My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 73 Seizure

Soma walked into the throne room and faced Dracula. When he noticed that Zero was still standing outside the room he turned and asked, “Why aren’t you entering?”


Zero attempted to pass his hand through the doorway by a red barrier repelled his hand. Zero looked at Soma and said “Looks like you’re on your own for this one. I can force my way in but I’d like to avoid that if I can.”


Soma sighed at the prospect that his backup was rendered useless by this barrier. Having absorbed Mathias’s memories he understood that should he be defeated here his body would permanently belong to Dracula.


“Looks like you’ve been abandoned by your companion. Prepare yourself for your death has arrived for you.” said Dracula as he dropped his empty chalice, stood up off the throne, and walked slowly toward Soma.


Dracula summoned the ice blade that he used during his previous fight with Zero. With the blade in hand, Dracula charged at Soma who barely managed to dodge by jumping to the side.


Soma rolled and stood up quickly to avoid another surprise attack. He looked at Dracula’s sword and yelled “How am I supposed to beat him barehanded!”


Zero looked at the sight and rubbed his fingers on his temples as he watched this ridiculous fight. Zero sighed and said, “We’re in your mind so that means if you want something you just have to will it into existence.”


Heeding the advice of his friend Soma thought of the sword he had recently been using and it appeared in his hand. He then used the sword to block Dracula’s strike but his sword broke in half and he suffered a cut across his chest. Soma collapsed to his knees in pain as his wound bled.


“Soma this isn’t real it’s all in your mind. This is a battle of wills if your will is weak then the weapons you conjure will break easily. Think of what you’re fighting for and use that as power. Also, I’m just saying, but you are aware that you can make anything right.” explained Zero


While listening to Zero’s advice Soma was busy dodging the sword attacks from Dracula. Thinking it through Soma decided to go with a gun next and materialized it. Soma aimed his new gun at Dracula and fired shots which Dracula dodged easily and kicked Soma into a pillar.


“You really have a lack of imagination. You do know I said you can make anything right. That means you can make things to fight for you or create something so absurd that it’s impossible to dodge.” said Zero in an exasperated tone.


Taking in Zero’s advice for the third time Soma began to let his thoughts run loose. Maybe it was due to his fusion with Mathias but his mind was now sharper than it was before. Focusing on his reasons for living to protect Mina and get revenge for Elisabetha. He then created 10 glass bats that hovered at his side.


The bats flew at Dracula and he shattered the bat with his sword. The glass shards flew past Dracula causing the shards to cut him. The shards then reformed into bat again and flew straight at Dracula. Dracula dodged the bats worried about the damage he suffered previously.


Dracula summoned fire that spread throughout the room melting the glass bats. When the flame reached Soma, water gushed from the ground and doused the flames. The melted glass coalesced into one pool and a giant spike formed and stabbed Dracula through the chest. Dracula turned into mist and the mist dissolved the glass into dust.


The mist then reformed back into Dracula and his previous injuries had healed now. Dracula raised his hand in Soma’s direction and shadow spikes erupted from the ground beneath Soma. Soma turned into a bat and flew to the sky to avoid impalement.


Soma in his bat form opened his mouth and 5 fireballs launched out aimed towards Dracula. Dracula dodged the fireballs but the fireball turned around and hit him from behind. The concussive force of the explosion blew off half of Dracula’s body and set the other side on fire.


Dracula knelt as his body burned and Soma walked towards Dracula with a sword to finish him off. As Soma raised his blade to deal the finishing blow Dracula turned into mist dousing the flames and the mist flew into Soma’s mouth.


Soma grabbed his throat as the mist flew into his mouth. Soma stood motionless after all the mist had entered his body. After standing still for 2 minutes Soma started to move. The red barrier that blocked Zero from entering disappeared.


Zero walked into the throne room and said “So you managed to seize Soma’s body as your own.”


Soma lifted his head to look at Zero and smiled. His eyes glowed an eerie red and he said “Yes, I’ve regained my body and now I’m fully revived. You won’t be able to hurt your friend so give up and accept a painless death.”


Zero snapped his fingers and light beams appeared out of thin air and pierced Soma’s body countlessly. Soma fell to his knees bleeding profusely. Zero snapped his fingers again and shadow tendrils wrapped around Soma.


“You seem to be under a misunderstanding that I can’t hurt you because you’re using Soma’s body. Either you come out voluntarily or I force you out,” as Zero said this the shadow tendrils grew spikes the pierced Soma’s body causing Dracula pain.


“Stop… bluffing I know you… can’t kill me.” said a confident Dracula


Zero smiled at Dracula and with a cold killing intent said “Who said anything about killing you? I will make your existence an excruciating experience where seconds will feel like millenniums to you.”


Dracula was worried at the total disregard that Zero was showing his friend. The shadow spikes were still impaling Soma’s body when a mist came out of Soma’s body. The mist reformed back into Dracula who was still missing half his body.


Zero grabbed Soma’s body after the tendrils released him and threw him outside the throne room. He turned to face Dracula, waved his hand, and Dracula’s body healed as if it had never been damaged.


“What did you do? Why would you heal me?” asked a confused Dracula


“I’m going to beat you until you willingly submit to Soma and join him. To do that I need to show you how outclassed you are in here.”

explained Zero

Dracula launched a meteor at Zero who made to attempt to dodge the attack. The meteor crashed into Zero causing an explosion. When the dust died down Zero had suffered no damage and was walking forward as if nothing had happened.


“If you want to hurt me you’ll have to do better. You’re stronger than this.” said Zero in a mocking tone.

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