My little mother is the richest man in the universe

Chapter 24 The Reaction of All Parties in Jiangcheng

Chapter 24 The Reaction of All Parties in Jiangcheng

Chapter 24 The Reaction of All Parties in Jiangcheng

The actions of the New World Group were a big commotion in the entire Jiangcheng. The passers-by on the street and the white-collar workers at work instantly refreshed their awareness of the New World Group.

On that day, it seemed that with Mayor Xin's intentional help and the government's green light, New World Group also saved a lot of money.And this move made some important people in Jiangcheng also smell something unusual, and they avoided it one after another. On this day, the New World Group has been pushed to the forefront in Jiangcheng.

Under these circumstances, the enclosure, acquisition, and demolition of the New World Group have become extremely simple.

Except for the land in some commercial areas around the school, the rest of the land that can be bought out basically belongs to the New World Group now.And this feat made the local digital capitalists in Jiangcheng restless, and they sat together to discuss the next countermeasures.

Ace Hotel.A hotel located in the center of Jiangcheng City, has received business predators from all walks of life, and even some high-ranking officials in China.Such a hotel is not open inside and out.But today, a group of prominent people sit in the VIP room in the hotel.If the locals in Jiangcheng saw this scene, they would definitely exclaim: With so many local entrepreneurs gathered together, is Jiangcheng going to change?
"What do you think about the New World Group?"

In the banquet hall, a middle-aged man with a curly back first broke the atmosphere of silence. After speaking, the middle-aged man looked at the five business owners in front of him, waiting for them to express their views.

Hearing this, the faces of the five middle-aged people on the round table became a little ugly, their eyes flickered, and they were thinking about each other in their hearts.

"President Cao, this..."

"I don't think he can do much in the new world."

"Mr. Cao, why don't we take a look at it now?"


The few people present talked about irrelevant issues in a few words, and none of them wanted to be involved in this storm. They played sloppy eyes in the banquet hall, thinking that it would be best to be alone.

Cao Tianming, who is called Mr. Cao, has been feeling a little uneasy since he heard that Zhang Cheng is behind the New World Group and the actions of New World Group these days.Seeing the reactions of these people, anger welled up in his heart.Cao Tianming pointed to a middle-aged man in front of him and said:

"Mr. Ding, think about it. Although the current New World Group is only enclosing land, the land he encloses will definitely be developed in the end. And your company is not far from the eastern suburbs. It doesn't affect it now, but After a long time, the new world will gradually grow bigger, can you still guard your one-acre three-point field?"

After Cao Tianming finished speaking, seeing Mr. Ding fell into silence, a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he said: "And you, Mr. Wang, you should know what industry Zhang Cheng started from scratch three years ago. It is the comics industry. After the collapse of his Earth Group, he has now established a New World Group. Think about it, when his group grows bigger, he will definitely enter the comics industry. At that time, will there be any business with your company? And in the end , your company will also face bankruptcy."

After talking so much, Cao Tianming took a sip of tea and said: "Everyone, the most important point. You all understand in your heart how the Earth Group went bankrupt back then. How dare you say that you have nothing to do with it? So, think about it now. Bar."

Although what Cao Tianming said was too harsh, it was also true. Several bosses present looked at each other and fell into silence.

Cao Tianming, an outsider, became popular in Jiangcheng. Earlier, he had constant conflicts with Zhang Cheng's Earth Group. Fortunately, after the bankruptcy of Earth Group, his company skyrocketed and became Jiangcheng's leading large company, but Gass was inevitable. Group help.Ever since he heard about Zhang Chengshi, the owner behind New World Group, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.He then contacted these companies that Zhang Cheng had had conflicts with before. To be precise, Cao Tianming would bet on whether these people would stand by his side after listening to his words.

Cao Tianming didn't want to imagine that if Zhang Cheng's New World Group developed again, his life would definitely not be easy.I don't know what he thought, but after listening to Cao Tianming's words, the people present felt restless and slightly hairy.They were also afraid that if Zhang Cheng really developed to that point again, not to mention the company closing down, they would also be doomed.After all, when Zhang Cheng went bankrupt, they didn't make much use of loopholes.

"Mr. Cao, since you have said so, my company, Xinli, will naturally advance and retreat with you."

After a while, President Ding of Xinli Company lit the cigarette in his hand and took a sharp puff. He looked at Cao Tianming in front of him, his eyes hesitated for a while, and considering the giant Gas Group behind Cao Tianming, he still chose to stand on the side of Cao Tianming. On the one hand, we should resist the new world together, or we will have a hard time in the future.

Hearing this sound, Cao Tianming's hanging heart was finally relieved, he made the right bet.These people, like themselves, felt a little uneasy about Zhang Cheng's new world.

With one person taking the lead, the rest of the people also became calm.

"Mr. Cao, don't worry, Dayang Company will advance and retreat with you."

"I have also decided, Mr. Cao, my Haitian company will advance and retreat with you."

"Brother Cao, my Blue Dream Company will always stand behind you."

"My Mandarin company..."


These people could vaguely guess something in their hearts, and they expressed their determination one by one to advance and retreat with Cao Tianming's Tianman Group.

"Boss Cao, what should we do now?"

Following the sound of this voice, the eyes of several people could not help but shift to Cao Tianming.

After Cao Tianming thought for a few seconds, he said in a deep voice:

"Since everyone believes in me so much, everyone's benefits will be indispensable after the event is completed. We have so many companies united together, so naturally we are not afraid of Zhang Cheng. We are also the bosses of one company, and you all understand the truth. I hope that the bosses will not have any What nonsense. What Cao said is a bit ugly, please don't pay attention to it."

"It's okay, it's okay, just do what you want."

"that is……"


Everyone nodded, and Cao Tianming said, "There is a commercial area in the eastern suburbs, and it must be worth a lot."

The other boss knew a little bit, and quickly added: "By the way, I also heard that the government is going to open bidding for this piece of land in Jiangcheng."

Hearing this, Cao Tianming nodded: "That's right. What I want to say is that no matter how much it costs, anyone can take this piece of land. Anyway, New World can't take it. Otherwise, it will be..."

The crowd joined in.

In the following time, several people proposed some measures against the New World Group, which made everyone feel good.

"It's Mr. Cao's idea. In this way, New World Group's capital chain will definitely be broken..."

"Yes, as long as Zhang Chengyi has no money, his group will naturally face bankruptcy."


(End of this chapter)

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