My Empire

Chapter 42 - Frenzberg

In an instant, it might have taken a long time before one side exhausted the magical aura he had accumulated before the duel between the great magicians who could decide the winner or loser came to an end.

Frenzberg looked at his two palms that had been burned and had a wry smile on his face: “Even with the highest level of petrification magic, there is no guarantee that the mortal body will withstand such an impact… What a pity, what a pity.”

The bone pain in the palm that had lost the magic began to cause trouble, and Frenzberg’s face became pale. He leaned against the still cold cannon and looked at his palm thoughtfully.

What kind of person can come up with such a terrible principle? The magician does not lack the means of long-range attacks, and even uses the attack distance to crush mortals. However, this kind of attack can change the mode of attack, but it has never been discovered.

Making something that can explode is actually very simple for magicians. Alchemists can also make some explosives, but those explosives can only be released by means of throwing, and the attack distance is of course small and pitiful.

This kind of thing called a cannon is different. It actually does the opposite, and uses the instant expansion of the explosion to propel the object to fly at a very high speed. Using speed to kill, this is something that I didn’t even dare to think of before.

“Teacher…” The apprentice William, who finally got up from the ground, staggered to Frenzberg’s side, clutching his chest and panting. He just thought he was dead, but now he is waiting for a turnaround.

The great magician who had just been unstoppable and seemed unstoppable, was lying on the ground like pieces of meat at this moment, without a breath of breath. The Grand Mage Leysin died, and was killed by a single move…

The impact of this picture is too strong, and William needs to digest it. But before he digested the shock in his heart, the picture became more bloody.

The blood began to seep out the mung bean-sized wounds, gathered together before cooling down, and poured out a white riddled magician robe. Then, the light blue blood began to spread on the smooth, mirror-like marble floor, and it was disgusting to look at.

You know, fire magic has always been the most cost-effective magic. It is powerful, quick to prepare, and has the farthest attack distance. It is the magic that magicians like to use most.

The rest of the magic types are more slanted than the sword: the lightning magic has the fastest attack speed but the longest preparation time is the most difficult to cast; the wind magic weakens quickly with the increase in the distance from the body, so it is not suitable for long-range combat…

As for water magic, it consumes too much magic aura. It belongs to the “strength-based magic” that communicates with nature. It is the most exquisite and least cost-effective magic method. Few magicians are willing to specialize in it.

Therefore, few magicians bleed to death during a duel, and magicians rarely see each other’s blood: because of the relationship between practicing magical breath, their blood is obviously different from that of mortals, and it exudes. A faint blue light.

After seeing the blood, William began to feel that his stomach was surging again: The magician is an elegant existence, and they are all civilized people who are not used to seeing blood, so by chance, William was very surprised when he saw so much blood spread on the ground. There is an urge to vomit.

This is how people are, even if a magician might use magic to slaughter hundreds of mortals in a war, they are not bloody, especially, not **** from their companions.

“I’m going to… Ailan Hill.” Frenzberg reluctantly walked back to his desk, took out a bottle of potion from the drawer, and poured it on the palms of his injured hands. He suddenly asked: “You, would you like to come with me?”

“There, can you learn this new magic?” William finally suppressed the urge to retching, and asked.

“Yes, I’m going to take a look and see what’s interesting there.” Frenzberg nodded: “You have a good talent and a good age. Go there, maybe you can inherit my mantle. “

“I am willing to go! I am willing to go with you!” William felt that being able to inherit the mantle of Frentzberg would not be intolerable even if he lived in a mortal territory for a year.

Frenzberg continued to nod his head, then stepped away with difficulty, and walked towards the door: “Follow me! There is nothing left to miss here! The future of the Holy Demon Empire is not here, our future Not here either.”

“Rotten, depraved, incompetent, weak…” Frenzberg muttered some nasty words as he walked down the stairs. William knew that his teacher was describing this ancient empire, so he could only lower his head. Say nothing.

“This towed dual-purpose artillery carriage should be deployed on the two wings of the infantry phalanx. They must ensure that the entire infantry phalanx is not threatened by dragons. This is the primary task.” On a drawing, Wagron outlined A brand new battle formation has emerged.

Although Chris has a civilized science and technology tree, he has countless generals’ understanding and writings of war, and countless valuable information to summarize: but he can’t change and develop this knowledge.

