My Japanese Childhood Friend Is Too Flirty

chapter 59

58. A Childhood Friend’s, For the Sake of Seduction… (1)

The day after a two-day, one-night trip to the water park, the time around midday.

Perhaps due to the fatigue accumulated from the trip, I woke up a bit later than usual, and I was eating cereal for brunch.

Since it’s made of grains and rich in nutrients, and the preparation method is simple, I’ve been eating only this every morning since I started living alone.

“Mmm, delicious…”

As expected, whole grain cereal.

While exclaiming with my mouth, I used my hands to turn on an entertainment program that ended a while ago on my cell phone.

During the semester, I absolutely couldn’t do this unless it was the weekend because time was tight, but since it’s vacation, there’s time to spare, so it’s possible to do things like this even on weekdays.

‘Waking up and watching Infinite Challenge while eating cereal….’

─Filsung! I can do!

─Reporting the evening roll call headcount for Dorm 8! Uh, a total of six, hyung, six of us…!



Ah, this scene, no matter how many times I watch it, it’s a guaranteed laugh.

I smiled like a fool and crunched on my cereal. And I thought to myself. If I could have a perpetual vacation like this, I wouldn’t wish for anything more.

But, something like that is probably impossible…….

“……Ah, all gone.”

While watching a variety show and eating cereal, I had finished a whole bowl without realizing it.

Slowly getting up, I went to the kitchen, filled the bowl with water, and began the preliminary preparations to put it in the dishwasher──.

-Wooong, woo-oong!

The sound of my cellphone vibrating.

I’m the only one living in this house, so it’s obviously mine. Without giving it much thought, I approached my phone and checked who had sent me a message at this hour.

“A group chat….”

Looking at it, it wasn’t a personal message, but a group chat. The basketball crew chat that we basketball players created,

The first message seemed to be from Sungmin, but there was a lot of conversation, so it took a while to read through it all.

[Yo you guys see this]

[A friend from the next class just sent it, Ju Uju’s girlfriend’s profile pic is legit a legend lol]

[Why what is it]

[? What’s up]

[Don’t ask, just look at the photo, you gotta see it for yourselves]

[Gotta upload it to see it]

[Hold on uploading it outside so it’s not going up fast]

[Ah it’s done]



[Woah, no way]

[Damn Ju Uju]

[@JuUju You son of a b*tch]

[Are you even human @JuWooju]

[Fucking figures, no wonder you weren’t reading your messages even when I asked for a duo queue]

[If this son of a b*tch is still with his girlfriend, give me a like ㅋㅋ]


[Woke up suddenly feeling like shit]

[@JuWooju @JuWooju @JuWooju @JuWooju @JuWooju @JuWooju @JuWooju]

[Explain yourself JuWooju]





What in the world is this chaotic situation…?

I thought I’d finally caught up, but the messages keep pouring in.

Mostly, it’s a barrage demanding my explanation, but still not quite grasping the situation, before answering, I scroll all the way to the top to review things from the start.

“…They’re saying my girlfriend’s profile picture is legendary?”

Could they be talking about Aki?

Well, of course, there’s no other girl that they could mistake for my girlfriend other than Aki.

Anyway, what in the world is so wrong with her profile picture that everyone’s cursing and tagging me like this?

[Updated Profile 2]

[Nam Jaehyun]

[Aki-nim, the prettiest, cutest, and s*xiest in the world♡]


I can never quite get used to Aki’s profile name, no matter how many times I see it.

Of course, I didn’t save Aki like that myself. Aki grabbed my phone and forced me, more or less, to enter her profile name like this, long and messy as it is.

“…Let’s see.”

I pressed and held Aki’s profile picture, the small icon.

The screen zoomed in, revealing Aki’s updated profile photo.

The background is a bed in a hotel room.

In the photo, I’m completely out cold, my stomach bare.

Next to me, in a shower gown, Aki is lying down and k*ssing my cheek while half hugging me.

