Chapter 57: We're almost over
Later at midnight…
Varakiel: hmph the demon king only knows how to waste man power.
Varakiel says as he stands in a pile of demon corpses.
Varakiel: now let's see who is the culprit of these infiltrations…
Varakiel then uses sacred necromancy on the strongest demon.
Demon: gahaaa i-i am alive!?
Varakiel: you won't for long if you don't tell me who sent you….
Varakiel says to the revived demon.
Demon: s-seresdina, ahhh stop why i can't stop speaking!!
Varakiel: where is she?
Demon: inside t-the church of eris nearby, ahhhhh!!!.
Varakiel: hmph…you can leave , but you are not allowed to say to anyone what happened, or else you will die the moment you mutter a single word about this.
Demon: ahhhh!!
The demon runs away.
Varakiel: So she is here.
Varakiel then changes to a dark outfit.
Varakiel: two can play that game demon king.
Varakiel then vanishes in the veil of the night…
The next day…
Varakiel: and thats how it is.
Varakiel was talking to claire and rain.
Claire: a-a demon king general so nearby!
Rain: n-no wonder they could infiltrate so easily she was even a human….this matter can't be made public.
Varakiel: don't worry there were no traces left.
Varakiel says as he makes a kindle with his finger.
Rain: d-did you really had to burn the church?
Varakiel: mhm, i bet eris will forgive me if it was for the greater good.
Suddenly a piece of wood from the ceiling lands on varakiel head.
Varakiel: ow.
Claire: ah! Sorry about that sir varakiel,
someone was supposed to fix the ceiling before.
Rain: so unlucky.
Salamander: (heheheh even a goddess like her would get mad after all.)
Varakiel: anyways that's all for the report now there are 2 demon generals left….
Claire: i-incredible.
Rain: w-wait, ¿2? Beldia, vanir , hans, the mysterious lich, sylvia, seresdina, wolbach and the white one….how do you know there are 2 left?
Varakiel: guess, heheheh.
Varakiel says with a smile.
Claire: amazing did you defeated others generals already!?
Varakiel: quite, but yeah.
Iris suddenly rams in the conference room….
Iris: not fair, varakiel should be telling me about his adventures!
Varakiel: hahaha.
Iris: then what else?
Varakiel: then my Little brother bravely charged forward to face the 4 heavenly knights of the monster lord.
Iris: awesome!
Iris says with bright eyes.
Iris: master varakiel thank you very much for telling me about all this adventures…but i think is time for you to go back, your party must be very worried.
Varakiel: don't think about it, i haven't made iris call me big brother yet after all, heheheh.
Iris: b-big brother?
Varakiel: mhm, i already consider you part of my family child, so is okay to call me anyway you want.
Iris: r-really? Then b-big brother please keep playing with me more!
Varakiel: of course~.
3 days later….
Varakiel: alright iris is time for me to leave.
Iris: a-already?
Varakiel: don't worry i promise i will come back to play whenever you feel lonely, here take this.
Varakiel hands several teleport balls to iris.
Varakiel: if you ever are in danger, have troubles or feel lonely, grab one of these and think of me and i will directly appear in front of you~.
Iris: e-eh!? Such item exist!? Awesome big brother! Thank you!.
Iris then hugs varakiel.
Varakiel: heheheh, everything for my little sister, then I'll go, may luck bless you my child.
Varakiel then vanishes from iris view.
Iris: t-teleport without chanting, big brother is very powerful!