My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 195

A few minutes passed by and soon Anders together with Mr. Tenor and Ms. Damby arrived. Anton’s father led the two tutors to the front row seats and when everyone was seated, Anton went to the front to talk to the audience.

“Before we start the first movie, I’ll tell you something about it. I thought of showing the movie that I’ve shown before to my new tutor Mr. Alan Tenor and Anna’s tutor Ms. Violet Damby but since they’ve already seen that movie, I decided to show a new one instead. The author of that first film is also the author of the one that I’ll be showing and her name is Ms. Jane Austen. I’ll give everyone five more minutes to go to the bathroom or take some snacks before I start the show,” Anton announced and he saw that a lot of people went outside to relieve themselves.

When everyone was back, Anton cast the spell called the Globe of Browser Sharing that allowed him to share his browser with an audience. After a few seconds of adjustment to make sure that the screen was big enough and clear and the sounds were clear as well he played the Jane Austen film which was the nineteen-ninety-five movie Sense and Sensibility. He actually hadn't seen both films before. The first one, which was Pride and Prejudice, he was too young and didn’t care about romantic movies, and this one, he wasn’t even born yet.

Admittedly, Anton enjoyed Pride and Prejudice and wished that this one was enjoyable as well. He only chose movies with what he thought had a setting that wouldn’t shock the people in this world and it did took him several minutes of research before he chose these movies.

The spell that Anton was using was really powerful since the definition of the movie was really excellent. Everyone was focused on watching the film, even him, and when the movie ended Anton joined everyone in clapping.

Anton went toward the front and announced that the next film would be shown after thirty minutes so everyone could eat and go to the bathroom. He then retrieved a table from his inventory, put some food that he stored, and invited the tutors and family to eat.

After everyone returned, Anton announced that the next film was an adventure movie since he really couldn’t say that it was a fantasy film since he’s currently living in a world where fantasy was reality. Then he started the first movie in the epic franchise, The Lord of The Rings which was The Fellowship of the Ring.

Anton knew that this movie would be liked by all but especially the men and based on their reaction, he was correct. Since he had seen this movie several times, he divided his attention into watching the film and watching the audience's reactions. He really liked everyone’s amazed reactions. The prologue alone was enough to amaze the audience. The dragon firework in Bilbo’s birthday scene made everyone laugh.

When Frodo was rescued by Arwen, the scene of her escape from the clutches of the Ringwraiths while carrying Frodo and the part where the river magic summoned by Arwen saved them made everyone clap.

The betrayal of Saruman and the fight between the white wizard and Gandalf the Gray truly thrilled the audience.

The beauty of Rivendell, the land of the elves brought a gasp of astonishment to everyone. The council meeting of Elrond made everyone’s blood boil since it was the scene that was going to be the foundation of the main adventure.

Gandalf’s battle with the Balrog made everyone terrified and brought tears at the thought that Gandalf had died but the death of Boromir broke everyone’s heart.

The audience also understood the power of the one ring during the scene when Galadriel almost succumbed to the ring’s temptation.

When the movie ended, everyone became aware that the film was only the first part. The audience did not clap or cheer but was silent and when Anton studied everyone’s faces, he knew that everyone was ruminating about the scenes in the movie that they had just seen.

“It’s the best story I have ever seen in my life,” Mr. Alan simply said.

“When are you going to show us the second part!” Anna shouted and by the look of everyone in the audience, the same question was in everyone’s mind.

Anton went towards the front and made an announcement.

“The showing of the next part of the movie will be decided by my father so go talk to him.”

He shamelessly threw the responsibility to his father and Anders was looking at his son wryly which made Mr. Tenor and Ms. Damby laugh. Anders then loudly announced that he would tell everyone when the showing of the next part would be during dinner the next day.

A lot of the audience actually stayed in the makeshift theater to talk about the movie and this included the two old tutors. Anna wanted to stay as well but with Ander’s scolding, she forlornly went to her room to rest followed by her maids.

Mr. Tenor, Ms. Damby, Nemina, Lucas, and some of the older ones were gathered together and were talking about the scenes in the movie and if anyone could hear what they were talking about without any context, it would appear that they were talking about something that could be construed by the listener as something monumental that happened in the history of the world and this made Anton smile.

He said his goodbye to his father and the others and went to his room to rest. Even though it was very late, Anton wasn’t tired yet so he decided to enter the game and continue his research in creating the mana power bank that could recharge his enchanted items.

At first, Anton thought of putting the enchantment in some sort of a chest then the users could put in the enchanted items inside the chest to recharge them but a chest would defeat the purpose of the power bank which was to make recharging the enchanted items more convenient.

He then thought of the Maglev power bank that one of the most famous smartphone producers from Earth released and imagined himself doing the same thing as well. Basically, the mana power bank would look like a small smartphone that one could attach to the mana storage of an item and the mana storage of the item would take the mana from the mana power bank until the enchanted item was full. Anton immediately wrote down the concept in his notebook and started the process of creating the item. He spent a couple of hours etching the mana pathway on a piece of wood as big as a smartphone that would allow him to store mana on the item. He made sure that there was a mana structure that would allow the thin wood to connect to another piece of wood of the same size with the same mana structure but then there was a problem with the mana structure when he tried to connect the two items and the connection wasn’t successful.

He knew that it would take him a few more hours or even days of trial and error before he would be successful. Once he was successful in attaching the two pieces together that contained nothing but the mana structure of the mana storage, which basically meant the batteries, he would then need to create a mana structure that would allow the item to automatically attach itself to another enchanted item like a magnet and another mana structure that would safely transfer the mana from the mana storage of the power bank to the enchanted item plus make sure that the mana power bank would automatically shut itself off once the enchanted item that it was charging was full of mana.

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