My Japanese Childhood Friend Is Too Flirty

chapter 63

62. August, Growing Bolder with Each Passing Day…. My Childhood Friend. (2)

*Beep beep beep, deelee-leek-.*

“Yep, it’s open. Come on in, Woo-joo~chan!”

“Excuse me….”

After school.

Following Aki as promised, I stepped awkwardly into her house, offering a stilted greeting.

“Heung, why so stiff? It’s not like it’s your first time~”

Aki, ahead of me, patted my shoulder, a giggle escaping her lips.

“Well, I mean…”

It’s true, it wasn’t. But other than that visit with Aki’s parents at the start of vacation, I hadn’t been here in a while, hence the slight awkwardness.

So, that saying about growing distant from those you’re not close to must be true.

Lost in these useless thoughts, I cleared my throat once, glanced around aimlessly, and then carefully slipped off my shoes.

Aki, looking utterly at ease, brushed past me, beckoning with her right hand as if to say, *Come here*.

“Woojoo~chan, what would you like to drink? I have zero Coke and zero Cider.”

“Oh, zero Cider exists?”

“Yup, been out for a bit now. Curious? Wanna try it?”

“Uh-huh, I’m curious. Zero Cider, please.”

“Heung, got it. I’ll grab the drinks and some snacks and bring them, so head to my room first!”

I nodded, meaning *I understand*.

And as instructed, I walked to Aki’s door, grabbed the handle, and cautiously turned it, stepping inside.



The scene in Aki’s bedroom had subtly changed.

The furniture arrangement and interior design were the same as a few months ago, but there was a bear plushie I hadn’t seen before perched on the head of her bed.

What is it, did she buy a new one?

Overcome by curiosity, I approached it for a closer look.

The design was a typical plushie, covered in brown fur. A plastic necklace hung around its neck, something was written in tiny letters.

[Joowoojoo upside down is still Joowoojoo♡]


What’s this?

Without realizing it, I frowned.

Really, who uses someone’s name for such a lame joke……


“Woojoo~chan, *atashi* is here~”

Then, Aki wriggled her way in through the opening of the door.

Aki, carrying a tray laden with snacks and drinks, spotted me in front of the bear, and approached with a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

“Heheh, were you looking at our Uju?”


“This, this doll’s name is Uju, you see.”


“For reference, it’s a name taken from Uju~chan…!”


Well, of course it would be.

“…You said the computer’s broken. This is it, right?”

In any case, arguing about the doll any further would be pointless.

Having run out of things to say, I subtly changed the subject, settling into the chair in front of the desk, and Aki came to my side, turning on the monitor power.

“What are the symptoms?”

“When I turn on the internet, strange ads pop up, and it connects to sites I didn’t even go to, and sometimes it shuts down all by itself.”

“Hmm, is that so?”

Pop-up ads, unwanted reboots, huh?

Just hearing the symptoms, it sounds like a textbook case of malware infection. I bet if I just ran a scan with Windows Defender, infected files would be sprouting up like mushrooms after rain.

“How did it end up like this?”

“I don’t really know. It kept telling me to install things, so I did, but I don’t think it’s because of that…”

“…It *is* because of that.”

“Ah, really? It’s because of that?”

“I’m not entirely sure, but I’d say it’s probably eighty or ninety percent likely…”

These days, the performance of the built-in antivirus software is so good that it filters out almost everything. The fact that it’s been infected with malware anyway means it’s highly likely that the user, Aki, ignored the Windows warnings and installed some strange file willy-nilly.

“Then what should I do? Huh, don’t tell me I have to buy a new computer…?!”

“Hold on, I’ll fix it for you now…”

First, I’ll run a scan with the antivirus software and disinfect it, and if that doesn’t work, I’ll just wipe it clean with a format. It’s just a matter of whether it takes a little more time or not; there’s a solution for everything, you see.

I first ran a quick scan with Windows Defender.

And then.

[Running Quick Scan…]

[31280 files scanned.]

[21 Threats Detected.]

[Alert Level: High]

[Action Required.]


The sheer volume of ‘threats’ popping up was a first for me.

It’s not usually this bad. What in the world did she do to end up with so many infected files?

I was morbidly curious about the process, but first, I had to isolate and cleanse the files. My top priority was getting Aki’s computer back to normal.

[Threats Being Removed…]

[Operation Complete.]

[0 Threats Detected.]

And on top of that, I installed an extra vaccine and an ad blocker. The surest thing would be to use a high-performance paid antivirus program, but we couldn’t afford that. So, installing the free antivirus, Avast, and an ad blocker with ad-blocking capabilities should prevent the same problem from recurring.


[You’re Protected]

[No Threats Found]

“There, done. It should be as good as new now.”

“Huh? That was so fast?”

“Yeah, nothing pops up when you go on the internet, right?”

To confirm, I accessed several sites and showed Aki.

Google, Naver news articles, shopping, and so on. I clicked on more than a dozen links, but just like Aki said, no pop-up ads appeared, and we weren’t redirected to any strange sites.

“See? It’s fixed, right?”

“Uh-huh, I think so. Thank you, Woo-joo~chan!”

“No need to thank me… Ah, but.”

A thought belatedly occurred to me.

What kind of site was Aki on, and what did she download to end up storing so much malware on her computer?

That suddenly made me curious, so I looked up at Aki and asked.

“Umm, do you want to see it… yourself?”

“Yeah, what is it?”

Aki, looking somehow hesitant, took hold of the mouse and keyboard instead of me, clicking and clacking away.

