My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 44

“Can you demonstrate to us your new spells son?” Anders asked.

Anton knew that the main reason why his father would like to know how his spells work was, that they did not want to be surprised by their effects in case he needed to cast them. And also, they were curious.

“Sure Father, I’ll show you Energy Shield first.”

Anton cast Energy Shield then a golden ball appeared floating above his head. He found the effect of the shield weird but wasn’t surprised since all spells from Diablo II when cast in real life looked almost exactly the same as in the game.

“Can you hit me with your sword Father? I want to see the effect of the spell,” He asked Anders.

His father unsheathed his sword and hit Anton with it softly enough that if he were hit with the sword, it would only cause a bruise at most. A translucent magical shield that looked like it encompassed Anton’s whole body that originated from the floating ball appeared and looked like it blocked the sword. Since Anton was also wearing the runeword armor Stealth, his defense was very high so together with the Energy Shield, he didn’t receive any damage. Anders then tried to hit him again harder and harder and even the hardest strike from his father didn’t cause him any damage.

“That is a wonderful defensive spell son. Now I wouldn’t be afraid to let you receive damage in our stead,” His father said then Anders laughed.

“Will it also block magic?” Anna asked.

“Let’s try it out. Father, can you hit me with a magic missile from your wand?”

Anders took out his wand and then walked a distance from Anton. He signaled his daughter to move away as well. He then used the wand to summon a magic missile and cast it towards Anton. The missile flew but when it reached Anton, it was also blocked by the magical shield that was produced by the Energy Shield.

Honestly, the spell at level one would only block twenty percent of the damage but he was confident enough of his armor and his vitality to withstand the spell’s damage and even if he got hurt, he had access to a huge amount of healing potions via the game and even had the Prayer Aura from his mercenary that he could activate.

Anders and Anna exclaimed when they saw the magic missile being blocked by the floating ball above Anton’s head.

“That ball is pretty brother. It looks like a golden ball. Maybe we can get it and sell it,” Anna said jokingly.

Anders laughed when he heard that and went back near his children.

“What about the other spell? The one that you call a blizzard?” Anders asked.

“That one is a dangerous spell but let me check if I can cast it here.”

Anton looked at the road and then at the forest. He decided to cast his Blizzard spell in the forest. He thought that the trees should be able to withstand the spells since they do withstand winter every year. He then cast Blizzard in the forest. A gray cloud formed above the location where he aimed the spell and from that cloud, countless Ice Bolts, Ice Blasts, and even Glacial Spikes came down to hit the area where he pointed the spell. All the trees and plants in the area and more than likely all the living creatures as well were devastated by the spell. The spell ravaged the land by destroying everything and when the spell was done, the small area looked like a scene from a cold hell.

“Oops. I didn’t expect that to happen. I feel sorry for the trees and plants and the small creatures that lived there,” Anton said.

Anton’s father and his sister gaped at the place where the spell hit then they both looked at Anton.

“That is one scary spell, Anton,” Anders said and Anna nodded vehemently.

“I know and I think that the mana water that will come from that spell will also give us tremendous benefit but I will only be able to produce that water probably by tomorrow.”

“I can’t wait to try it out, brother. Your mana water is really wonderful. It’s making me look very pretty!” Anna said while admiring her skin.

Anton and his family went back to their tents and their father asked them to sleep early so they could leave early tomorrow. His father wanted to arrive in the village soon so they could purchase a lot of things.

When Anton entered his tent, he didn’t have any plans of sleeping yet. He would first enter the game virtually and practice his Blizzard spell so he could manipulate its mana to the point of being able to decrease its mana volume and change it to water that was not too cold but the perfect temperature to drink and bathe in just like he was able to do with Ice Bolt, Ice Blast and Glacial Spike. After about an hour, he was able to do with the spell Blizzard just like what he was able to do with the low-level spells but knew that it would take a long time to truly master the spell.

He tried to check what he could do with Energy Shield and just like Frozen Armor, he was possibly able to increase its area of effect to include others but that would take a long time and hard work to achieve.

Anton was woken up by his father’s voice and when he checked the time it was already six in the morning. He was surprised that Anders didn’t ask him to do a guard duty last night.

Outside the tent, he saw that his father was already roasting some animal in the fire for their breakfast so he took a pitcher from his inventory and filled it with water from the Blizzard spell then gave it to his father.

Anders tasted the water and turned to his son.

“This water does taste different. It has something more compared to before,”

“Yes father, It has more mana. Why didn’t you wake me up for my guard duty last night?”

“I decided to let you both sleep since everything looked peaceful and don’t worry I was able to sleep too last night. I want you fully rested since we are going to be busy in the next village. I reckoned that we will arrive there by lunch if we leave within the hour.”

Anders woke Anna and told his children to eat their breakfast and prepare so they could leave early. The siblings did take the time to take a bath from the mana water that Anton conjured from his new spell and according to Anna, the water was much better compared to before.

Anton’s family started their journey to the new village with a light heart and his father was visibly excited about the prospect of getting a lot of equipment there since what villages did not lack were old and worn-out things.

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