My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 158 Is This Thing Really A Model?

Zhang Qicheng handed Li Chao a cigarette, and said with a smile, These villagers are really interesting. I don't know what kind of expressions they will have when they see those abalones after Brother Xiang goes ashore.


Amid the crisp metallic sounds, Li Chao lit a cigarette and took a puff, I guess it will be very exciting.

I guess so. Zhang Qicheng said deeply.

Li Chao opened the car window to let out the smell of smoke, and his voice became much quieter. He suppressed his voice and said, Qicheng, please don't mention this in front of brother Xiang. We'll just pretend we didn't see anything. did not hear.

Why? Zhang Qicheng also asked in a low voice.

This is not an honorable thing at all, of course Zhang Qicheng would not mention it in front of Xiang Yang, but he couldn't understand why Li Chao would specifically instruct him on this matter.

Think about it. Li Chao said with a smile: Why do these villagers gather on the pier? Is it to welcome Brother Xiang? Wrong, they all came to see the harvest that Brother Xiang returned from the sea. Brother Xiang will go to sea a few times next time. The harvest, as well as brother Xiang's attitude in the future, will probably determine whether these villagers will buy big boats and go out to sea to fish like brother Xiang.

Zhang Qicheng's eyes lit up, Are you trying to make these villagers buy big boats and go fishing like Brother Xiang?

It's not my idea, it's yours. These are old fishermen who have been fishing for generations and have experienced many battles. Li Chao said with a smile: The most important thing is that they have no shipping channels except you. This is directly equivalent to adding hundreds of employees who only need to pay a commission and do not need to pay a basic salary.

Zhang Qicheng nodded his head fiercely, That's right, the current fish are not easy to catch, and there are many competitors in the market. Many catches have to be snatched up. If I can get a stable supply channel, it will be good for me. The boost is really huge.”

Li Chao said with a smile: I'll help you in a while, but there are some things that need to be grasped by yourself. You have to grasp them yourself.

Zhang Qicheng asked: How to help? How to grasp it?

It's simple, if you make brother Xiang happy and make the villagers envious, it will be a matter of course.

Be specific.


A long siren sounded from the sea.

Both Li Chao and Zhang Qicheng looked up to the edge of the pier.

Let's go. Li Chao opened the car door and walked down, Brother Xiang has landed, let's go to meet him.

Zhang Qicheng quickly followed.

Chen Qingsheng was the first to jump off the deck outside the crude pier, and connected the detection board to the unloading bridge.

The villagers waited for Chen Qingsheng to go up from the unloading bridge to the pier, and immediately surrounded him.

Master Chen, did you catch any fish when you went out today? An old fisherman asked first.

Chen Qingsheng was taken aback, and asked back: How do you know that we didn't go fishing today?

Uh. The fisherman was stunned for a moment, and he was also quick to speak, but Chen Qingsheng's answer was really beyond his expectation.

Village Chief Zuo's expression changed, What happened? According to Village Chief Zuo's thinking, there are so many fish schools in the sea outside, and that kid Xiang Yang has always been reliable. If something unexpected happened, Xiang Yang would definitely Will not leave fish uncaught.

At the same time, Village Chief Zuo was also secretly happy, so it seems that the fishery resources in the outer sea area have not been exhausted.

At this time Xiang Yang climbed off the boat, he smiled all over his face, Is everyone here?

The village chief Zuo heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the smile on Xiang Yang's face. As long as Xiang Yang can still smile, it's okay to have an accident.

Xiaoyang. Zuo Village Chief asked everyone's doubts, Why did you come back empty-handed after going out to sea this time?

Before Xiang Yang could speak, Chen Qingsheng stared, Empty hands?

Village Chief Zuo pointed to Xiang Yang's big boat, and said tactfully: The draft of the boat was different when you came back last time than it is now.

Xiang Yang smiled, and instantly understood the reason for everyone's visit, So you are concerned about this. To be honest, I am really lucky today. I will surprise you when I clean up the harvest later.

These words made everyone confused, just judging from the draft of the fishing boat, Xiang Yang must have not caught much fish this time.

Going out with an empty boat in the morning and returning with an empty boat at night can you be considered lucky? So what is ordinary luck? What is bad luck?

Is it normal luck if a ship hits a rock and does not sink, but bad luck only if the ship sinks?

Xiang Yang was about to explain.

At this moment, Boss Li and Zhang Qicheng squeezed into the crowd.

Brother Xiang, Gong Xi Fa Cai. Li Chao congratulated Xiang Yang loudly, cupping his fists and raising his eyebrows.

Li Chao's words made the villagers even more confused.

Isn't Xiang Yang's boat empty when he comes back from the sea this time?

Why do they all react like this?

Many fishermen stretched their necks, stood on tiptoes, and desperately looked at the deck. They were so curious that they wanted to find out quickly.

Boss Li. Xiang Yang temporarily ignored the villagers and greeted Li Chao with a smile.

What about the goods I want?

It's on the boat, I'll have them move down now.


Can't wait to see it!

The crew finally came down from the deck carrying barrels one by one.

After everyone saw the contents of the wooden barrels clearly, there was a sudden gasp in the surroundings.

My God!


Oh my god!



It turned out to be full of abalone!

There was an uproar on the small pier. Each of these wooden barrels contained three or four abalones. At present, more than a dozen of them have been lifted off the boat, and it seems that there is still a steady stream of wooden barrels and water tanks behind them.

Abalone is not as rare as those rare and rare French blue dragons. Not to mention fishermen by the sea, even many inland people who have never eaten seafood know that the price of abalone is comparable to gold.

My God, there are so many abalones. Village Chief Zuo's eyes widened, and his voice trembled, And they are all this big, Xiaoyang, there must be hundreds of them, right? These are all from your trip to sea. caught?

Xiang Yang smiled and said: Yes, they were all caught today, and a total of more than 300 were caught. These are all smaller ones, and there are bigger ones behind.

Three, three hundred? Zuo Village Chief opened his mouth wide.

The sound of gasping for air sounded again from the small pier.

Even Li Chao and Zhang Qicheng took a deep breath. Hearing is one thing, but seeing is another. Hundreds of natural abalones, each with more than nine heads, were placed in front of them. The impact is very huge.

Especially when the one-headed abalone was lifted off the deck by the crew for the last time, everyone's scalp tingled for a while.

Abalone that is bigger than a vegetable bowl! Someone rubbed his eyes vigorously, with a face full of fear: Xiang Yang, is this really an abalone, isn't it a model?

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