatedly before raising his hand. "I've got a better one: Where will we end up if one of us sleeps inside Mother?"

The addressed elder slime flinches before shaking her hands. "H-hold on, child! Is it wise to explore another world? That's even if I hold such a place of my own."

Anne crosses her arms, humming. "Well, sister is right. We should first focus on understanding my world with the ominous hole in the sky. Of course, I'm definitely not saying this because I want to hold two lovers snug inside of me. Oh, not at all~"

Mary gasps, her heart leaping just imagining being flushed against her fellow artist and surrounded by Anne on top. Naturally, her inner kinky freak screams out in delight as she tries to compose herself.

"T-that's...I agree. Maybe we should hold off on wearing clothes too. What do you think, love?" she asks by her boyfriend.

Thinning his lips, the reserved artist switches between an eager Anne and Mary, whose corrupt intentions can't be more clear as day.

'Honestly, these two...'

Closing his eyes, he sighs. "Sure, let's go inside Mom together."

Everyone freezes.

"Huh?!" both Anne and Mary sound out at the same time.

Expecting more resistance to such a tight arrangement, they lean forward at him quickly.

"Are you okay, love?" Mary asks first, her eyes concerned. "I'm asking you to be up against me for the rest of the night. It'll be stuffy!"

"Yeah, Mama might do something to you two!"

Daniel raises a brow, then scoffs. "Why are you two trying to discourage now? Regardless of the arrangement, I need to see this tear as well. Also..."

Pausing, he stares at the distant Viviane. She's notably inactive compared to the troubling girls in front of him. Feeling his gaze, she stiffens before closing her eyes reassuringly.

"I-it's okay, child. While you two sleep inside Anne, I'll spend time finishing the book and researching the author."

"Well, if you insist," Daniel gives. "I know that you and Mom can't sleep without being bound mentally to a human anyway. Still, it's possible that we'll eventually need you to visit Anne's domain, considering the changes occurred after you left her."

"Visit? I..."

"Hey!" Mary snaps, drawing her boyfriend's eyes back to her. "Is that really important right now? We don't know enough to be certain whether the situation is dire, but we do know your Mother just came out. Telling her she'll have to go back is insensitive!"

"It's okay, Mary!" Viviane hurriedly cuts before her son can respond. It's clear the young man regrets thinking too far ahead as he rubs his neck in shame. To help, she presses forward and places a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Our child is right, even though I hope that's not necessary. In any case, please don't worry. If it comes to it, I'll do whatever is necessary if we determine my sister is at risk...or, who knows, maybe the world?"

"Ugh, enough of the guessing. We'll do what we can, alright?" Anne urges. She focuses on the humans with a grin. "Now, let's get going! I'm ready to gobble up my son and his sweet Mummy-girlfriend to sleep!"


In one go, Anne's "skin" layer scales back, returning her to a base blue form with clothes fitted. The sudden regression alarms the artists.

"M-mom, what are you doing?" Daniel questions. "If you throw away your layer like that, won't you have to rebuild it again?"

Which in turns costs Anne quite a bit of energy, thus equating to more of Daniel's pantry.

However, Anne places a hand on her hip, puffing her chest up with a shine. "Hu hu, is that what you think?"

Clearly not holding such confidence for no reason, Mary and Daniel squint their eyes. The dark artist is the first to notice a difference in Anne's form from the past.

"Actually, you look...firm? Huh...I don't see a single droop of slime!"

"That's right!" Anne cheers, turning smug. "This is all thanks to Vivi-Mama's transferred experience!"

The elder slime widens her lips. "I should've realized when you created your own blade-arm without an issue. Your cells actually leaning solid now."

"Er, care to elaborate?" Daniel asks.

Somehow, there's always missing details that's brushed aside.

Anne raises a finger. "It's like muscle memory, Daniel. What Mama did before, wrapping myself around, is efficient, but it just makes it so that the rest of my body never learns. Thanks to my sister's time, though, I'm able to use her body's memory for myself!"

"Oh, that's interesting," Mary breathes. "Meaning, your body now defaults to your human mold?"

"Yep, I've naturally firmed up!" the slime mother chirps.

Looking closely, Daniel does see that she looks pretty similar to before, except...well, blue.

"Then, what about your coloring?" he asks on that note.

"That doesn't take too much energy compared to building out a separate layer from scratch. See?"

Anne lifts her hand, which fades into her usual skin tone, then eliminates the pigment. It still amazes Daniel that such colors are just based off his oil paints.

"Without needing to build an explicit layer, it'll be easier to expand myself without worrying about being too dense. Speaking of, watch this...Hup!"

The slime mother tugs off her clothes from the front, making it look like she's ripping it away. In reality, she's seamlessly slipping through the fabric while keeping it intact.

More and more, Daniel feels like he's witnessing a cartoon in the making. While the idea persists in his head, Anne hums, folding her clothes as if the removal were the most normal thing in the world. Next to her, Mary eagerly undresses too with a crooked smile plastered on her face.