Truly, a snapshot that seemed so affectionate, one that would likely have anyone thinking Aki and I were lovers, awash in a saccharine sweetness.



This wasn’t it…

“…What is this.”

Just when did she take a picture like this…?!

A step too late in my surprise, I widened my eyes and examined the photo.

The man in the photo was undeniably me, and the woman was, without a doubt, Aki.

Which meant, while I was slumbering, Aki took a picture like this…?

‘No, what the—’

-Wooong, wooong, wooong!

[@JuwooJu @JuwooJu @JuwooJu @JuwooJu @JuwooJu]

[Hey, you son of a b*tch]

[Saw your 0, explain it quick]


[No, nevermind, don’t explain, I’ll kill you when you come]

[See your face and I’m starting with a football to the head, lmao]

[Sigh, fuckin’ life]

[Intro someone plz]


Today was not the day to read the group chat.

No, it felt like I shouldn’t even have my phone turned on.

Ignoring the countless demands for explanation, I pressed the back button and opened the one-on-one chat with Aki.

[Wooju-chan, sleep well~~~♡]

[Yeah, you too]

Just the night before we exchanged sweet and tender goodnights, yet she went and s*cker-punched me like this from behind…?

I pressed down, suppressing the trembling that came from the realization that I’d been had by Aki, and tapped out a message on my phone’s keyboard.


[What’s with the profile picture?]

[Ah, you saw?]

[How is it? Came out well, right? Hehehehehe]

[Yeah, it came out well… but when did you even take this? You didn’t tell me you were taking pictures of me.]

[If I told you, you’d make me delete it, wouldn’t you? That’s why I didn’t~]

Well, that’s true, but still.

[Can you take it down as your profile picture?]

[Nope, can’t do.]

[Why not?]

[Because it’s *my* prerogative…!]

[Want to get a smackdown, Aki…?]

[Gasp, how are you going to punish me? Surely not, could it be, in a slightly naughty way~?!]


[Hehe, your reaction is so delicious.]

[……If you keep it up, people will misunderstand.]

[What kind of misunderstanding~?]

[Well, you know….]

Naturally, they’d get all sorts of ideas. That Aki and I are close enough to take pictures like this without any awkwardness, or that we’re in a similar relationship. Something along those lines….

[They’ll have a lot of weird assumptions, right. ……You wouldn’t like that, would you?]

[*I* wouldn’t dislike it?]

[You wouldn’t dislike it?]

[Nope, why would I? I’d absolutely *love* it if the other kids misunderstood like that♡]

[……Why would you love it?]

[Why *do* you think? Hehehehehe]

Right, why is that.

No matter how hard I think, I really don’t know the reason.

But I feel like I might actually know it…….

If I act like I know, I won’t be able to handle the aftermath, so I decided to pretend I didn’t, even if I did, and sent just one line.

[Just keep it up for today, then take it down tomorrow….]

[Hahaha, okay. But, Uju~chan!]


[Can I come over to Uju~chan’s place for dinner later?]

[Doesn’t matter, but why?]

[I have something I want to show you, hehe]

[Really? What is it?]

[You’ll see when I get there!]

[Hmm, alright. Contact me before you come over]

[Okay okay, just wait a little! Uju~chan~~♡]

* * *

Ding-dong, ding-dong-.

─Uju~chan, atashi’s here!

“You’re here early…”

Aki had arrived before I could even finish cleaning the house. I stopped tying up the trash bag and went towards the entryway, opening the door.


“Welcome, Aki.”

“Yeah, Uju~chan, konnichiwa. Were you cleaning?”

“Yeah, but I’m almost finished. Just have to wrap things up, so come on in and sit down.”

Aki, bundled up in a surprisingly warm, rather long-hemmed outer coat despite it being summer, entered my house.

As I had always done, I led Aki to the sofa, sat her down, and moved to finish the cleaning I had been in the middle of.

“I have something cold and something hot, what do you want to drink?”

“Hmm, atashi wants something cold!”

