My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 89 Sophia Part 11

Zero then looked at Yoko and asked, “Where would you like me to put it?”


“You really like to carry women like that. Put it there.” said Yoko as she created a portal and pointed to a pedestal with a red magic circle.


Zero walked through the portal and placed the lifeless body in the middle of the magic circle. Zero then waved his hand and the 2 orbs of divine energy appeared. Yoko entered the space and told Zero, “Thanks I’ll get started now.”


“How long do you think it will take?” asked Zero


“I have no idea. This is a complicated spell and I’m using divine energy so I really have no idea it might take an hour or it could take years.” explained Yoko


“Hopefully it takes hours.” said Zero as he created a portal to where Nova was.


Zero had noticed that Nova was hanging out in the same place all this time so he was curious as to what she was up to. When he arrived the image that greeted him was Nova lying down in the void. Zero rushed to her side and checked if she was okay. Her face was still warm and she was breathing but Zero felt no heartbeat but looked fine so Zero assumed that she had no heart.


Zero shook her lightly while calling her name in hopes of waking her. Nova opened her eyes and yawned before looking at Zero who was still calling her name. She looked confused and asked, “What’s wrong Papa?”


“What are you doing sleeping here?” asked Zero


“I was looking around since I had nothing to do and I got tired and took a nap.” explained Nova as she raised her hands so that Zero could pick her up.


Zero picked Nova up and looked around before creating a portal and leaving the area but as they left he failed to notice Nova’s eyes glow for a second.


Arriving on Esme the planet Nova created, Zero set Nova down and began to walk hand in hand. Walking around they came across the nymphs and Iris stepped forward and said, “Greetings my lady I am happy to see you.”


Nova smiled and waved at Iris before dragging Zero along. Zero followed behind the little girl as she led the way and they arrived at her world tree.


“What are we doing here? Do you want to go to Obsidian?” asked Zero


“No, my tree is telling me that I need to go inside of it like when I was a baby.” explained Nova as she walked towards the tree and it opened up.


“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” said Zero as he looked at the little girl with a worried expression.


“Why?” asked Nova


“I don’t think it’s a good idea to let that tree change your mind and body all the time. My mother once told me that if I tried to grow stronger too quickly then it would turn out bad.” explained Zero


“I don’t get it. If it will make me stronger I want to do it.” said Nova


Zero kneeled down next to her and explained, “Nova I want you to experience life, meet new people, and see many things the world has to offer. Yes, the tree can make you stronger but everything like that has a backlash so until we know what this is don’t go in it.”


“Okay, Papa I won’t go in the tree.” said Nova as she hugged Zero.


Zero lifted her up to carry her and said, “Good just stay as you are and don’t be in a hurry to grow up okay.”


Zero waved his free hand and created a portal that he entered along with Nova. The portal exit spat them out at the temple in Obsidian. Zero appeared in the throne room and found Azalea seated on her throne and Dahlia was missing. Zero put Nova down on Azalea’s lap and asked, “Where’s Dahlia? I need to talk to her.”


“She in her room.” answered Azalea


Zero left and headed to Dahlia’s room and knocked before entering the room. Dahlia's voice echoed outside and told Zero that he may enter. Zero was greeted by the sight of Dahlia lying down seductively beckoning Zero to come closer.


“Well, I’m glad that you managed to put in so much thought and effort on how to please me but we have bigger issues to deal with.” said Zero in a serious tone, unlike his normal carefree one.


“What’s wrong?” asked Dahlia who was now properly getting dressed as she stood up from the bed.


“It’s Nova.” said Zero as he explained the series of events that Valna had told him about.


After listening to the story Dahlia asked, “So basically you want us to look after her while you and Yoko are busy so that she doesn’t enter her world tree. Why are you so against it?”


“When it first happened, I wasn’t around but I don’t like the idea of letting her enter the tree when I don’t know what it’s really doing to her. When this issue is done I’ll focus on understanding what that tree did to Nova the first time and decide if it’s safe.” explained Zero


“Okay, I understand that but what shall we do about the nightly duties?” asked Dahlia as she got off the bed


“We’ll talk about that later. You head back to the throne room I have to go meet with Alucard. If Yoko comes looking for me let her know she can find me at the castle entrance.” said Zero as created a portal and exited his dimension.


Zero appeared in the area before the main entrance of the castle and opened the doors. Walking through the doors he came across the sight of Alucard talking with Hammer and Mina. They all turned to look at him and Mina ran and hugged him while crying.


“Zero! You’re okay I was so worried.” said Mina as she cried


Zero patted her head trying to soothe her but it was to no avail as she continued to cry. After about 5 minutes Mina finally stopped crying and let go of Zero. Zero smiled at her and patted her on the head while saying, “It’s good that you’re okay Mina. I was worried about you.”


Hammer walked up to Zero and smacked Zero back while laughing. He said, “Good to see you again kid. Looks like you got stuck in here too. Those lessons must have come in handy if you can fight those creatures.”


“Yes, your lesson have saved my life more times than you can imagine. I’m grateful.” said Zero


“Haha, it’s not your style to be so polite kid. You’re starting to sound like Hikaru.” said Hammer as he laughed


“So, Mr. Genya was explaining that we’ll be leaving the castle soon but Soma still isn’t back yet. Have you seen him?” asked Mina


“Yes, I met up with him earlier he’s working on something we’ll need if we want to leave the castle that’s why he isn’t here. I’ll be heading back into the castle to help him out soon so don’t worry I’ll keep an eye out for him.” said Zero


“Really!” said a visibly relieved Mina


“Yes, we if you’ll excuse me I need to have a private talk with Genya.” said Zero

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