Although Daniel stiffens below by the curvy forms before him, he gulps, wondering if his heart can take being intimately squeezed together. In any case, he mustn't back out now. Before he can undress himself, a pair of pale hands slide to his side, reaching down to unbuckle his pants ahead of him.

"Relax, child," Viviane whispers, smiling gently. "While the realm connected to Anne is meant to be taken seriously, it's fine to have some fun towards the destination."

Daniel shivers to the elder slime's touch as he feels her pull his pants down while gliding her cool skin across his back.

"At some point," she continues. "I promise to carry you within me as well, just as my sister has."

"D-didn't you already do that?"

Viviane giggles. "Silly, not as one, but two. Surely, you understand what I mean, my sweet baby~"

Daniel flushes red, and although he hates to admit it, his lips turn just as crooked as Mary. Quickly, though, he tampers himself while clearing his throat.

"I...I'd much prefer you calling me a child than a baby."

"Oh? We'll see how you feel when our time comes."

Daniel sweats lightly, but a light growl takes him out of his moment with the elder slime to see his fellow artist and blue slime mother naked and pouting together.

"Love, flirting so openly in front of Mama and Mummy has limits," Mary chastises.

"Yeah," Anne adds. "Don't take us lightly!"

"As if that's possible," Daniel flatly counters.

The jelly mother harrumphs. "Well, I was trying to figure out how I should arrange you two inside of me, but now I know. Considering your attitude, mister, you'll be placed behind!"


"Aah~ Anne, that tickles!"

[ Larger Res on ]

Now locked to the slime mother, Mary closes one of her eyes as she squeals, clearly enjoying the gooey sensation as her friend extends herself around. On the other hand, Daniel has to take a step back, seeing how quickly a mound rises to take him.

In his last attempt to make peace, he raises his hand up while laughing nervously. "H-hold on, mom. What's with the scary expression? You know I'm kidding and love you, right?"

"Hehehehe...Mama loves you too~"

It doesn't work.

The mound snaps towards him with a single motion of her hand. In turn, Daniel has little time to dodge butt-naked as the blue mass wraps around him, pulling him away from the lake dweller.

Unfortunately, his silver mother doesn't help, and claps instead. "Ooh, quite impressive control, sister."

Anne switches off her devilish play to smile sweetly at her elder sister. "Aw, thank you~"

"Mom, w-what do you mean I'll be placed behind?!" Daniel cuts in, grunting as the slime fully surrounds his and Mary's entire body except for the head. Slowly, they're dragged together, only inches apart from Anne's torso.

"Isn't it obvious? You'll be behind 'Mummy' when Mama keeps you two inside of me. That means all my loving hand caresses will be for your sweet girlfriend tonight. I'm sure she won't mind, right?"

The female artist gasps, her body shivering. "Oh yes! In fact, would you kindly help plug me up with him?"

Daniel inhales sharply, then snaps his head at his more daring partner. "Wait, don't mean..."

She smiles meekly. "This is the perfect chance. We did it a lot before, and with your mother's coat, it'll even be safer. Can it, love?"

Even though Daniel worries about her, who hasn't done anal in a long time, his cock hardens at the thought of returning to her tight entrance that she's known to enjoy.

Too much, in fact.

Although he intended to delay such an act with her, it seems she's determined.

Even Anne has concerns. "Um...Mary, that's going to be quite uncomfortable, won't it?"

"While it's been a while, you should know better than that about me," Mary reminds with a wink. "Plus, I've never felt cleaner in my life without you!"

"Well...alright," the slime mother assents, then turns to her blob-imprisoned son. "Daniel?"

Pressed on his reservations, Daniel thins his lips before at his fellow artist, who smiles back with an innocent blush; however, this is not the correct expression for a woman clearly excited over being bound to each other for the night and fucked in the ass.

'She's insane.'

Yet, that's how she always is.

With a sigh, Daniel relents. "Alright, but let's go slow on this. Also, mom, remember to avoid truly connecting to our bodies."

Anne grumbles. "Annoying, but I know. On the other hand, I'd rather not be shared the pain."

"Hey, it's not that bad~"

"Mom, don't listen to Mary. You know she's not normal," Daniel urges, causing the mentioned artist to laugh.

The slime mother grins. "Hu hu, but neither am I! Let's get you two more acquainted, shall we?"

Slurp! Glorp!

Growing bigger and expanding around the artists, Mary and Daniel groan as they sink together into Anne's cool gel body. As they do, wet noises spill out in their descent along with their increasingly muffled breaths.

"Yes...just relax. Mama will take care of you two," Anne coos, leaving one last kiss to Daniel's head before he sinks further into her gooey depths.

Similarly when she enveloped her son to sleep, she grows even more to account for two. Consumed, the couple appear as silhouettes floating inside of her as she shuffles their bodies around.


Eventually, the two human lovers are aligned, barely visible within a curvier Anne who hosts them like a suit. From between her breasts, one can see the faint outline of Mary's face extruding out.

