My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 203

After Anders promised their guests the seats that they were requesting, the discussion about the movie started, which startled Anton. At first, Anton thought his father and his council, the archmages, the merchants, and the nobles would start to discuss business like the establishment of the theater and the magic item that would allow them to record the movie so they could show it to prospective customers but instead, they started talking about the movie. The lifestyle of the hobbits, humans, dwarves, and elves in the world of Middle-earth. The monsters that they had seen and the creatures that were shown in the films.

They talked about the possibility that the last movie which had the title Return of The King was about Aragorn. They talked about the power of the One Ring and what they saw when Galadriel was tempted to take the One Ring for herself.

No one understood what power the One Ring holds. The Archmage Voduria thought that it was some sort of artifact that would amplify the user’s power but would turn them to evil since Galadriel said that with the One Ring, she would become a Queen that was stronger than the foundation of the earth and that all would love her and despair.

They talked about the movie for so long that Anton excused himself stating that since he was so young he would need to sleep to grow, which made everyone laugh and allowed him to go. Based on everyone’s stance, they weren’t ready to finish the night yet so the discussion would probably take hours. The servants kept serving everyone snacks and wine.

The next day arrived and after breakfast, Mr. Tenor and Anton were in his study. The tutoring would be held there and as agreed, it would only last for three hours.

The first hour was spent by the old tutor listing out the curriculum that he would teach Anton. The first three subjects would be General and Common knowledge, then History, and the last one was noble and business etiquette. Anton had to admit that he was severely lacking in those areas.

The curriculum the old tutor provided would cover about a month of lessons and Mr. Tenor said that everything was subject to change depending on Anton’s response to the lessons, which probably meant his speed of learning things.

Before they started the lesson though, he asked one question that kept bothering him.

“Mr. Tenor, why are the places called cities instead of countries? The size and distance alone of each city was enough that they could easily be called countries.”

“Actually, the cities here in the continent of Redindura are countries it’s just that roughly three thousand years ago, the whole continent was conquered by a powerful wizard with a rank above Legend which we are now calling a God. He established his empire and the countries became his cities. When his empire was abolished due to his death and the weakness of his progenies, the cities became independent but since everyone was used to calling them cities, it remained until now. This will be covered in our history lesson. I would also give you a list of books that you will need to purchase and read.”

“Are there any mages who reached the rank “God”?”

“None for almost two thousand years. The last one died one thousand eight hundred years ago but it could very well be that they just hid themselves since no one actually saw them died. But Zalnothel has an Invincible so is the Undead Coalition,” Mr. Tenor said.

Anton’s imagination soared thinking about the power of the higher-ranking mages and he wondered if his Diablo II system would allow him to achieve those ranks.  He decided that after maximizing three characters then he would decide if his system was enough for him to achieve the higher ranks and if not he would start studying the magic of this world. It would be easier for him to switch if he needed to since his system did allow him to climb the ranks as well but Anton knew that he should trust his golden finger since based on the novels that he had read, systems and golden fingers of transmigrators were truly overpowered.

After the lesson, Anton had to admit he learned a lot. He knew that whatever they were paying Mr. Tenor and Ms. Damby was worth every coin and maybe he should ask his father to increase their remuneration.

He wished that his system had a recording function so he could record the lesson for him to be able to review them at any given moment but to be honest about it, if his Diablo II system had any recording function, he would probably use it to record and stream since doing a stream from this world would be very interesting. He imagined himself recording the sceneries inside and outside the city, or doing a music stream using his guitar and the music of this world, or doing a crafting scene which would contain the process of him creating enchanted items and could be treated by viewers from his world as something made with green screen and special effects. Anton knew that whatever he did would be popular on streaming websites since his new body and face although a bit similar to his body and face from Earth, was incredibly fit and handsome because of his stats and mana water.

It wasn’t that important though so Anton wasn’t praying for it since the recording function, even though would be highly interesting, wouldn’t truly benefit him in this world.

During lunch, only Anton, Anna, and the tutors were dining in the dining room. At first, Anna insisted that Ramona and Belinda join them but her tutor Ms. Damby told her that it was time for her to practice noble etiquette and that meant that her maids shouldn’t join her during meals.

Anders knew that his children needed to learn how to behave as someone with higher ranks so he told them the follow the noble etiquette that their tutor would be teaching them but conceded that for dinner, those would be discarded and everyone should eat at the table.

While they were eating, Mr. Ignomus, their butler was reporting to Anton.

“Our visitors left early this morning including the respected archmages. Right now, the rumor mill in the city was rampant with the news that in your house one could see the most incredible shows and everyone was angling to be invited to the event that was going to happen next Sunday.”

“Already! We just watched the movies yesterday and it’s only lunchtime!” Anna exclaimed.

“Due to magic, rumors and news would spread very fast in the city,” Ms. Damby told her student.

“Do you know my father’s plan regarding that?” Anton asked the butler.

“Not yet but I’m assuming that your father and Ms. Nemina will use it to generate interest for the family’s business. There’s a good chance that the viewers next Sunday will all be mages, nobles, and merchants.”

“That’s so sad! Ramona and Belinda should be included!” Anna said.

“You don’t need to worry too much Anna. We could always hold a separate movie viewing for our family and friends in the manor,” Anton said to her.

Anton saw that Ms. Damby was about to protest when Anton said that all the people in the manor were considered “Friends”. He’s got an inkling that Ms. Damby was about to tell them that they should learn how to separate themselves from servants or some such thing but Mr. Tenor stopped her. Mr. Tenor probably understood that it would take a while for him and his sister to adjust to the behavior of being a noble.

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