My Hero Automata

Chapter 44: Decompression

Summary: Momo and Izumi take a vacation between Final and the I-Island Expo!

Warning! Chapters 43-46 were released all at once! Make sure you don't miss any!

Lemon Warning! This chapter contains my far the most lemony lemon of the series yet. It is clearly marked with -Very Much a Lemon Starts Here- and -Very Much a Lemon Ends Here-, so those that don't want to read it can skip it. As always, it is not critical to the plot, so don't feel you must read it.

Chapter 44: Decompression

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Izumi was very unsure how she should be feeling at the moment. No, actually, she was fairly certain she should be embarrassed. She was on a topless beach, she was in fact actually topless, and she didn't have her girlfriend's exhibitionist streak. So, under ordinary circumstances, she should definitely be feeling embarrassed. The tiny, tiny, conflicted part of her that was echoing that fact in the back of her head was quite persistent, even as the rest of her told it to shut the fuck up and enjoy how utterly relaxed she currently was.

Humming gently to herself, Izumi shifted to sip at her fruity cocktail and let her eyes wander under the shade of her sunhat. The first thing they immediately wandered to, as if drawn by a magnet or gravity, was an equally topless Momo. That sight, particularly when literally all her girlfriend was wearing at all was a tiny, thong bikini bottom, a scrap of cloth insufficient to use as a handkerchief, was the biggest reason the majority of Izumi's mind was giving a firm 'fuck you' to her sense of modesty. The fact that, as she forced her eyes away from the glorious view of her dozing girlfriend, Izumi's sweeping gaze was met by a few dozen others in similar states all over the beach was another piece of that puzzle. Izumi had a pulse, Momo wasn't the jealous type, and she could certainly appreciate the view.

It also helped that the handful of men present were mostly locals or visibly European, and none of them had given her and Momo more than an appreciative once over that was honestly more ego stroking than creepy. To them, this was normal, and the only thing that drew their eyes to the pair of Japanese university students was the fact they were probably the two best looking women on the beach. Momo was certainly the top, of course. And Izumi had long since been forced by life and her therapist to realize she was at least vaguely in the same league as her girlfriend. One or two of the European women and a single local were probably in shouting distance, to be fair. But none of them had that amazing bit more that came from the combination of a lifetime training for heroics and Quirks that kept that training from erasing feminine curves. It was, to say the least, extremely difficult for normal women to somehow end up with actual abs, while still keeping enough body fat for an ass like Izumi's or boobs like Momo's. There were times the attention was annoying, but Momo's boobs were one of the wonders of the world, and Izumi would put up with a lot of attention to be near them. Particularly in their current, gloriously uncovered, state.

Of course, the remaining reasons for Izumi's modesty having been hogtied, gagged, and buried in the sand were just as obvious. No one they knew was likely to stumble across them on a topless beach on Tahiti, for one thing. They'd also already been here for two days for Izumi to get used to this, with this being their third of five before moving on to I-Island. And, of course, there was the little detail that her girlfriend was a nearly-shameless exhibitionist who had corrupted her poor, innocent girlfriend somewhat over the years. That last one was an important truth Izumi firmly reminded her modesty of when it tried to struggle out of its sand-and-sunlight tomb.

It was also a truth readily reinforced by the mildly relaxing properties of the cocktail she was sipping. Her Quirk, even on passive, made her far too resistant to actually get drunk. But the cocktail was a strong one and helped her achieve the lovely full-body relaxation she was enjoying as she soaked in the sunlight. She just really hoped her mother never found out that the Yaoyorozu's were all a terrible influence when it came to alcohol. They'd given Izumi her first glass of wine young enough that Inko probably would have been horrified, if she'd known.

Smiling at that idle thought, Izumi set her drink back on the table next to her lounger and leaned back to close her eyes and bask in the sun some more. She wasn't really able to doze off the way Momo could, not needing much sleep due to her Quirk. But she still enjoyed the relaxing moment as she cast her mind back over recent events and just processed. She and Momo had arranged to take all of their non-heroics exams at the regular times, instead of taking advantage of the delay UA had allowed students that wanted it. The result had been that, once their Heroics Finals were over, the pair of them had been left with an entire week off between the end of exams and the day they needed to arrive on I-Island. They had both firmly decided that, given all the chaos that had happened recently, not to mention the fact they would sort of be working at the Expo, that they needed a real vacation. No heroics, no relief work, no investigations (even if she felt a bit guilty on that point) and no business.

They wouldn't exactly get much time for relaxation the rest of the summer, after all.

UA did some non-mandatory but highly recommended summer trainings for Heroics Course students, intended to get them some hands-on difficult terrain experience. The USJ was good, but not perfect, and the supplementary courses in things like Mountain, Forest, or Ocean terrain were virtually always well-attended. That would take up the latter part of their limited Summer Break, while they lost a week of time to I-Island as well on the front end.

That week wouldn't be without fun, but the two of them did get their yearly invitations for legitimate business reasons. While the Yaoyorozu Group handled the manufacturing and distribution side of the HSN, the actual technology patents, as well as ongoing R&D into various bits of YoRHa tech, were actually owned by Aegis Incorporated. The half-blandly named company was one of several that were directly and privately held by Izumi and Momo. The company was kept as small as possible, offloading most of the heavy lifting of the HSN to third parties in the numerous countries that had slowly started to adopt the system. Even so, the existence of Aegis behind it all hadn't exactly escaped the notice of I-island, and the company had its own representation at the Expo every year as a result. As the three people behind 80% of Aegis's R&D, Izumi, Momo, and 2B were pretty much obligated to show up. Well, technically just one of them could have. But ever since their first invitation, they'd made it a point to go together.