"You two can breathe fine, right?"

"Y-yes...this is amazing...hah..."

"Oh, fuck. Mom..."

The last is Daniel, more muffled and pleasured by the surrounding slime squeezing his member.

Anne beams. "That's good. Seeing how Daniel is ready, I'll pull you two even closer..."


"Ngh! O-ooh~"

Mary's face extrudes out more as she feels Anne's slime filling her hole, and along with it, her lover's cock from behind as his body flushes against her back.

"S-slow, ungh!"

As Daniel cautions, Mary squirms in delight, wiggling her hips against her boyfriend. Perhaps it's thanks to Anne's slime guiding in, but Daniel's cock fits perfectly. It's as if they never broke up.

"Oh, love! You're...throbbing so hard."


Anne can tell her son is writhing in pleasure to the tightness and warmth of Mary. In turn, the dark artist's head stretches in and out from Anne's chest from the beginning thrusts.

Splish, splish, splish!

"You know, this is horrifying," Viviane admits, arms crossed as she stares at Mary's outline wobbling from Anne's mass like a flopping fish.

Her sister giggles. "I'm a little bigger than I need to be. Maybe it'll be a little less horrifying if I align myself to their combined shape?"

With that said, the slime mother starts optimizing to the two's average height. She first hides much of Daniel's resting head against Mary's shoulder with a thicker layer, then tightens across Mary's frontal contours while doing the same against Daniel's back.


She makes sure her wrapping is not so much that she'll end up diving deep into the two's biology. At the end, she's fitted around their bodies like a glove. The reduction allows Mary's knitted face to show through Anne's head like foggy glass, their lips now aligned.

"How is it?" Anne asks, forcing the movement of the artist's mouth as if they were her own.

The female artist breathes in deeply with fresher air before barely opening her eyes against to see through Anne's view with blue-tinted vision. Her momentary excitement is reduced to a grunt as Daniel continues his small slaps behind her.

Her eyes roll up a little. "A-amazing...ungh."

Anne grins. "I bet you can barely stand. Don't worry, Mama will start moving you two."

Like that, Anne takes control to walk towards the bed, causing Daniel and Mary's legs to bend accordingly. With each step, the two within groan as the movement unintentionally causes Daniel to push deeper into the ebony beauty's ass. It helps that he feels no resistance due to Anne coating her bowels.

"G-god, ugh...fuck! It...hurts so good!" Mary screams, her voice clearer as it escapes Anne's lips.


While Mary enjoys the sensation of her boyfriend, Anne rubs her fitted breasts. With another arm, the slime mother extends to Mary's nether regions, slipping a hand between her folds that drip heavily; all absorbed into the surrounding gel, of course.

The double penetration rocks Mary as she moans louder, her mind slowly loosing it. Behind, Daniel doesn't fair better as Mary's cheeks jiggle around his hips, milking him into utter bliss.

Even though he's mostly flushed against the dark artist, there's enough slime in between to act as a cushion so that they don't feel like they're being crushed together. Moreover, the slime that surrounds them is constantly massaging them into submission.

They can't help but loosen to the slime's control.

Reaching the bedside, Anne hums playfully. "Now, let's just slowly sit down here..."

As she bends further onto the bedside, Daniel cock slides in deep in as their legs match, causing him to tighten his hands around Mary's own.

"H-holy fuck!" Mary groans, her pupils shaking in a mixture of disbelief and lust.

"Ungh, I can't...!"

Like that, Daniel convulses, spurting away into his fellow artist's bowels. Of course, Anne takes it all from within as she hums pleasantly to the two's animalistic noises.

Twitching to their combined movements, the slime mother holds for a bit before reclining on her side across the bed with legs curled. The tightness of their forced spooning remains, but Daniel's cock grows soft with no energy to maintain. Along with it, his eyes flutter as he crashes down from the peak.

"M-mary?" he calls weakly, feeling her own bodily shaking cease.

Worried by how the female artist has suddenly gone quiet, Anne quickly opens her mouth; then sighs with relief as Mary's breath comes through.

"She just passed out after cumming."

"Thank goodness. God, she's...still so tight...and warm."

"Just for the record, I'm not squeezing you from my lining. That's all Mary."

Daniel shivers one last time with that in mind. Then, as he feels his girlfriend's heartbeat passing into his own, his eyes close. He musters some strength to take control of one of their sandwiched arms to wrap around Mary's waist, which doubles for his slime mother.

With one final muffled breath, he holds them both at the same time and within the same space. Such a binding is beyond a position he'd imagine himself to be in; however, Mary had been interested in a little bondage play.

Obviously, nothing was ever realized like this.

"Go to sleep, my baby," Anne urges, her voice warm. "You wouldn't want Mary to be alone in my world, would you?"

The artist easily falls to such words and nestles his face further into Mary's shoulder, kissing her skin. For now, he just enjoys his counterpart's warmth and mother's cushion as he drifts away.

It would seem his slime mother has truly glued them together.

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