My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 76 Rescue Mission

“So here’s the plan, since he's catatonic Yoko won’t need to lower his mental defenses. All 3 of us will enter his mind and try to extract him without fighting that guard. If he’s already in combat we’ll run for now but if we’re unable to run then we’ll team up and fight.” explained Zero


“Okay, I understand that but can you explain what this guard is like.” said Alucard


“It’s an unusual creature I can’t accurately describe it, but it looked like something that didn’t belong in this or any world.” said Zero


“That doesn’t tell us much.” retorted Alucard


“Why bother asking, I’m 100% certain we’ll encounter it when we go in. We shouldn’t waste too much time here or the boy will die.” said Yoko


“Yoko’s right, so sit down in a circle around Soma and then I’ll begin.” said Zero


They sat in a circle while Zero used his mental manipulation to link all their minds together. Zero’s vision faded and when he came to he found that they were back in the dark void.


“Where is this?” asked Alucard


“We’re in Soma’s subconscious mind.” answered Yoko


“Yes, this area was off-limits to Soma but I brought him here. There’s the portal, so once we step through just follow my lead.” said Zero


Zero and the other 2 walked through the portal and light-filled their vision and when it faded they found themselves in a starry void similar to space. Zero led the way followed by Yoko and Alucard as they grew closer to the area when they saw a flash of light.


As they arrived something flew towards Zero and when Zero caught it he found that it was Soma who had been sent flying. Zero looked at Soma who had black veins on areas on his body and said, “I’m pretty sure I said that we’d come up with a plan and deal with it later.”


“I had a feeling we could win so I’m betting on that!” retorted Soma before he passed out.


Zero looked at his friend as if he had been replaced with an optimistic fool as he sighed and said, “I don’t even know if that thing can be hurt or killed. You’ve screwed us all Soma.”


As they had their little exchange the creature from before moved towards them. It moved fast skittering around like a cockroach as it impossibly twisted its arms and legs. The archon stood up on its feet and tilted its head and asked, “Why… have… you… returned… I will… kill… you…. all…. now…”


“Well, the choice was made for me.” said Zero in an angry voice.


The archon lunged at Zero and Soma but Zero snapped his fingers and a barrier appeared. The archon smashed into the barrier and also used his feet to attack the barrier and whittle away at the barrier. After nearly a few seconds of trying to breach this barrier, a shattering sound could be heard in the universe-like dimension.


Zero snapped his fingers again and this time the black void produced spikes made of darkness that impaled the archon. The archon looked at Zero or perhaps it was better to say that Zero figured it was looking at him since it had no facial features. The archon moved although still impaled by the darkness spikes and as if made of water moved unimpeded.


Now free from the spikes the archon Kakia turned its arms into blades and its arms began to stretch as the blade arms began to chase after Zero. Zero threw Soma to Yoko who caught him and began to dodge the blades that targeted him. The blades seemed to be getting faster the more Zero dodged them repeatedly. As the speed of the blades kept increasing Zero started having trouble dodging the attacks and he received many shallow cuts.


As the blades moved faster than Zero could dodge he began to use his ability to teleport. Zero teleported behind the archon, the blades followed, and as they were about to pierce Zero he teleported 20 feet in front of the archon causing the blades to pierce through the archon. A shocking thing happened, though the blades pierced the arch they didn’t slow down and continued traveling aiming for Zero. Zero saw no point in teleporting so he raised some barriers in hopes of using them to slow the blades down but the blades pierced through the barriers as if they didn’t exist and stabbed Zero.


Yoko had passed Soma to Alucard to look after and rushed with a flaming sword that she had created and slashed the archon’s entended blade arms severing the part piercing Zero from the rest. The blades removed themselves from Zero’s body and flew back to the archon who had retracted his arms and they merged together.


“Are you okay?” said Yoko as she kept staring at the archon to make sure it didn’t make any more moves.


“No, looks like I’m in pretty bad shape.” said Zero as he looked at the area where he was pierced that was black and black veins extended form.


“What are those veins? Soma also had them too.” said Yoko


“I’m not really sure, but I believe it’s something similar to a mental poison that will probably either control or destroy my mind.” said Zero


“How do we stop it?” asked Alucard who appeared holding the unconscious Soma.


“I’m not sure we can. Our best bet is to take that thing down and hope for the best. Leave Soma to me and you 2 attack it while I provide support.” said Zero


“Will you be able to do that? If it’s a mental poison then it’ll probably affect your ability to do much in here.” retorted Yoko


“I can still provide support and if I can’t, I’ll tell you. I won’t put you 2 in danger because of my ego.” said Zero as he looked at the unconscious Soma.


Alucard and Yoko nodded to show that they believed in Zero before flying towards the archon. Zero created flaming blades since it injured the archon, unlike the darkness spears. The archon split in half and formed 2 identical creatures that rushed toward Yoko and Alucard.


As Archon A tried to punch Yoko, one of the flaming swords morphed into a shield and stopped the blow giving Yoko a chance to use her flaming sword to cut it in half. The 2 half of the creature merged together and it released a roar as it turned one hand into a blade to stab Yoko. The flaming swords pierced Archon A and bought enough time for Yoko to retreat.


Over to the other side, Alucard was facing Archon B. Archon B shaped its body into a sphere and started firing needle-like flesh. The flaming sword surrounded Alucard and formed a flaming sphere to protect Alucard.


This fight was not looking good for the 3 of them and Zero had no idea if he could still keep up his support at this rate.

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