All of which explained their choice to leave early and stop at Tahiti. The island nation was one of the few places in the world that had actually come out mostly ahead after the Quirk Wars. With France being run over repeatedly by everyone in Europe, again, French Polynesia had gained its independence. With so much of the local focus needing to turn inward to prevent collapse as its ties to home were cut, and with a little luck that most of the locals who gained Quirks were happy to help, Tahiti had managed to stay as a little slice of paradise. It had admittedly lost a lot of technology and needed to reacquire it after the wars, but for the most part it had seen little violence and was actually more prosperous now than it had been before the advent of Quirks.

It also, as it happened, had regained its status as a very nice vacation spot. The fact that it had retained its European-derived casualness towards nudity had only made Momo more excited about the idea of stopping here specifically. And Izumi had gotten sucked into her girlfriend's bouncy enthusiasm. Smiling as she remembered getting a few concessions from Momo for agreeing to let her pick Tahiti, Izumi let her mind drift off into just how she was going to make use of those concessions again tonight. Those pleasant daydreams served just as well as Momo's dozing to help Izumi rest and recover from all that had happened so far…

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-Very Much a Lemon Starts Here-

Izumi's inner fires pulsed with delight as she watched her girlfriend shudder at the touch of an ice-cube circling her nipple. They were both thoroughly enjoying Momo's 'concessions,' which took the form of letting Izumi get experimental every night of their stay on Tahiti. Tonight, Momo was bound spread-eagle to their king-sized hotel bed, naked save for a blindfold and the ropes keeping her in place. Izumi was equally naked, more so if you considered the lack of restraints, and currently lightly grinding her sensitive bits on one of her girlfriend's thighs as she played with the ice-cubes she'd brought to their suite's bedroom. She pulled the latest cube away after one last circle, leaning in to replace the freezing cold with the heat of her lips as she sucked on that painfully erect nub. Momo bucked lightly, mewling and moaning as glorious warmth replaced the cold. Moments later, she shuddered all over again as Izumi's left hand retrieved a new ice-cube and began tracing Momo's free nipple, even as she continued to nibbled and suck on the first. Momo's whimpers and moans mixed, any actual words lost to the wild rollercoaster of sensations…that was about to get worse as Izumi's free hand crossed under her to get at the last piece of her plan.

That last piece, which she'd already placed between Momo's spread legs, was a powerful vibrator that wasn't currently touching her girlfriend, Momo completely unaware it was there. That changed as Izumi grasped it, pushing its unpowered-but-textured head against Momo's drooling lower lips. The pressure alone, as Izumi rolled it back and forth, was enough to draw the loudest moan from Momo yet…and then Izumi flicked the toy's power on low. A deep bass thrum you could feel in your bones emitted from the toy as it began to vibrate, Momo's entire body locking up as her back arched and a low, continuous keen was pulled from her lips. Izumi moaned right along with that keen, the arching of that powerful body having pressed her girlfriend's thigh far more firmly into Izumi's own enflamed sex. Resisting the temptation to accelerate her plans, Izumi waited until Momo got used to the current bombardment just enough to relax slightly…then she discarded the half-melted ice-cube and switched nipples with her mouth.

Momo gasped and tried to apply pressure against the toy by rolling her hips, but Izumi wasn't having it. Every time her girlfriend did so, she pulled the toy away, making Momo whimper and whine. A firm pinch of her free nipple got a yelp and Momo obediently stilled, returning to her low moans as the pinching fingers turned gentle and rolled and tugged at that nipple instead. A minute passed, then two, and Izumi lost the battle of wills against moving to the next stage. She pulled away from Momo, shifting in place while being careful not to remove the vibe that was keeping her girlfriend hovering on the edge of release. It took quite a bit of flexibility to keep it in place while moving entirely around Momo's body, until Izumi's own apex was hovering over her girlfriend's blindfolded face. Lowering her mound to Momo's lips, she tugged at a nipple with her free hand and spoke for the first time.

"Work, girl. You only get to cum once I do."

That husky order didn't quite feel natural, seeming to Izumi like something out of bad porno. But it's effect on Momo was immediate and powerful, causing her to full-body shudder…and eagerly part her lips to get to work. As her girlfriend's tongue found Izumi's aching pussy, going to work with feverish intensity, she decided she didn't care that it had sounded like a bad porn line, if this was the effect. For a few moments, she could barely think beyond that. But, as her brain unfroze a little, she rewarded Momo with a firm tug on one nipple…and a slight increase in the power of the vibe. Not quite enough for Momo to cum, but enough to make her even more desperate to please. Then all thoughts flew from Izumi's head, instincts taking over, as Momo found her clit and latched on.

She wasn't going to last very long, and she'd owe Momo her own release when she came. But that was alright. After all, they had all night, and this was only Round 1...

-Very Much a Lemon Ends Here-

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A/N: Some lemony goodness for those that want it ;-). I'm trying to depict their relationship in a realistic way. Not just in spacing out the lemons to fit into places that make sense, but to also depict a pair of young lovers who are still figuring out what they are into. Izumi and Momo know they aren't quite vanilla, but they are still exploring what sort of things they like beyond the ordinary. Momo is clearly aware of her exhibitionist tendencies, for example, and is feeling her way into them. Likewise with their explorations of light bondage and a tiny bit of temperature play. Smut isn't the major focus of this particular story, but it is a realistic part of relationships, particularly between hormonal eighteen-year-olds...

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