My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 68 Subjugate Part 2

Zero rushed towards Dracula who was still fighting the reaper shadow with his holy imbued sword. Dracula was in a stalemate with the shadow since it couldn’t hurt him but he had no way to defeat it either. As Dracula was blocking a strike from the reaper Zero appeared from Dracula’s blind spot and was able to cut off his hand. His hand and sword dropped to the ground. Tendrils grew from both the severed portion of his hand and attempted to reattach themselves.


The reaper grabbed the ice sword and threw it to Zero. Zero caught the sword and attempted to open a portal into his dimension but noticed that there was now a resistance that he hadn’t felt previously. By using an excessive amount of mana Zero managed to open a mini-portal that could barely fit a soccer ball. Having trouble maintaining the portal Zero quickly threw the sword into the portal and closed it.


The reaper went back to attack Dracula who had reattached his severed hand. Unable to feel the presence of his sword Dracula summoned a pair of flaming gauntlets and caught the scythe with his hands. Dark red flames gushed forth from the gauntlets and engulfed the shadow reaper. The shadow dissolved into the ground and crawled to Zero and merged with his shadow.


Dracula teleported behind Zero and attempted to punch Zero but he ducked and dodged the punch. Zero slashed at Dracula’s leg and he dodged the slash and only received a small cut of his left leg. Waving his hand Dracula created multiple fireballs and launched them at Zero. Zero teleported and the fireballs missed but they stopped mid-air and flew towards Zero.


“Homing fireballs!? You’ve got to be kidding me!” yelled Zero as he dodged the fireball and launched his own to destroy them.


As Zero destroyed the last fireball he was suddenly struck from behind causing him to bounce and skid across the floor. As he rolled the bones broken on impact stabbed into his body. Zero felt his leg being grabbed and he was then slammed into the ground repeatedly.


Dracula slammed Zero into the ground and then thrust his clawed hand into Zero’s chest. Zero felt Dracula squeezing his heart and grabbed Dracula’s wrist. Shadow spike rose and impaled both Zero and Dracula causing Dracula’s grip to loosen. Zero launched a fireball point-blank blowing Dracula back and setting both on fire.


The shadow spike receded back into the ground and engulfed Zero extinguishing the flames. With his body severely burned Zero looked in the direction of Dracula and saw him heal instantly. Zero was also healing but he would require a minute to fully heal and he didn’t have the time.


Zero raised his hand a launched a fireball at Dracula who easily sidestepped the attack and launched his own at the helpless Zero setting him ablaze. Zero released a muffled scream as he tried to manipulate the shadows to dowse the flames but couldn’t as he felt resistance in the shadow.


Shadow spike rose from the ground and impaled Zero again and the spike expanded, curled, and twisted within Zero’s body causing him to scream at the top of his lungs. Dracula bent down and bit Zero’s neck and began to drain his blood. As he did the ground shook and Dracula stopped and noticed a change that was overtaking his dimension.


The blood-red sky was being overtaken by a blue sky that had magical sigils in the sky. The ground shifted from one made of bone to a fiery crack earth that radiated no heat whatsoever. The new territory began to spread and stopped about halfway.


The shadow spikes impaling Zero disintegrated and Dracula released his body and backed off when lightning struck the area where he stood. Yoko landed next to Zero and put her wrist to Zero’s mouth. As he drank blood Yoko kept an eye on Dracula launching white lightning and flames at Dracula. The lightning and flames shot from the sigils in the sky and had a homing ability and they tracked Dracula no matter how he dodged.


Dracula had no other choice but to raise a blood barrier and cover himself with shadows. When all the lightning and flames struck simultaneously it caused a powerful explosion that pushed both Yoko and Zero back. As the smoke cleared Dracula was revealed to have lost over 70% of his body.


“I seemed to have underestimated the both of you especially that woman.” said Dracula as he stared at Yoko.


“Don’t worry you’re not the first.” said Yoko as she gave Zero a sideways glance.


“Well, technically I wasn’t underestimating you but simply wanted to keep you out of danger.” explained Zero as he stood up


“Cease your incessant banter. You’ve injured my body and for that, you must die.” said Dracula coldly


“Well, didn’t you say that you were going to kill us before we even did that.” said Zero


“Silence! I will now show you my true form.” said Dracula


“Wouldn’t it have made more sense to do that at the beginning?” asked Yoko


“Hold your tongue woman! Know your place!” yelled Dracula


“Wasn’t Lisa also a woman? You demeaning women also demeans her.” explained Zero


Dracula looked a bit shocked and did not respond to Zero’s comment. He then encased himself in a cocoon of blood and shadow.


“Well, looks like he’s transforming. This battle will only get harder so try to extend your territory more and reduce his.” said Zero


“I would if I could but I’m almost out of mana.” said Yoko


“What happened it I’ve still got about 70% of mine left?” asked Zero


“Well creating this territory and maintaining it need a massive amount of mana. I’m also maintaining a shield.” explained Yoko


“A shield to protect the baby I assume.” said Zero


“Obviously and I still have it even now so I don’t have enough mana but I have an idea.” said Yoko as she pulled Zero in for a kiss.


As they shared their passionate kiss Zero felt all the mana in his body being drained at a rapid rate. When Yoko released Zero he fell to his knees as he looked at her glowing red eyes.


“Your mana is delicious and it was rapidly regenerating as I drained it. I have enough now to extend my territory a bit.” said Yoko


Yoko began radiating mana as she spread out her arms. As the mana filled the blue sky began to overtake the blood-red one. When the mana receded Yoko’s, territory occupied 75% of the space.


“How come it took you seconds to do this but I had to suffer for so long before?” asked Zero


“That was my first time creating one so it took longer and creating something is always harder than changing it.” explained Yoko


They abruptly stopped their banter when the air changed in the space as an oppressive feeling in the air tripled.

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