My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 58

Anton prepared himself to drive the Lucas family’s cart. It helped a lot that the horse that was pulling it was very docile towards him and responded to his commands immediately and Devon said that it was uncanny since their horse had a stubborn reputation prompting an ongoing family joke that their horse was half mule.

“It obeys me since it knew that I was the source of the delicious water that it had been drinking and also the source of magic that was making it comfortable. The horses that I’ve encountered were all intelligent for some reason. Are all horses like that?” Anton asked the young guard.

“In my experience, yes. They knew who treated them the best and they were kind to those who treated them well.”

As they moved along Anton was not doing much since the horse was just following the carriage. He thought of what happened regarding their encounter with the bandits. It was…easy. If he thought about it, almost all conflicts that they had encountered even the supposedly very dangerous one, the vampire, were resolved almost immediately.

It goes to show that the powers he received from his Diablo II system were overwhelming. Although Anders told him when he asked that the vampire that they had encountered was low on the hierarchy, his father assured him that that monster alone could have depopulated their entire village easily.

With the powers that he had right now, Anton could do it too, destroy a village with no effort, but Anders told him not to be overconfident since wizards tend to be very powerful that was why when the bandits learned that there was a wizard in their group, all of them ran away immediately. His father didn’t know how he compared with other wizards since they were powerful but very rare but almost always, when a wizard accompanied a mission it was almost guaranteed to be successful. That was how overpowered the wizards in this world.

Anton was feeling bored and he was getting annoyed at the dust that the carriage was creating flowing into him so he cast the Blizzard spell and controlled the mana so it would turn into water and cast it in front of his horse. A rain of mana water appeared just in front of his horse which made the horse pulling the cart happy. It became energetic and almost ran away from him.

Devon gaped at him and Lucas looked at him with question in his eyes.

“Sorry. It was dusty so I wanted to wet the ground in front of me a bit,” He told the two guards.

“Can you cast that spell anywhere in the world like even the desert?” Devon asked.

Anton replied yes to the young guard’s question without thinking about it until he heard the man’s gasp.

“That meant that you could make a farm anywhere! It’s like you’re a god!” Devon said.

“That’s debatable. I can make the ground wet but I can’t make the soil healthy. Does wet sand grow plants? More things needed to be done than just wetting the ground. I admit that the majority of making a healthy farm is the water I can conjure but that hardly makes me a god,” Anton replied.

“Devon don’t bother the wizard and get back to checking the surroundings!”

Anton heard the young guard apologizing to his father. He would have said that it was all right for Devon to talk to him since it was boring just driving the cart but he did not want to intrude on the man guiding his son.

He would have liked to play the game at least using the on-screen option or browse the Internet but he did not want to drive the cart into a ditch so he concentrated on driving the horse. Now he knew that driving a cart or carriage was very boring and he wondered how his father could have done it day in and day out. Anton planned to ask his father if he would like to hire a carriage driver so he could rest inside the carriage instead of driving Maide and Bailey.

Dusk arrived and Anton had to admit that riding an open-air cart was much more conducive to scenery viewing compared to a closed carriage. The environment was beautiful and if he were truly a bard he would have been able to compose a poem or write a song based on the beauty of the scenery. Unfortunately, he was a fake bard who was just plagiarizing the works of famous artists from his old world.

Soon Anders stopped the carriage beside the road in an open area so Anton followed suit. The women went out of the carriage and helped take care of the horses. Anders and the two guards set up their campfire while Anton and Anna stood there looking like privileged useless nobles who did not have anything to do.

Anders sat on a tree trunk that was put there by Devon then the young guard invited him to sit there and waited for everyone to be done. He took a barrel of cooked stew from his private stash and a barrel of bread and told Anna to prepare the food for everyone so he could immediately put the barrels back into his magical space.

Anna worked fast since nobody wanted the food to spoil. When the fire was ready everyone sat down near the fire and Anton’s sister gave everyone the food that she prepared. Once everyone was done eating, Anna asked his brother what story he would tell them that night.

Anton took his lute from his private stash in the game and played a little song.

“The story I’m going to tell is a story about a beautiful girl who was as big as a thumb that came from inside a flower. An old woman who never had a family went to a witch and requested for a child of her own and the witch gave her a seed that she should plant and when the flower from the seed bloomed, her child would appear inside the flower. The name of the story is the name of the beautiful girl. Thumbelina.”

Anton then played and sang the song “Follow Your Heart” which was one of the opening songs from the animated film Thumbelina.

While he was telling the story of Thumbelina, he was playing his Lute using the music from the film. He also sang some of the songs from the animated film like “Soon,” “Marry the Mole,” and his favorite “Let Me Be Your Wings.”

When he first watched the film, it was together with his parents when he was a child and he loved it since his mother loved the movie as well. When he learned the guitar, to please his mother, he practiced the songs from the movie. And now he was using the songs to entertain his new family.

After he finished telling the story everyone clapped and told him that his storytelling was very masterful and could rival the best bards. Anton then told everyone that he was tired and would like to rest so he entered his tent that was set up by Devon.

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