Chapter 13: Royally Good Reads (2)
Paulina turned to Sarina, her doll-like blue eyes narrowing. "How can you say something like that? You know he's only pretending to be into men so as to not get in Nathaniel's way." Nathaniel, their oldest son who was born from Sarina, was named as heir to the throne three years prior.
"Lina, dear, you should know how stubborn your son is. When he says he's going to do something, he does it. That's why he's pretending to be average at swordplay, average at magic, and so on. And he'll continue with this ridiculous act until the day he dies."
"I know that," Paulina sighed. "But I still do not believe he is attracted to men, even though I know he will stubbornly marry one."
Sarina knew that Paulina was not against same-sex couples, she just wasn't able to accept her son's constant hiding of himself.
"Is that why you have your aide write all those books with a male lead based on your son? The ones where he falls for the pretty, noble girl?" Sarina teased her best friend and sister-wife.
Paulina reddened in the face, her cheeks taking on a beautiful shade of pink. "You knew?"
Sarina nodded her head as an answer. It wasn't hard to figure out that Paulina had been secretly publishing books based on her son. She wasn't the only one who did it. Sarina's son, Nathaniel, had hired a secret writer to write fluffy romance stories about Mikyle. The two of them believed that doing this would help expose Mikyle's good side to the outside world.
What Sarina meant by his good side was the non-prankster side to him, the side that those outside of their family did not get to see; the sincere, hardworking, and stubborn side.
"Don't look so embarrassed," Sarina teased Paulina. "Nathaniel does it too."
Sarina nodded. I also write books about him, quite popular ones. But of course they're popular. With the male lead having Mikyle's good-looks and playful attitude. . .and of course, all the steamy bedscenes, it would be hard for the novels to not be a big hit. And unlike Paulina, the love interest is always a man, which meant that it attracted the attention of a lot of women, both of noble and common birth, giving me a wide reader base.
Paulina sighed, her face finally returning to normal. "Now I know where Mikyle learned his attitude from," she grumbled.
Sarina was unable to deny her words. They were, in fact, the truth. But Sarina and Paulina would have never married the same man if Sarina hadn't been the way she was.
"Stop fidgeting, you look beautiful," Sarina assured her best friend.
She and her friend Paulina were at a ball being held in the Royal Palace to celebrate the successful return of the kingdom's only prince, Crown Prince Asher de Valron. He had been participating in the Continental War, and had just returned the week prior after the war ended in victory.
Paulina removed her hand from her head, where it had been brushing back a piece of silky blonde hair. "Thank you, but you are the one who is beautiful."
Sarina was dressed in a red and black fishtail gown with an illusion neck-line. It showed off all of her excellent features as it stuck to her slender body like a glove. Her red hair was style back with a black diamond hair accessory, and her make-up was on point.
She looked over at her friend who could be the picture-perfect storybook heroine. Paulina's silky blonde hair had a gentle wave to it and her crystal-blue eyes were very doll-like. Her slender figure had ample curves that were hidden by her white a-line gown with a halter neck-line. Pink flowers accented the waist of the gown.
Sarina placed a hand on the side of her chin and tilted her face as she sighed. "You look like a fairytale heroine while I look like a villain."
"Don't say that!" Tears pricked the corners of Paulina's eyes, making her appear even more beautiful.
The chatter in the ballroom grew excited just then. Sarina turned toward the entrance to find a dashing young man with hair that glistened like gold and sharp eyes that were reminiscent of freshly cut rubies.
"Wow," Sarina breathed out. Without a doubt, the handsome man was Crown Prince Asher.
The prince navigated the room for a few minutes before his eyes landed on Sarina. With confidence that only a prince could muster, he walked up to Sarina and Paulina.
"I am Asher Velron, Crown Prince of the Velron Kingdom," he greeted them with a bow. "May I have the honor of knowing your name?"
Sarina and Paulina both curtsied. "I am Sarina Aaronson, daughter of Duke Aaronson. My friend is Paulina Williams, daughter of Marquess Williams." Sarina introduced them even though the prince hadn't asked for Paulina's name.
"May I have the honor of having this dance?" He held his arm out to Sarina.
Sarina took a good look at the handsome man, knowing that he would be the best marriage candidate that any young noble lady could find. "I would be honored, only if you agree to dance with my friend afterwards."
Paulina shot her a horrified look.
"It will be my honor," Prince Asher readily agreed.
The Crown Prince led Sarina out onto the dance floor, moving with the grace that came with years of practice. After their dance was over, Prince Asher led a shy and red-faced Paulina out onto the floor.
"I can't believe you did that?!" Paulina whispered once she was back beside Sarina. "That was embarrassing."
Sarina shot her friend a look. "Get used to it. His Royal Highness is the best-looking man who is still a bachelor, and since he is a prince who is allowed to have more than one spouse, I plan on pursuing him for the both of us," Sarina admitted confidently, her golden eyes curving up in amusement.
"Thank you, come again!"
Adrien grabbed the paper bag that the clerk had handed him. It was filled with all of the books that he had found interesting, which was far more than he had planned on buying.
He was exiting the shop without looking where he was going when he slammed face-first into a rock-hard surface. He stumbled back, falling onto his butt.
"I'm sorry. Are you alright?" Asked a rich and velvet voice that sounded like music to his ears. A hand appeared in his line of sight, offering to help him up. The hand was large and very masculine-looking with a few scars on it.
Was this guy a knight? Adrien had recognized that scar-pattern that was similar to Cedric and Brayden's, which came from hours of sword practice over a course of years. Not to mention all those calluses on his hand.
Adrien took the hand, amazed as the owner easily lifted him off the ground. Adrien bowed his head, not daring to look at the man's face for fear that it would not match his voice. "I'm sorry for not paying attention. Thank you." With his books clutched close to his chest, he darted out of the store without looking back.
That was embarrassing! I can't believe I fell over just like that!
What was even more confounding was the fact that Adrien had that much reaction over just hearing a voice. A voice!
Maybe that was the reason he preferred men even though he also liked women?
Mentally shaking away his befuddled thoughts, he raced toward the nearest restaurant without looking back, missing the curious gaze that was staring at his retreating form.
Adrien practically dove into the nearest restaurant, a small café that sold sandwiches, pastries, and drinks. He ordered a turkey sandwich, and a glass of water with a squirt of strawberry and orange juice in it.
When it approached close to the time he agreed to meet the carriage driver, he headed to the agreed-upon spot. The carriage driver was just pulling up when he arrived.
"How was your trip?" The same old man from before asked him.
"It was good. Thank you for the recommendation."