My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 210

Anna was studying frantically since the school registration would be the next day. Although Ms. Damby told her to relax and not be stressed, she couldn’t help herself. During the past few days, she was very proud of herself for learning her fourth cantrip and she had the feeling that soon she would be able to learn her first level spell.

That meant that she would officially become a level one wizard but the problem was that she was severely lacking in other areas. According to Ms. Damby, the school that she was about to attend which was Zalnothel First Magic School was a magic school that catered to the young sons and daughters of the rich of the city and the school was supposed to be attended while a mage was just learning magic up until the student reached the third level.

Once the student reached the third level, it meant that he or she had graduated from the school and had the option of attending the university if they passed the test or were invited by the powerful professors there or started their career in the city. The graduate's ages usually ranged from early twenties until early thirties.

The tuition was also staggeringly high but due to her brother being a baron and an archmage, they would receive a huge discount. Anna wasn’t actually worried about their funds since the last time she went to the warehouse, it was filled to the brim with items that they would sell and she knew that those items cost them peanuts to purchase and they would sell each one of them for a lot of coins.

Her brother was also an item enchanter and his enchantments were truly magical. Once they started selling those, their family would earn a lot of coins. Even now, her father kept giving her one hundred gold coins per week and according to Ramona, a family of four could survive in the city of Leminthor for five to ten golds a month. Even with her shopping and spending, her storage bag still had around eighty gold coins left.

Anna wasn’t afraid that other people wouldn’t recognize her power as a mage. What she was afraid of was embarrassing her family due to her behavior as a country girl and ignorance that would look like she was an uneducated rube.

Anton told her that she should not worry about others recognizing her origins since everyone knew already. They hadn’t been secretive when it came to their background.

Ms. Damby even assured her that nobody would dare to disrespect her due to her brother being a very young archmage and a baron. Not only that, their family was beginning to become famous because of the movies and most of the nobility were angling to get an invitation from their family for the next movie showing so instead of her receiving any disrespect, more than likely, a lot of would-be classmates would clamor to be her friends in the hopes of being invited to their next family movie event.

Anna understood all of that but she still wanted to make sure that she had learned enough that she would not be embarrassed during lessons.

The next day arrived and her father and brother kept giving her advice on what she should and shouldn’t do while registering during breakfast. Anton then taunted her that if she failed, she shouldn’t take it to heart since she could just remain in the manor and act as a lazy, pretty, noble girl who would go to the city to drink tea and eat cakes every day.

She couldn’t even retort since everybody heard her saying the very same thing during their travel. She felt embarrassed when she saw Lunelle and Devon hiding their laughter.

In the carriage on the way to Zalnothel First Magic School, Ms. Damby, Mr. Tenor, Ramona, and Belinda accompanied her. After thirty minutes of travel, they arrived at the school.

They entered a huge gate and Anna and her maids were flabbergasted to see that the school consisted of four mansions encircling a very large fully decorated garden.

“It’s ten times bigger than our manor!” Anna exclaimed while Ramona and Belinda nodded.

When they arrived at one of the mansions, which was supposedly the main school building where most of the main offices were located, Anna, Ms. Damby, and Mr. Tenor exited the carriage. Ramona and Belinda stayed in the carriage to wait for them.

The school looked empty and Anna could only see very few people. Ms. Damby said that it would change once school started, which was going to be on Monday.

They arrived at an office that had a placard at the door saying, “Registrar’s Office”. When they entered, Anna saw a couple of middle-aged women there. When the women saw them, one of them invited them to sit behind her table and it looked like she was expecting them.

“You should be Ms. Anna Sunders. We’ve been expecting you. I’m Lovella Rundra, one of the registrars here. These are your school rule book, a list of books you will need to buy, and your school schedule! Welcome to Zalnothel First Magic School! Please arrive on time on Monday during the orientation!” The excitable chubby woman said.

Anna remained silent while she received the papers from Ms. Rundra then after a while, she thanked the lady with a nudge from Ms. Damby.

“This is Ms. Doreen Rene, another one of our registrars. She will give you a brief tutor of the grounds!” Ms. Rundra said then the other registrar beckoned her.

Ms. Damby told Anna that they would wait for her here but she knew that the old tutors would probably need to talk to the registrar lady alone.

Anna followed Ms. Rene outside the office.

“Are we going to tour the whole school?” Anna asked.

“Good heavens, no! This is a very large school and it would probably take us the whole day to tour it and it would exhaust us! I will just point out the major facilities like the principal’s office, the cafeteria, that sort.

Ms. Rene then proceeded to point out the offices and locations using her hands then told her the rules and regulations that Anna would need to follow while she was in school. She also pointed out the location of the dorm rooms for those students who will stay in school throughout the semester.

That information gave Anna a pause. She wondered if it would be better for her to stay in the dorms but decided to stay at home first since they were just starting in Zalnothel and anything could happen. Once they were stable in the city that would be the time she could decide if she wanted to experience staying in the school dorms.

Ms. Rene reiterated that the rules and regulations were in the book that was given to her by Ms. Rundra and to make sure that she would arrive on Monday before eight in the morning.

After that brief tour, they went back to the registrar’s office and Anna saw the two tutors shaking hands with Ms. Rundra then after they shook hands with Ms. Rene, Anna emulated them by shaking her hands with the two registrars. They then return to their carriage to go home.

Ms. Damby informed Anna that she gave the registrar information on what her level was in all subjects including her magic level and she was also the one who gave the tuition for this semester, which was a task requested by Anders. Anna nodded that she understood and then she gave the list of books to her tutor and then they headed to the market where they could purchase the books.

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