my hero academia: the chronicles of Henry stickman

Chapter 38: (30) Midnight moves in!! a naked apron dinner?! part 1

Well guys this will be the final installment for this small mass release, can't let myself be overwhelmed after all.

And with that onto the chapter.


We rode cavaliere to the school, and honestly it was a godsend I could control it via my thoughts, even marvel comics ghost rider could do that and that guy outraced mjolnir for Christ sake!

"Hey Hen-Chan! What do you think Nezu is going to do with our living arrangement?" She asks as I ponder that for a moment before getting an idea, "well, probably Nezu is going to have a teacher live with us as a guardian." I sum up, Nezu probably wants someone to watch over us.

"Hmm, I'm fine with that, I just hope it isn't a female teacher, I already got Momo, Hagakure and Hitomi as competition." She says as we turn to a street with a tea shop.

"Wait could you run that by me again?" I ask as she just whistles, but I can't help but feel like I've become a trophy for some reason, I'm not as dense as ichika orimura but damn women can be tough to figure out at times.

"Well anyways we're going to find out, look I see the hill to the school up ahead!" I shout as I speed up cavaliere and ride up the hill up to the entrance where I park it near a sleek black sports car and we hop off.

"Hey I forgot to ask, what do you want for dinner?" Toga asks as we go through the front door and come across Mei Hatsume who was concerned in grease and soot.

"Oh hey Henry! So how was my baby during the USJ incident?" She asks with the bluntness of a sledgehammer.

"It was a really good suit, but it got destroyed by a villain with strength similar to all might, do you think you can try modifying it to harden when hit from impacts like punches and things like that?" I ask as she goes into Inventor mode, 100% and says she will need to call some of her father's contacts but she probably can and left.

"Well I wonder if I can say…that reference when she make it?" I mutter as we walk to Nezu's office and knock on the door.

"Come in!" I hear Nezu and we open the door and see Nezu and Midnight, "Ah Henry and Toga, please take a seat." He says as we sit on the sofa and we begin our meeting.

"After our meeting we had after the USJ incident, we talked about the security of our students and when we came on the subject of your living arrangements." Nezu said as he opens our file, "so in order to make sure you are safe we decided to have a teacher live in your home as your guardian, and the only one who applied was Nemuri." He explains as he points at Midnight as I wonder why they needed to do that.

"So you mean…that Ms.midnight, the 18+ heroine who has an extreme fan base, who is probably a shotacon is going to live with us?" I sum up to everyone in the room as Toga gives a death glare to Midnight as she chuckled at my assessment.

"Oh it's not going to be that bad, I'll at least make sure you enjoy my stay." She said as she winks while holding her finger over her mouth.

Nezu who saw this coughed catching everyone's attention, "in any case she will be living with you from now on, and remember, no touching without consent, can't have heroines in training get pregnant now." He said with a mischievous smile as both Toga and I choke on air as Midnight, or Nemuri as she wished for us to call her when she is off the clock.

"Do you both need a ride?" Nemuri offers as she sees my bike, "no thanks Nemuri, we can take Cavaliere." I say as we both get on and we drive to our home as I make sure in near Nemuri so she can follow us.

And as we hit a stop light I never told Toga what I wanted for dinner.

"Hey Toga! How about for dinner you surprise me?" I ask as she says okay, meanwhile Nemuri overheard and she was licking her lips, we didn't know what she was thinking.

And we stop at the grocery store nearby and with Nemuri we grab groceries, I stopped by the butcher and the same guy from last time was there.

"Hey it's you again! How were the sausages?" He asked making small talk, "oh my room mate loved them, so I'm getting her some more, also throw in some honey ham and Swiss cheese." I say as he gets to work, and after he gets the amount I asked for I give him a 2000 yen tip which made his day, because he gave me a pound of cheddar cheese on the house.

And as I make my way to the register I see a familiar face with two people next to her, "hey Kendo!" I say catching Itsuka's attention as she turns and smiles at me, "Hey there Henry! How is everyone since the incident?" She asked as I look at the two people who I assume were her parents, "we're doing okay, in fact earlier today we all went to a gym and bonded as a class." I explain as she nods her head in approval, "so are those your parents?" I ask as I hold my hand out, "hello there, my name is Henry Stickman, I go to UA with your daughter."

The father grabs my hand and freezes for a second, I wasn't sure if it was because I was a fellow martial artist but he nodded in approval, "nice to meet you young man, I am Arata Kendo, the that's my wife Shuri Kendo." He says before continuing, "I must say young man you have a great body, what discipline do you study?" He asks as Kendo and her mother shake their head in exasperation.

As I was explaining what I study Nemuri and Toga join me as Itsuka sees Nemuri.

"Uh Henry? Why is Midnight with you and Toga?" She asked as I stop talking about martial arts with her father and look at her.

"Well considering Toga and I don't have a Guardian she will be living with us." I explain as Kendo just looks frozen.


"Yeah she has to live with us to make sure we both are safe, but I don't mind." I say as a register opens up and we check out our items.

I notice that there was a separate bag with condoms, birth control and two aprons, "what what's all this for?"

"Don't worry about it!" Toga says instantly as we finish paying for our food and contraceptives and after thirty minutes we make our way home!


Hope you enjoy this chapter now Nemuri or Midnight is now living with Henry sand Toga, should I have Toga and Henry get dirty and she walks in and after freezing ask to join or have a moment between only Henry and Nemuri?

(Comment your answer here)

Anyways I'm spent, I hope you all enjoy the three chapters and I'll see you all on Monday, peace😁✌️

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