My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 124 Marine Life Paradise

On the beach, Professor Chen Yu was standing in front of a folding table.

There is a very thick laptop on the folding table. At first glance, the picture on the computer screen is the boundless sea, but if you look closely, you can find that it is the scene in front of Xiang Yang.

Chew a betel nut to warm your body? Director Li Bo handed Professor Chen Yu a box of betel nuts.

Thank you, I can't chew my teeth. Chen Yu pointed to his cheek.

Director Li Bo stuffed a betel nut into his mouth and glanced at the screen, Huh? Something seems wrong. The steepness is not like a normal continental shelf, but a bit like a continental slope.

I also discovered that the normal distance from the beach to the sea more than one meter deep is more than ten meters. He only walked ten meters and the water reached his neck. Chen Yu said.

It is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish the continental shelf from the continental slope. In fact, this is geographical knowledge in middle school. It is actually very simple to distinguish. The underwater part that naturally extends from the continent to the ocean is the continental shelf. Generally, beaches are formed, and the terrain is relatively flat. The transition stage from the continental shelf to the ocean basin is the continental slope, which is extremely steep.

Xiang Yang, Xiang Yang, please answer if you receive it. Professor Chen called out a headset on his notebook.

Xiang Yang, who was walking in the ocean, was taken aback suddenly, he actually heard Professor Chen Yu's voice in the hood.

Is it the teacher? Chen Yu asked tentatively.

It's me, are you walking upright now or half squatting?

Although Xiang Yang wondered why the teacher would ask such a question, he still replied: I am walking upright. The water here is almost as deep as a person. I need to stand on tiptoe to step on the bottom of the sea. After finishing speaking, he Surprisingly, this is the first time he has communicated with land under water.

Well, it's clear. You should be careful next time. There are some problems with the steepness of this coastline. According to my experience, there may be canyons or trenches ahead.

Xiang Yang was taken aback.

The most advanced diving suit also failed to block the effect of the mysterious jade shell. Through the jade shell, Xiang Yang had already seen a huge submarine gully less than 100 meters ahead.

Chen Yu obviously does not have a mysterious jade shell that can see things on the seabed, but he can tell the seabed topography of the sea area ahead, and the basis is that the terrain of the sea area near the shore is a little steeper, which is the basis of knowledge. strength.

Xiang Yang took a few more steps forward, and now his whole body was completely submerged in the sea water.

In addition to the weight of the diving suit, ordinary divers can still walk slowly on the bottom of the sea, but Xiang Yang is too lazy to walk, bending his body slightly, and swimming on the bottom of the sea with a dog planer.

As soon as Xiang Yang dived into the sea, Professor Chen Yu squinted his eyes on the beach.

What caught Xiang Yang's eyelids and the laptop screen was a paradise scene of marine animals, from floating jellyfish to turbot hiding in the bottom of the sea and burying itself under the fine white sand, from beautiful sea squirts to ugly sea animals. Sea scorpions, floating objects of various colors, and countless animals and plants live peacefully under this sea area.

Fuck, a sea scorpion whose head is bigger than Brother Xiang? Li Chao, who has been smiling since meeting experts and professors like Chen Yu, stared at the computer screen and swears, Professor Chen, your image ratio is that OK?

There are sea squirts, which are also good things. Jellyfish, sea squirts, and sea scorpions. Boss Li, is your old house really nearby? Zhang Qicheng asked suspiciously.

Li Chao said, Do you know where my old house is?

Mr. Peng was amazed, It's a miracle that such a big sea scorpion can live well in front of Mr. Li's house. By the way, such a big sea scorpion is not considered a food, but an ornamental fish? Give it to me?

That can't be done. You said it belonged to my family. How can there be any reason to let it go? Li Chao shook his head.

Mr. Peng shook his head, smiled and stopped talking.

Li Chao looked at Chen Yu, Professor Chen, can your diving suit withstand the poisonous needles on the sea scorpion's back? If it is possible, please help me tell my brother Xiang, if he can catch the sea scorpion Come up and give it to me, and I'll give him 20,000 yuan.

Zhang Qicheng and Mr. Peng looked at Li Chao a little amused, it was obviously something outside their own house, but someone else came to find it.

However, Zhang Qicheng and Mr. Peng also know that Li Chao spent 20,000 yuan well. There are many extremely dangerous species in the ocean. None of them are diving enthusiasts. In the enclosed private bay, you will never go swimming in such unfamiliar seas that have not been explored just because you are close to home.

But 20,000 yuan for a sea scorpion is a bit high.

Even Chen Yu said, Mr. Li, the sea scorpion doesn't seem to be worth the price, does it?

On the seaside, you can usually see some restaurant signs saying Stone Fish Restaurant, which regards Stone Fish as a signature dish. In fact, Stone Fish is the general name of several kinds of sea scorpions that people often say. What Xiang Yang sees now This sea scorpion lying on the ground like a stone is more poisonous than the group of toad-like sea scorpions he encountered in the nameless sea last time. It is almost the most poisonous of all sea scorpions, and the meat is also the most delicious. One of these can usually be sold for one to two thousand yuan a catty in seafood restaurants.

It's worth it, why isn't it worth it? I caught it after I participated in it myself. It's different from ordinary sea scorpions. Li Chao said excitedly.

Director Li Bo was speechless for a moment. If he stood by the sea and looked at it, he would be considered to have participated in it, then he has participated in more than one major event in the present and in the future.

In fact, Xiang Yang didn't even need Chen Yu's reminder to set his sights on the sea scorpion. In Xiang Yang's opinion, the weight of this sea scorpion definitely exceeded three catties, or even four catties. four to five thousand.

However, things like sea scorpions are not easy to catch. The poisonous needles on the sea scorpion's back can penetrate even thick shark skin, so Xiang Yang dare not act rashly.

Although Chen Yu said that the surface of the diving suit he was wearing could not be torn even by sharks, he was afraid of everything just in case.

It would be great if there was a net bag. Xiang Yang thought.

Then Xiang Yang slowly swam towards the sea scorpion, not because he was afraid that he would frighten the sea scorpion if he swam too fast, but because Xiang Yang was afraid that if he swam too fast, Chen Yu would think of something, the sea scorpion would evolve itself Things that look like poisonous hedgehogs are better than shuttle turtles. They have no natural enemies since they were born. They eat everything, including impetuous, scallops, small fish, shrimps, and seaweed. Never worry about food.

The lack of natural enemies and the abundance of food have caused their swimming function to be extremely degraded, and their underwater swimming speed is even comparable to that of turbot.

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