My Dungeon Life: Rise of the Slave Harem

Chapter 1516

“What are you waiting for?” The lioness had finally reached the end of her patience. “Attack them!”

The fighting which had slowed to nothing suddenly surged back up again, but rather than being overwhelmed, my girls fought extremely viciously, summoning all of their power. I didn’t have anything left to heal them or protect them. I was currently pulling from the dungeon to repair myself, but that wouldn’t reattach my arm or repair the damage to my soul, at least, not in the short term. I had already sucked all of the life out of my soul world just to heal enough to keep me up.

Perhaps, I needed to put more life into my soul world, thus giving me a reserve of life to pull from in desperate times. I considered this, but it wasn’t something that was going to help me at the moment. Currently, I didn’t even know what contained a lot of life versus a little. A mammal had a bigger soul and more life than an insect, but that wouldn’t help me at that moment. Thus, I could only watch as my girls fought for the first time without any of my support.

The last two to meet were Lydia and First, who walked in a circle around each other three times as if probing each other for weaknesses. It was only after about a minute that First gave a snort and then launched an attack at Lydia. She met the attack and then delivered one of her own. Her spear came out in an attack, and a spark of lightning shot out. First had to pull back as the lightning struck her blade.

“Did she learn lightning too?” I didn’t realize I had asked out loud until Celeste responded with Slave Communication.

“No, master. Lydia never learned magic, remember? The lightning is appearing because her strikes are ionizing the local atmosphere. In short, her attacks are so swift, that she’s causing lightning to form!”

As their battle grew, these sparks and shocks grew as well, making the display of their fighting a lighted show. Both women were incredibly fast and deadly. First used a sword built like a dao blade. Lydia’s spear met every attack, no matter how swift. They seemed to dance around each other, spinning and dodging. Lydia knew quite a bit of dance, and her fighting style was every bit as elegant, causing the scene to feel almost breathtaking if it wasn’t so dangerous.

“First!” One of the lionesses cried as Shao managed to get a hit on her, using two shadow doubles to fool them and give her room to strike.

First’s attention flickered for just a second, but it was enough. Lydia managed a strike, causing the other woman to jump back to avoid further injury. She just managed to get back, but then she felt her stomach, which had nearly been cut open by Lydia’s blade.

First gave Lydia an ugly look. “I’ll admit, you’re stronger than I expected, but that doesn’t mean that you’re anything. King Roth is the only true harem master.”

“It sounds to me like you’re very desperate to believe that.” Lydia shrugged. “Are you having doubts?”

“Doubts!” First nearly spat the word. “I would never doubt my lord! He will live forever, and he will grant all of us immortality by his side!”

“I don’t care about that,” Lydia responded.

“You don’t care about being by your master’s side for eternity? That is the ultimate dream of every harem!”

“You misunderstand… every moment I am by Master’s side, it is an eternity of happiness. I don’t know if I’ll be by his side for eternity, because I am already satisfied by every second I can be with him! Master is my everything!”

First didn’t have an answer, so she instead let out a roar and attacked once again like she had something to prove.

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