My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 43-2

Chapter 43-2


Song Yuhang slapped her hand away with a single smack and said, Dont dont make noise

Afterwards, she smacked her lips a couple of times and buried her head into hers

Lin Yan, unable to bear it any longer, delivered a resounding slap. Although it seemed that Song Yuhang had some awareness, she turned her face away and still clung tightly to her.

Lin Yan pushed a few more times, but she didnt budge at all. Damn, shes so heavy, what has she been eating to become like this?

In her current situation, she couldnt resort to violence against her, and with her being so defenseless, if she were to use force, Song Yuhang would be seriously hurt.

Lin Yan endured and said, Did I owe you something in my past life?

Her question was met with quiet breathing.

Song Yuhang was deeply asleep, her head buried in her. It was as if she had found a warm harbor, and the pillow was both fragrant and soft. She couldnt help but hold her tighter and tighter.

Lin Yan was about to suffocate, and besides, she wasnt entirely indifferent either. When the heat gently brushed across her skin, her toes curled up from the tingling sensation.

She clenched her fingers tightly on the sofa, almost struggling to breathe. She tried to move Song Yuhangs head to the side, but as she lifted it, she saw her furrow her brow, seemingly uncomfortable, and reach out to scratch her own collar.

Whats wrong with you?

Lin Yan asked her.

Song Yuhang closed her eyes, pulled at her collar, and scratched her neck. Its itching

Visibly, a large rash had appeared on her neck.

She seemed uncomfortable all over her body, squirming and scratching vigorously, quickly drawing a few blood marks. free webnov

Lin Yan grabbed her hand firmly and said, Dont move!

Song Yuhang was obedient, still whimpering with her mouth, but she let Lin Yan unbutton her clothes without resistance. When Lin Yan saw the large red spots, it startled her sober.

Damn, why didnt you mention youre allergic to alcohol earlier! Get up!

Perhaps feeling extremely uncomfortable, Song Yuhang was limp and weak, so when Lin Yan pushed her forcefully, she tumbled over. Lin Yan helped her lie down and raised her feet onto the sofa.

Do you know alcohol allergy can be fatal? Yet you still drank? Huh? Lin Yan scolded while turning on a table lamp, opening her eyelids to check. Fortunately, her pupils responded normally to light.

Is there anywhere else itchy?

Song Yuhang pointed to her neck, struggling to speak, and looked like she wanted to scratch again.

Lin Yan slapped her hand on the back, saying, No scratching allowed!

Song Yuhang looked somewhat aggrieved and was now mostly sober. Itchy

Endure it! Lin Yan said as she lifted her arm and rolled up the sleeve to check if there were any rashes elsewhere.

Turn over, let me check your back.

Reluctantly, Song Yuhang complied, closing her mouth as she met Lin Yans gaze. She obediently turned over, facing the sofa to undergo her examination.

As Lin Yan conducted her examination, Song Yuhang bit her lip slightly. Lin Yans touch was gentle, like a soft massage, and it relieved the itching sensation but triggered another feeling.

Especially as it traveled up her spine.

Song Yuhang suddenly clenched the sofa fabric, nearly biting her lower lip hard enough to draw blood. In just a short minute, it felt like an eternity had passed for her.

Alright, lie still. Its not too severe. Ill go find some medication for you.

Lin Yan said as she quickly rushed upstairs and disappeared into her own laboratory.

Xisimin, Xisimin1 she mumbled under her breath, rummaging through neatly organized cabinets but finding no trace of allergy medication among her collection of disinfectants and topical treatments.

Lin Yan turned and searched through the drawers under her desk, emptying them out but still unable to locate what she was looking for.

Damn it, where did I put it? Lin Yan cursed softly, beads of sweat forming on her forehead. Frustrated, she turned and headed towards the study.

When she returned, still slightly out of breath, she handed a box of pills and water to her.

Here, take it quickly.

Song Yuhang held the warm cup in her hands, momentarily taken aback as she looked up at Lin Yan, who had sweat on her forehead and disheveled hair. It warmed her heart.

I didnt know that Forensic Doctor Lin also has such a gentle side.

Get lost, its not not Lin Yans true nature was exposed the moment she opened her mouth. When she was praised as gentle to her face, her tongue even got tied for a moment. She had initially thought of saying, I forced it on you, but what slipped out instead was, You brought it on yourself.

Song Yuhang smiled, not minding, and unwrapped the pill, placing it into her mouth, then gulping down the entire glass of water.

She felt dizzy and utterly exhausted.

By the time Lin Yan turned away to dispose of some trash, she had already drifted off into slumber once more.

Beneath the orange glow of the lamp, Song Yuhang slept soundly, her eyelashes gently quivering, and her lips appeared plump and moist from having just drunk water.

Her jacket was open, and the short-sleeved shirt inside was disheveled from her earlier scratching, revealing a glimpse of her slender collarbone and graceful curves.

Her complexion, unlike Lin Yans sickly pallor, was the normal shade for an Asian person, somewhere between wheatish and bronze.

With her regular fitness regimen, her tall and toned figure exuded a different kind of feminine beauty.

As Lin Yan gazed at her, she couldnt help but think that she looked better without any makeup, so as not to harm anyone. She reached out to straighten her clothes, took the glass from her hand, dimmed the table lamp, and brought down a blanket from upstairs to cover her.

Lin Yan had initially intended to go upstairs to sleep, but seeing Song Yuhangs still slightly flushed complexion and feeling her slightly warm forehead, she decided to sit down against the sofa, let out a tired yawn, and reconsidered.

