My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 63

Anton spent only half an hour healing all the wounded villagers inside the inn’s common room even though there were many of them. He stopped counting when he reached thirty people and while he was doing the healing which was nothing more than removing the healed people from the party system and adding seven wounded people it only took at most a minute for even the severely wounded to heal.

While he was doing the healing, Anders told him that they had counted the bandits who attacked and there were forty of them excluding those who escaped. Ten were still alive and five of them were severely wounded.

“I’ll heal them Father and then you decide what you want to do with those bandits,” Anton told Anders and his father just nodded.

Anton’s father then talked to the two men who were waiting by the side. He was surprised when Anna suddenly talked since he didn’t notice that she was beside him. His startlement made his sister giggle.

“You didn’t know I was here? Those two men are the village chief and the innkeeper. They were asking what’s our next move. They are very afraid of you brother since you’re a mighty wizard who can heal all wounds. According to the talks that I’ve heard, those you healed who had other afflictions not related to the wounds given by the bandits were healed as well. One farmer who had a limp all his life can now also walk straight. They would all treat you now as if you’re a god!” Anna said laughingly and Anton just shrugged.

“It doesn’t matter to me. We’re not going to stay here for long anyway.”

Anton then went outside the inn to look for his father. He saw him still talking to the two men earlier that Anna told him was the village chief and the innkeeper. Lucas and Devon were there as well.

“Anna where are Nermina and Lunelle?”

“They were with our carriage and their cart. They value their cart very much since it contains their clothing and things that you turned “brand new”,” Anna said and Anton just nodded and walked towards where his father was.

They were all looking at the bandit's corpses that were laid down on the ground. The still living ones who were injured were by the side of the corpses sitting down and looking at the ground. Now and then they looked towards Anders fearfully since Anton’s father was holding his magic wand.

“Anton you’re here. According to the village chief, the bandits were planning to make this village their stronghold and they were thankful that we arrived.”

“What are they going to do with the rest of the prisoners, Father? Do you still want me to heal them?”

“Yes heal them, please. There are only ten of them left so I’m quite sure that they will not make any trouble while we’re still here. I’m going to let the village chief handle them.”

Anton added the wounded bandits to his party and since he did not turn off the Meditation and Prayer Aura, they were immediately healed which made the bandits gasped in awe. He needed to do it twice since there were ten of them. After that, he removed them from the party system since he found them distasteful.

“Me and Anna will wait for you inside the inn, Father,” Anton then gathered his sister even though she pouted, and led her to the common room. She clearly wanted to stay and listen to the adult’s discussions.

When they sat at one of the tables in the inn Anna asked his brother a question.

“Why didn’t we stay there and listen? I want to learn what will happen to the bandits.”

“I don’t want to look at the men’s corpses anymore. Don’t you find them disgusting? Besides, Father would probably let the village chief handle the bandits who were still alive and they would either hang or kill them, send someone to the nearest city to ask for assistance, or enslave them.”

“Hang them! Then why did Father ask you to heal them?”

“Why not? It’s not an effort to me and remember the undead are coming so the more living people the better. The villagers didn’t know that the undead are coming but soon they will.”

Nermina and Lunelle entered the inn after a while and when they saw the siblings, they joined them at their table to wait. While they were waiting, Anton decided to give everyone mana water to quench their thirst by taking a pitcher from his inventory and casting his Frozen Orb spell using minute amounts of mana and controlling the temperature to turn the spell into water.

Everyone greedily drank the mana waters since it was so refreshing and they could clearly feel that it was benefitting their bodies. Anton needed to conjure some more water when he saw his father, Lucas, and Devon enter the inn together with the innkeeper and gave his father and the guards mana water to drink which they drank thirstily.

The innkeeper then went somewhere but came out immediately together with a woman and a teenage girl Anton assumed as the innkeeper’s family and had them assist everyone in leading them to the rooms they rented.

They were also informed that the bath was located at the back of the inn and they could have someone start heating water for them but Anton declined and told the innkeeper’s wife that he would handle the water and heat it using magic which made the woman and his daughter stare at Anton wide-eyed.

“Can you lead us to our rooms please?” Nermina had to ask the woman because of their long pause which made the woman blush and her daughter giggle which earned her a glare from her mother.

Anton saw that Anders rented a total of five rooms. One for him, one for his father, one for Anna, one for Nermina and Lunelle, and one for Lucas and Devon. They only stayed in their rooms to put their things and they immediately went back downstairs to eat since everyone had not had their lunch yet and were hungry.

They needed to use their stored food since the inn’s kitchen had not prepared food yet due to the circumstances but their food was good enough.

“Are we still going to stay here to buy their things, Father?” Anton asked Anders.

“Yes. We will stay here today and tomorrow and we’ll leave the day after. I already told the village chief and the innkeeper and they promised to spread the word. We should expect our first customers later but we are going to need to use the inn’s common room since they don’t have a village hall that we can use and the innkeeper was generous enough to lend us a corner.”

“They probably don’t have many visitors anyway especially since something like this happened,” Anna said while they were eating.

“Regardless. We will rest for a couple of hours then start our business.”

“I’m going to take a bath,” Anton declared.

Anna then asked her brother for some mana water and to heat them as well so they could all take a bath and Anton agreed. He then reminded everyone to leave the soiled clothing in his room and to not forget to damage them, so he could clean them using magic.

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