My Hero Academia: Izuku Reloaded

Chapter 54: [52] Everything Has a Price

Adjusts Stitch onesie and grins at the audience

"2,250 powerstones! That's like... so many stones!" I bounced in my chair, nearly knocking over my cold brew (third one today, but who's counting?). "You guys are absolutely incredible! And speaking of incredible..." I waggled my eyebrows conspiratorially. "We need to talk about something super important."

Pulls out a glitter-covered notebook labeled 'Drip or Drown: Hero Edition'

"So, after the Sports Festival, our boy Izuku's going to be working with the Support Course on a new hero costume. And since you all have been absolutely amazing with the powerstones, I thought maybe we could make this a community project?" I flipped through the notebook, various sketches and fabric swatches falling out. "I've got some ideas, but I want to hear yours too!"

Clears throat dramatically

"Option 1: The Elevated Bum"

"Option 2: The Adult Izuku"

"Option 3: The Drink"

"Option 4: The Kage"

"Option 5: Your Amazing Ideas! Because let's be real, you guys are crazy creative and I want to hear what you've got bouncing around in those beautiful brains of yours!"

Hugs notebook to chest

"Remember, this isn't just about looking good - though that's definitely a factor because gestures vaguely at Izuku - but it needs to be marketable too! Think action figures, posters, clothing lines... the whole Plus Ultra merchandise experience! Drop your votes and ideas in the comments, and maybe, just maybe, we'll see your design become canon!"

Whispers conspiratorially

"Between you and me, I'm kind of partial to Option 3, but don't tell Inko I said that. She's still processing the whole 'my baby boy is trending on hero social media' thing."

Straightens glasses

"Oh, and before I forget - thank you all so much for the amazing support. You make writing this story even more fun than it already is, and trust me, that's saying something!"

Now… onto the chapter!


April 23, 2226

"Alright everyone, before homeroom ends, Yaoyorozu and I have an announcement." I stood from my desk, ignoring the knowing smirk Camie shot my way. The negotiations with Midnight yesterday had been... interesting. 

"Thanks to some arrangements with the faculty, Class 1-A now has access to Gym Gamma on Mondays and Wednesdays, and Gym Beta on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays for Sports Festival training." 

Excited murmurs rippled through the classroom. Those facilities were normally reserved for upperclassmen.

"Until 6:30 PM each day," Momo added, her tone crisp and professional despite the slight flush in her cheeks. "With Midnight-sensei supervising."

"How'd you manage that?" Kirishima leaned forward, eyes bright. "Those gyms are like, totally off-limits to first years!"

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Let's just say I had to be... persuasive."

Yesterday at lunch...

The teachers' lounge smelled of coffee and graded papers. Midnight reclined in her chair, one leg crossed over the other as she examined her perfectly manicured nails.

"My my, Midoriya-kun. Such an... interesting proposition." Her lips curved into a predatory smile. "And what makes you think I'd give up my precious free time to supervise a bunch of first years?"

I met her gaze steadily. "Because you're intrigued by our potential after USJ. And because I'm willing to negotiate fair compensation for your time."

"Oh?" She leaned forward slightly. "Do tell."

"Once a week lunches for the rest of the semester. My treat." I kept my voice casual. "I know how to cook French cuisine."

Her eyebrow arched. "Getting information from Queen, are we? Clever boy." She tapped a finger against her lips. "But not quite enough. What else?"

"One favor. Within reason. To be called in at your discretion."

"Two favors."

"One favor, and I'll help grade your Modern Hero Art History papers for the next month."

She laughed. "You drive a hard bargain, Midoriya-kun. But I want something else too." Her eyes gleamed. "A demonstration."


"Your fighting style. Private lessons, just you and me. Until the end of the semester. I've seen the USJ footage - you move like a professional. I want to learn."

I considered it carefully. Teaching Midnight would mean revealing some of my techniques before the Sports Festival. But having her as an ally... "Two one-hour sessions per week. No recording."

" One three hour session with my choice of location and you have a deal." She extended her hand. "Though I hope you've cleared this with your... girlfriend?"

"Fine. Starting next week." I took her hand firmly. "Camie understands the value of strategic alliances."

"Mmm, I'm sure she does." She released my hand and stood. "Well then, Midoriya-kun. Shall we draw up the paperwork?"


Momo coughed delicately. "In any case, the facilities are available starting today. I've prepared training schedules and equipment lists for anyone interested."