Something cold, huh. I do happen to have something just perfect.

I grabbed a grape-flavored canned drink─I checked two, three times this time that it really was a drink─for Aki, and water for myself, and went back to the living room.

I placed them on the table and sat facing Aki.

“Here you go.”

“Eung, thankyou~”

Glug glug glug.

Aki emptied half of the grape-flavored canned drink in a single gulp.

The atmosphere had relaxed considerably, and I, cautiously, brought up the subject.

“Come to think of it, Aki, didn’t you say you had something you wanted to show me?”

“Ah, that…? …Hehe.”


Why break off mid-sentence and then smile? It makes me uneasy for no reason.

“I was going to show you after dinner… But do you want to see it now?”

“Hmm, I don’t really know what it is… But unless showing it takes a while, wouldn’t it be better to see it right away?”

“……Alright. Then I’ll show you now.”

With a *thump*, Aki rose from her seat.

“Can I borrow the bedroom for a bit, Woo-joo~chan?”

“Huh? Ah, uh-huh.”


Aki gave a meaningful chuckle, slowly shuffled over, and *thwack*, closed the bedroom door behind her.


I don’t know why she keeps smiling.

Judging by the way she was talking and her generally suspicious attitude, she seems to have prepared *something*.

Though what that something is, I have no idea…

“……Ah, thirsty.”

Not knowing her intentions makes me nervous for no reason, and now I’m parched.

I chugged, gulping down a mouthful of water in one go.

Then, a cool sensation surged through my chest, as if stirring everything up inside…





Before I knew it, a cough burst out.

Aki’s outfit after borrowing the bedroom…


That’s right, the short and…dare I say, *s*xy* type of clothing we commonly know as ‘bloomers’ was what she was wearing.

“How is it…?”


Incredibly s*xy and cute.

Just how was she so, specifically, s*xy and cute? First, the clear tan line tracing her bikini line looked s*xy.

The swell of her chest and the line of her ribs, peeking out from beneath the top, looked indescribably cute.

And beneath that, her smooth, pale thighs, impossible to hide with those short shorts, practically hot pants.


Seriously, her thighs…

Not joking, I wanted to lick them, just a little, with my tongue.

The kind of perverted impulse that, if I said it out loud, would get me slapped by Aki on the spot. They looked so fair and firm.

“Heh, do I…look good enough to be impressed…?”

“…Huh? Ah, uh-huh. …Y-yeah, you look good.”

Too good, too cute, too s*xy, even outrageous, so for a moment, I doubted if what I was seeing was even real…?

Aki in a bloomer uniform.

This was a crime.

A crime on the level of state power.

“…But, what’s this for?”

“You said, Uchu~chan, that you wanted to see it, didn’t you…you told me…?”


She was talking about when I accidentally got drunk that time.

Since there hadn’t been any mention of it since, I figured she’d forgotten about it, just something said while tipsy.

But that wasn’t the case…

I was surprised that she remembered it, twice as surprised that she actually wore it, and then, a third surprise, I couldn’t take my eyes off her, her chest and ribs rising and falling with her faint breaths, it looked too damn s*xy.



“How is it? Do you…want to pounce on me now…?”



I forced myself to swallow what I was about to say.

I’d managed to hold back even while k*ssing her in the same bed.

Just because she showed me a bloomer outfit, if I caved in right away, I’d look like a fool…

“Heh, you’re not saying anything…?”

“…Nah, it’s nothing.”

“I don’t necessarily have to say it, right?”

Just as I was about to answer like that, Aki flashed a strange smile and breezed past me.

“Woo-joo~chan, from now on, I’ll be preparing dinner in this outfit, okay?”


“So, if Woo-joo~chan suddenly feels like pouncing on Atashi, you can just give Atashi a little hug from behind then.”

“…What happens if I hug you?”

“Hmm, if you hug me…”

Aki glances up at me, slightly.

“You can eat something other than dinner, that’s what. …Hehe.”


I absolutely mustn’t hug her.

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