She typed “[s*xy cosplay]” into Google and accessed one of the search results.

And then…

Right away, something felt amiss.

The monitor glowed with a garish homepage, thumbnails plastered with models in outfits that, to put it crudely, gave off a rather *interesting* vibe.

“The *buruma* I bought last time felt too tight in the chest, so I was looking for sites that sold bigger sizes. But in Korea, it’s hard to find sizes that fit me comfortably. So I looked for some foreign ones, like this…”

Aki scrolled through the site slowly, showcasing various outfits while glancing sideways at me.

“There was this *really* cute one, and when I clicked on it, it told me I had to download something to see the outfit details…? So I did what it said, but then, like, these weird sites kept popping up…”


Ah, I see.

So that’s what happened…

Hearing her out, it made sense. Well, Aki *is* rather blessed, figure-wise.

Even her designated school uniform is always too tight, she’s always complaining it’s too small. So cosplay outfits, which are usually smaller than normal clothes, must be even more uncomfortable.

‘…But still.’

Just how endowed *does* she have to be, to say that even Korean sizes are too tight…?

Overcome by a curiosity I couldn’t quite vocalize, I stole a glance at Aki.

As if sensing my gaze, Aki fidgeted with the top button of her school uniform shirt, pulled taut across her chest.


As if she’d be willing to show me, just a little, if I asked.

Her cheeks flushed slightly, she peeked at me.

Unbuttoning the very top button, revealing a clear collarbone, and a glimpse of the space between her br*easts.

A space that looked like it could easily accommodate a man’s finger, a part of her I knew better than to put into words, shown off almost casually.

“Around a 65H… Sometimes a 65I.”


“For girls, there’s a time of the month when our br*easts get a little bigger… Guys wouldn’t really know.”


Revealing a secret known only to women, one I, a man, could never comprehend.

And as if that wasn’t enough, she boldly climbed onto my lap, straddling my thighs, turning her back to me and settling down.



“You fixed my computer… As a reward…”

As Repayment…?

“Ujoo~chan, I want to do any cosplay you want…. Would that be okay?”


So that’s what the repayment was.

And here I was, expecting something else… again.

It’s not like I haven’t rejected a perfectly set table before, and yet I went and got my hopes up for something… inappropriate. I cleared my throat a couple of times.

I thought I was hiding it pretty well, but Aki must have seen right through me.

“Hehe, why? Disappointed that I’m not seducing you…?”

“…No, it’s nothing.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be wearing whatever you pick and seducing you later….”


She’ll wear whatever I pick and come to seduce me.

Even though I’m stuck in this situation, unable to accept the generous offerings because of my age.

That’s that, and this is this.

Aki’s offering to cosplay and show it to me, rejecting that would just make me a total idiot.

I might not be able to touch her waist, back, hands, or face, but looking is still free…. It really would be okay to pick whatever I want, right?

“Alright, pick one. Ujoo~chan.”

“Really pick…?”

“Yeah, really. Anything’s fine.”

“…….Okay, then.”

Without holding back, I grabbed the mouse.

And scrolled down, slowly looking through the available cosplay outfits.

[Lingerie, Lace Babydoll Sleepwear]

[‘Come Here Daddy & Please in side’ Strappy Lingerie]

[nun, mischievous anime maid high slit s*xy dress]

[Schoolgirls Roleplay Lingerie, for hot night]

[French Apron, with garter belt and Lingerie]

Lace lingerie, strappy lingerie, nun-style lingerie, school uniform lingerie, maid outfit lingerie…….

I don’t really know why they all have “lingerie” in the name.

Actually, I think I do know.

This site seemed to specialize in…well, lingerie-esque garments. The thumbnails were all half-naked models flaunting their figures, that sort of thing.

“They’re all a little…racy, aren’t they?”

“Yeah, well. It’s cosplay, so…”

Aki’s voice wavered just slightly.

These overtly revealing outfits, she must find them a bit much too.

She didn’t say it, but I vaguely sensed Aki’s inner thoughts and scrolled further down to see other costumes.

Going deeper, I found [s*xy Bunny Lingerie], [Kimono Lingerie], [Lingerie Swimsuit] and the like; things that were a little more wholesome, yet still… alluring.

But even these were far more explicit compared to the bloomers she’d worn before.

When you’ve seen it all, you can show each other without a care, but for us, who’ve only k*ssed, showing something like this would be…

Slightly embarrassing.



I glanced sideways.

At Aki.

Was she thinking the same thing? She was just fidgeting with her fingers, watching me out of the corner of her eye.

“Aki, maybe we should just…”

Forget the whole thing.

…I was about to say.

“What about…this one?”

Aki pointed at something with her finger.

A maid outfit, with a deeply plunging neckline and a perilously small frilly skirt.

And with the addition of cat ears, it seemed to be a cosplay outfit going for a cat waitress concept, but when it came to the degree of exposure, it was much tamer than everything we’d seen so far.

If the previous ones were somewhere between PG-13 and R-rated, this one felt like it was just barely PG-13.

“…Well, it’s…okay, I guess.”

“Should we buy it…?”


I didn’t say a word.

Because the primal instinct within me was whispering.

*This much is fine, right? There’s no need to stop her…*

“……Hehe, okay.”


Aki tucked the maid outfit into the shopping basket.

“This… it’s from a foreign site, so it’ll take about a week to arrive… until then, bear with it a little, Uju~chan. Well then.”

Aki gently stroked my shoulder.

“I’ll show you something good later. …Okay?”


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