"Speaking of which..." A familiar sultry voice drifted from the doorway. Midnight sauntered in, her hero costume drawing every eye in the room. "Time for Modern Hero Art History, my precious students!"

As the class scrambled to get their textbooks, I caught Camie's eye. She winked, clearly remembering how thoroughly I'd made things up to her last night. Worth every minute of sleep lost.

"Now then!" Midnight slapped her riding crop against the podium. "Who can tell me about the Golden Age hero costume regulations? Midoriya-kun, since you're so... knowledgeable about negotiation?"

I stood, ignoring the snickers from my classmates. "The Hero Public Safety Commission established the first costume guidelines in 2184, primarily focusing on functionality and public decency. However, heroes like Midnight herself helped push boundaries and redefine what was considered acceptable for professional heroes to wear."

"Excellent!" She beamed. "And what specific changes did I pioneer?"

"The introduction of tear-away panels for quirk accessibility, among other... innovations. Though some argue those changes primarily served marketing purposes rather than practical combat applications."

"Oho? Questioning my design choices?" Her eyes sparkled dangerously. "Perhaps we should discuss that during our next... training session?"

More snickers. I remained standing, unfazed. "I look forward to a thorough analysis of hero costume evolution."

"As do I, Midoriya-kun. As do I." She turned to the blackboard. "Now then, class! Let's discuss why proper hero attire matters..."

The lesson continued, but I noticed Momo shooting me concerned glances. She'd been surprisingly helpful with the gym arrangements, though I suspected she wasn't entirely comfortable with how I'd secured Midnight's cooperation. 

Not that I could blame her. The negotiation had required a delicate balance of charm, professionalism, and carefully implied promises. But it had worked - we had access to premium training facilities leading up to the Sports Festival. My classmates would have every opportunity to prepare. After all, I don't want my win to be too easy.

And if that preparation came at the cost of some weekly lunches and training sessions... well. I'd learned long ago that everything worthwhile had a price.

I just hoped Camie would remain understanding about the whole situation. Though judging by her satisfied smirk whenever Midnight called on me, she seemed more amused than worried.

Then again, she had good reason to feel secure after last night.

The rest of Modern Hero Art History unfolded like a carefully choreographed dance. Midnight kept calling on me with increasingly loaded questions, while Camie's smirk grew progressively more amused. I maintained my composure, answering each query with professional detachment even as the subtext grew thick enough to cut with a knife.

My classmates alternated between snickering and shooting me concerned glances. Momo in particular seemed worried, her brow furrowing deeper with each exchange. I caught her taking detailed notes, though whether about the actual lesson content or the verbal sparring match was unclear.

When the bell finally rang, Midnight lingered by my desk, tapping her riding crop against her palm. "Don't forget your duty tomorrow, Midoriya-kun."

I gathered my books . "Looking forward to it, sensei."

As she sashayed out, her hips swaying perhaps more than strictly necessary, Momo approached my desk. The concern in her eyes had only grown.

"Midoriya-kun... are you sure about this arrangement?"

"Worried about me, vice rep?"

A slight flush colored her cheeks. "It's just... Midnight-sensei can be rather... intense."

"So can I." I offered what I hoped was a reassuring smile. "Trust me, Yaoyorozu. I know what I'm doing."

She bit her lip, clearly unconvinced. "If you say so. Just... be careful?"

"Always am."

The rest of the school day passed without major incident. Math with Ectoplasm, English with Present Mic, a fascinating lecture on rescue protocols from Thirteen through zoom. Through it all, I could feel the anticipation building among my classmates. Access to the advanced training facilities had everyone eager to begin serious Sports Festival preparation.

When the final bell rang, our class moved as one toward the door. Camie fell into step beside me, her fingers brushing against mine.

"Ready to show off those moves, Mr. President?" She practically purred the title.

I shot her a sidelong glance. "Behave. We've got serious training ahead."

"Oh, I know." Her eyes sparkled. "Can't wait to see how many people try to copy your style."

We didn't even make it out of the classroom before running into the first obstacle. A crowd had gathered in the hallway, effectively blocking our exit. Students from other classes pressed against the walls and doorways, all eyes fixed on Class 1-A.

"What's going on?" Uraraka's voice carried a note of confusion. "Why's everyone just... standing there?"

Bakugo's response dripped with disdain. "Isn't it obvious, round face? They're here to scope out the competition."