To put it bluntly, he is just a “cheater” who carries plagiarism, and cannot combine such things out of nothing. For example, in his knowledge base, there must be no papers or detailed tactical arrangements such as “How Ground Forces Defend Fire Dragons”.

“In every phalanx of infantry, that is, a battalion with 300 gunmen, four more anti-aircraft guns? How are the extra soldiers counted? Should they be included in this battalion or in the regiment?” Will Kers raised his own question.

Hearing this, Chris had to compromise and said: “Given the special nature of the air defense force, I think it should be deployed in a battalion-level unit so that this force can fight and defend independently.”

“Each battalion is expanded. The original number is definitely not enough. Expand one battalion to 500…The artillery of the regiment will be strengthened.”

“A battalion of 500 people, 300 grenadiers, 40 machine gun shooters are preset, ready to be equipped with new machine guns as the infantry automatic fire support; including more than 60 anti-aircraft gunners and apprentices, a total of more than 400 people, the rest Everyone can be used as a supplementary soldier in charge of everything.” Wagron knew the current battalion-level organization well and started counting.

“The regiment’s artillery will also be expanded. 400 men are equipped with 20 artillery, and almost 4 anti-aircraft guns are needed to cover this. This will require an expansion of about 60 men. With the addition of the original regiment staff and logistics personnel, a regiment will have to approach 2,000. The level of human beings.” Similarly, Bourgeois, who was already familiar, also said.

“Actually, I think that in this case, it would be more appropriate to set up a regiment as a five-battalion system and directly expand it to 2500.” Chris felt that the later generations of the U.S. military had better independent combat capabilities. , The combat effectiveness is also higher.

After all, he is determined to use ammunition dumping and weapon crushing tactics in the future. In the face of opponents such as magicians and dragon knights, he dare not use tactics or the like to take risks. Therefore, he certainly feels that the US military’s tactical system is most worthy of his study.

The tactical organization of the five battalions can preset the organization of the heavy battalion for these infantry regiments, and they can also be equipped with armored vehicles or even tanks in the future. In short, with more people, the regiment’s combat effectiveness will be more secure.

“In this way, each battalion will have more than 500 soldiers, and our front line will be pulled wider… four anti-aircraft guns can stabilize the defense line of the entire battalion?” Wagron raised his own question. Tao.

Chris nodded. He also felt that if the front line was opened, the defense area of ​​a battalion would be larger. The four anti-aircraft guns would have to deal with aerial targets, and they might have to deal with ground targets at the same time. The pressure would be very high.

“Then add four more anti-aircraft guns! I would rather expand a few battalions, but also ensure the effective combat capability of the troops! Just like the armies of the mortal empires in the past, no matter how large the number is, in front of the magic empire, there is actually nothing. Useless.” Chris gave his general policy.

He also knew that when this sentence was said, the original vigorous army expansion movement might suddenly slow down severely.

Originally, Modler formed the 4th Regiment in Bahrain, and Koria had been ordered to form the 5th Regiment in Meyn. The 3rd Regiment, which was originally scattered across the country, has now been assembled and handed over to Wilkes. Expanded. At the same time, the 6th regiment was ordered to be established in North County, under the command of Bourgeois.

Even Lawnes, who was named as the commander of the navy, was ordered to form a Marine Corps 1 regiment, stationed in Ferry City.

Then, on the basis of these unit number designation regiments, Chris established a more advanced division-level command with a unit number of regiment commander acting as the commander, and at the same time began to expand the double-digit infantry regiment.

These double-digit infantry regiments were eliminated from the 1st regiment, and their combat effectiveness was not high. They were only formed as supplements and reserve teams: most of them were still in cold weapon state, numbered from the 11th to 16th regiments, plus the navy. The 12 regiments of the Marine Corps.

It was also from this moment that Ailan Hill’s troop organization was fixed: future expansions will be named troop numbers according to this method.

At the same time, Chris’s “Military and Political Department”, a political department that controls the army, is also expanded. This department can ensure that the troops are always firmly in Chris’s hands and ensure the absolute unity of the ideology of Allan Hill’s troops.

Despite the crazy army expansion, Ailan Hill failed to complete the grand expansion plan of 25 regiments: they now only have 14 regiments, and 8 are substandard “second-line garrison regiments.”

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