My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 71 Mathias

Zero sat across from Mathias Cronqvist a young man who looked to be in his mid-20s. He had long black hair and bears a striking resemblance to Soma and Alucard when he was in his Genya form. He was the man who chose to become Dracula and renounce God by obtaining immortality out of anger at the death of his wife who passed away while Mathias was away 'fighting in God's name'.


“Nevertheless, I’m surprised that you knew of my existence and my name.” said Mathias


“Well I’m a very studious person.” said Zero


“That’s a lie. You never paid attention in Mrs. Belnades' class and I was pretty sure you cheated during the exam.” retorted Mathias


“Well, we can’t be too caught up on how I passed, but rather we should focus on the fact that I passed. Anyways it seems that you have all of Soma’s memories.” said Zero


“Yes, as the original personality, I have access to all memories of all versions of myself. I also have the knowledge that I assume you’re seeking.” said Mathias


“So, you know the identity of God?” asked Zero excitedly


“The identity of your foe is The Blind False God Yaldabaoth.” answered Mathias


“Who is Yaldabaoth?” asked Zero


“To my understanding of creation from the knowledge I acquired throughout my life, I found that there are many gods. These gods collect power from us mortals and in exchange, they look after us. The God most people think of is but one of many and he has control of many worlds. God rules many worlds as would a king in many countries but he does not oversee them personally. He gives each world to a proxy and this world was given to a high angel named Sophia.” explained Mathias


“Wait, so I’m only facing an angle of God?” asked Zero interrupting Mathias


“Yes and no, but do not underestimate her, records say that she rivals archangels as do all his proxies. Now to continue my story, Sophia was said to have loved God romantically which was forbidden. In hopes of getting closer to him, she attempted to create life and used her womb to birth a creature. This creature is Yaldabaoth and after its birth, it usurped Sophia’s power and authority and has been deceiving mankind to collect enough power to ascend into real godhood. Its ultimate goal is to usurp God's throne and claim all of the worlds that God controls.” explained Mathias


“So, to simplify I’m facing a creature that has the power of an archangel.” sighed Zero


“No need to be nervous, while he might have her power he is unable to use it beyond a tiny miracle here and there to create a false belief in the hearts of man.” retorted Mathias


“So, is Sophia dead?” asked Zero


“No, she merely sealed inside of a vessel. She’s been sealed inside us as the chaos entity.” explained Mathias


“Wait, what!?” yelled Zero as he rose from his chair only to fall back into the chair


“It’s actually quite ingenious if you think about it. We can’t be truly killed so the seal will never break.” said Mathias as he looked at Zero with a sad smile


“Don’t look so sad, I plan to separate you from the chaos entity.” said Zero


“I am truly happy that you care enough to try, but sadly you can’t succeed. Only a god could hope to succeed.” said Mathias


“Well, you’re not aware since I never explained this to Soma but I am something like a god.” retorted Zero


“From what I remember of our fight you and Mrs. Belnades lack the power to be gods.” retorted Mathias


“Well, that was my full potential, but as for my companion she was focusing half her power elsewhere so she was unable to display her full ability.” explained Zero


“I’m curious as to how you came to gain this power. From my memories neither of you should be able to display such power.” said Mathias


“That’s due to my powers and I’ll use them to separate you from the chaos entity. That’s all I can tell you now.” said Zero


“Fair enough, I suppose you’ll keep it a secret until you’ve accomplished your goal. Speaking of that what is your other goal?” asked Mathias


“To awaken your memories as Mathias and Soma. I also would like to separate you from the entity if I’m able to from here.” said Zero as he stood up from his throne chair.


“Well, that’s impossible because to do that you need to let me out of this room and there’s no door. You can leave, but sadly I can’t.” explained Mathias


Zero said nothing as he raised his hand and clenched it into a fist causing cracks to appear on the walls. The room shook as the walls began to crumble and fall. When the shaking was done the 2 men were standing in the void surrounded by rubble next to the 2 doors.


Mathias was speechless as he looked around the destroyed room that had been his prison for centuries.


Zero turned and faced Mathias and smiled as he said “See, I’m already proving you wrong.”


“How… did you do all this?” asked Mathias


“Whether it’s the mind or the soul, it all bends to my will in the end.” answered Zero


“Looks like my friend is more amazing than I previously thought.” said Mathias with a smile.


“So, what happens to you now?” asked Zero


“Well, I’m free now so I can do whatever I want now. Since I have nothing better to do I’ll travel with you until you complete your mission here.” said Mathias


“That’s fine with me. So, do you know what's behind that metal door?” asked Zero


“That’s where Vlad and Soma are battling for dominance. The portal leads to the chaos entity.” answered Mathias


“Okay then let’s deal with Dracula and Soma first before the chaos entity.” said Zero


Zero and Mathias walked towards the metal door and attempted to open it but a lock suddenly appeared on the door. Zero snapped his fingers and the locks shattered and faded. Now no longer impeded Zero and Mathias pushed the doors open and walked through.


The scenery changed as they walked through and they appeared at the castle entrance.


“Is this Dracula’s castle?” asked Zero


“Yes, where did you think those 2 would be fighting?” asked Mathias in response


They entered the castle but unlike the real castle, there were no monsters around. Zero followed Mathias’ lead and followed him to what seemed to be the dungeon which looked exactly like the place he met Carmilla. Following behind Mathias the 2 came to a stop at a cell that held a gray-haired young man.

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