* * *

Throughout the night, Lin Yan woke up multiple times, checking on her condition. She was particularly concerned when she noticed her unconsciously scratching her neck, which was already damaged.

She brought some iodine and gently dabbed it on a piece of gauze to soothe her, continuing until it was almost dawn.

Song Yuhang had a dreamless night, and her phone repeatedly vibrated in her backpack until it eventually ran out of battery.

When she woke up in the early morning, her eyes were met with a fluffy headLin Yans curly hair sprawled across her. Lin Yan had fallen asleep leaning against the sofa, with her hand resting on her waist.

Song Yuhang gently moved her arm away, raised herself up, and tucked the stray hair from Lin Yans forehead behind her ear.

Lin Yans complexion was somewhat pale, likely due to inadequate rest, with dark circles under her eyes.

She stayed up the whole night watching over her like this?

A sudden wave of tenderness washed over Song Yuhangs heart. She carefully slid off the sofa, wanting to wake Lin Yan but hesitating. Instead, she reached out and lifted her up horizontally.

Lin Yan woke up abruptly, feeling disoriented. She struggled to form coherent words, Wha what are you doing?!

Still groggy from the effects of alcohol, Song Yuhang had little strength left in her body. She climbed the stairs with Lin Yan in her arms, a thin layer of sweat forming on her forehead. Dont move recklessly. Wheres your room? Go back to sleep.

Damn it, Song Yuhang, if you dare to drop me, youre dead meat! Lin Yan cursed. As soon as she finished speaking, Song Yuhangs grip loosened slightly, causing her to sink downward.

Lin Yan let out a startled cry and clung tightly to her neck, tightly shutting her eyes.

The expected pain, however, did not occur. Song Yuhang chuckled lightly. Arent you supposed to be fearless?

Lin Yan, still holding onto her neck, cursed vehemently, I

Song Yuhang became serious. Alright, tell me where to go. Otherwise, I really wont be able to carry you.

Straight ahead, the one all the way at the back.

Song Yuhang carried her and walked briskly towards the designated room. Lin Yan continued to taunt her mercilessly, Youre so pathetic. I cant believe you cant even lift someone weighing less than a hundred pounds. Last time, a guy carried me around, up and down the stairs, while he was shirtless.

Song Yuhang maintained a poker face, but Lin Yans words stirred her blood. She opened the door and unceremoniously tossed Lin Yan onto the bed. Whos to blame? Im allergic to alcohol, and whose idea was it to make me drink? Wait until Im better; well see.

Lin Yan, thrown into disarray, grabbed a pillow and hurled it at Song Yuhang. Blame you! Its all your fault! If it werent for you pissing me off, do you think Id have made you drink?!

You, Forensic Doctor Lin, have a bag of tricks. If its not me this time, itll be someone else next time, Song Yuhang calmly retorted, sitting on the edge of the bed. freewebnovel. com

Then why do I feel like every time, you willingly let yourself be pranked and willingly take a slap? Lin Yan said through gritted teeth, as if probing something.

Song Yuhang avoided her gaze and touched her nose somewhat awkwardly.

Lin Yan became bolder, Do you know that last night when you got drunk, you said something to me?

I dont know, Song Yuhang honestly shook her head. I dont remember.

Lin Yan held a pillow, looking at her with a more mischievous smile. Come on, tell me! Let Forensic Doctor Lin have a taste~

The first sentence sent Song Yuhangs embarrassment levels skyrocketing, and her face turned as red as a beet in an instant.

And then you said, Cant hit Forensic Doctor Lin, might hurt her, and have to be nice to her'

Lin Yans words werent even fully out when Song Yuhang covered her mouth and dragged her under the covers. Shut up.

One struggled, the other sought to subdue, and in the end, neither knew how it happened. When Song Yuhang finally regained her senses, she found herself pressed on top of Lin Yan. Their eyes locked, and both were breathing heavily.

The spot where she had used as a pillow last night rested against her chest, and its softness instantly awakened her memories. Her brain had forgotten, but her body remembered.

Song Yuhangs throat went dry, and there was a fire of words unspoken in their eyes, both of them radiating a simmering desire.

Tender eyes, slightly flushed corners, softly furrowed brows, a graceful neck, and

She found herself almost unconsciously swallowing, whether Lin Yans words were true or false. She seemed to have a better understanding of why that man had carried her up and down the stairs, and why so many people wanted to get close to her, to possess her.

No one spoke any further; it was as if invisible sparks were igniting in the air, raising the temperature.

Song Yuhang dared not move. She simply swallowed her saliva frantically, trying to relieve the dryness in her throat. She felt that if she didnt drink some water soon, she might go crazy, or worse, be lost in the depths of Lin Yans pupils.

In the end, Lin Yan reached out and gently closed her eyes, whispering, Get up.

Though her voice was soft, it carried an undeniable authority.

Song Yuhang seized the opportunity to catch her breath, and with a single roll, she sat up. Her heart raced like a drum, and only now did she realize that her face was flushed.

What was she thinking, just now?

How could she entertain such thoughts about Lin Yan?

She wished she could slap herself hard a couple of times to snap out of it.

Desperate to escape the situation, she dared not look at Lin Yan. Um can I borrow a couple of your clothes?

The dressing room is downstairs, Lin Yan replied in a voice devoid of any emotion.

Song Yuhang hurriedly made her way out of the room. Thank you.

Lin Yan sighed softly, looking at the empty room. She couldnt sleep, so she started to get up and prepare herself for the day.

Used to relieve symptoms associated with allergic rhinitis, such as sneezing, running nose, nasal itching, nasal congestion and eye itching and burning sensation.

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