He wasn't wrong. I recognized faces from the other hero course class, plus several from general studies and support. The USJ incident had put a target on our backs. Everyone wanted to see the class that had fought real villains and lived to tell about it.

"Out of the way, extras!" Bakugo barked, shoving forward. "Unless you want a demonstration right here."

"Charming as ever." A new voice cut through the tension. A student with wild purple hair stepped forward, dark circles under his eyes matching his exhausted tone. "Though I suppose that's what we should expect from the elite Class 1-A."

I studied him carefully. The way he carried himself, the calculated edge to his words... this wasn't just another curious onlooker. He had an agenda. But he looked familiar…

"Shinso? How have you been?" I kept my tone neutral, professional.

"Good President. Thanks for the advice but right now…" His gaze swept over our class. "I'm just a gen ed student here to declare war."

Murmurs rippled through the crowd. Kaminari snorted. "Seriously? A Gen Ed student picking a fight?"

"Not a fight." Shinso's tired eyes fixed on me. "A declaration of intent. The Sports Festival has a chance for transfer, you know. Show well enough, and management might decide you deserve a shot at the hero course."

Ah. Now I understood. "Looking to prove yourself worthy?"

"Something like that." His lips curved in a humorless smile. "Some of us had to settle for General Studies. Not all quirks are flashy enough for the practical exam."

Interesting. His quirk must be subtle, maybe mental rather than physical. The kind that wouldn't help against robots.

"Then I look forward to seeing what you can do." I met his gaze steadily. "The Sports Festival is about more than just raw power."

"Is it?" He glanced meaningfully at Bakugo, who bristled. "We'll see. Though I have to wonder... what makes you so special?"

The crowd's attention sharpened. Videos of the USJ incident had leaked, but details were scarce. Everyone wanted to know more about the mysterious first-year who'd gone toe-to-toe with a biological weapon.

"You'll find out soon enough." I stepped forward, allowing just a touch of intent to leak into my presence. The nearest students instinctively backed away. "Though I should warn you - asking too many questions can be... unhealthy."

Shinsou's eyes widened fractionally. Good. He'd caught the underlying message. Whatever his quirk was, he relied on getting people to respond to him. Mental manipulation, perhaps? I filed the observation away for later.

"Well said, Midoriya-san!" Another voice boomed from the crowd. A student with silver hair pushed forward, grinning manically. "I'm from Class 1-B's hero course! Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu!"

"Yes, you said your name twice." Yaoyorozu murmured, though only those closest heard her.

"We heard you fought villains!" Tetsutetsu continued. "Pretty manly! But don't think that means you're better than us. Class 1-B is gonna crush you at the Sports Festival!"

Before anyone could respond, a slender hand grabbed his ear. "Tetsu, what did I say about picking fights?"

A girl with orange hair dragged him back, bowing apologetically. "Please excuse my classmate. Kendo Itsuka, also from 1-B. We mean no disrespect."

"Speak for yourself!" Another 1-B student pushed forward - blonde, with a decidedly smug expression. "I'm Monoma Neito, and I-"

"That's enough." A larger hand wrapped around him too, yanking him back. "Sorry again. We'll be going now."

I watched them retreat, noting how the orange haired girl's movement suggested she was a skilled martial artist. Another one to watch out for.

"If that's all?" I raised my voice slightly. "We have training to get to."

The crowd parted reluctantly, though I caught snippets of whispered conversation as we passed.

"That's 1-A?"

"Did you feel that pressure just now?"

"They really fought villains..."

Camie pressed closer as we walked, her presence warm against my side. "My my, getting all intimidating with the others?"

"Just establishing boundaries." I kept my voice low. "Though that Shinso... he's dangerous."

"Noticed that too, huh?" She glanced back. "The way he tried to bait responses. Either his quirk demand it or he's a master troll."

I smiled. Her observation skills never ceased to impress me. "Most likely. We'll need to warn the others before the festival."

We reached the gym without further incident, though I could feel eyes following our every move. The USJ incident had put us in the spotlight. Everyone would be watching, analyzing, looking for weaknesses to exploit.

Good. In three weeks, they'd learn exactly what Class 1-A was capable of. What I was capable of.

"Alright!" I called out as we entered the gym. "Partner up and start warming up. We've got a lot of work ahead."

As my classmates paired off, I caught Yaoyorozu's eye. She nodded, understanding the unspoken message. We'd need to be extra vigilant now. The Sports Festival had just become more than a simple competition.

It was a declaration of war. And I intended to win.

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