My Chaos City

Chapter 343 Super BOSS, Chaos Giant Ape

In the ghost ship's ghost crew recruiting window, many options are displayed, and the first one that can recruit crew members is [Six-armed Chaos Giant Ape].

To Li Hanqiang's delight, this chaotic giant ape is actually a super boss!

Generally speaking, the HP of ordinary monsters is less than 200 times of their level, the HP of elite monsters is between 200 to 500 times of their level, and the minimum HP of boss monsters is 500 times of their level.

The boss has four grades: low, medium, high and super. The life value of low-grade bosses is between 500 times and one thousand times that of the grade. Xiang Mang and Yanmo Santouhu are all low-grade bosses. The tenth level has 30,000 health points. King Golden Horn Slime and King Silver Horn Slime are also inferior bosses, but the health value is 800 times that of the level. Now, at level 60, they have 48,000 health points. value.

The HP of a medium boss is between 1,000 and 5,000 times of the level. After four evolutions, Fatty Bai has just stepped into the threshold of the medium boss, and the HP is a thousand times that of the level!

The HP of the superior boss is between 5,000 and 10,000 times the level. Among the twelve boss-level ghost crew, the [Six-armed God Golem], [Resurrected Siege Beast], [Ghost Gulong Hongyan] and [Dragon Slaying Sword and Soul Elegy] are all high-level bosses, of which [Six-armed God Golem]'s HP is 10,000 times the level, which can be regarded as a top-level high-level boss.

The HP of the super boss is at least 10,000 times the level. For example, the Apostle Abandoned Sulu, the mirror clone at level 50 has five million HP, and the eight servants of Abandoned Sulu who once appeared in the Gem Canyon , are also super bosses.

The Chaos Giant Ape is far inferior to Abandoning Sulu, nor is it comparable to the Eight Great Attendants of Abandoning Sulu, but it is also a super boss. In the recruitment window of the ghost crew, it has 750,000 HP at level 50, and the recruitment fee is 7500 gold coins.

Moreover, its attribute information is actually very detailed.


[Six-armed Chaos Giant Ape]: Super boss, the training cost is 7500 gold coins.

Level: Level 50

Level cap: level 120

Health: 750,000 (level x 15000)

Attack Power: 5000 (Level x1000)

Possessed weapon: stone pillar (unbreakable, without any attack power bonus)

Has the skill [Chaos Physique]: passive effect,

Chaos Giant Ape takes 100% of all damage, is not affected by any damage amplification, and does not receive damage reduction.

Possess the skill [Chaos Overlord]: passive effect, Chaos Giant Ape is immune to most control skills, cannot be knocked back, stunned, etc.

Possess the skill [Chaos Attack]: All attacks of the Chaos Giant Ape ignore any defense type (including physical immunity), cause damage equal to the value of the attack power, cannot crit, but cannot be blocked or offset, etc.

Possess the skill [Split Huashan Mountain with Stick Mana]: The six arms of the Chaos Giant Ape raise the stone pillar at the same time, jump up, and split the stone pillar vertically from top to bottom, which can cause damage to all targets within the attack range (a straight line), with a small chance of triggering Ground fissure, smash attack and other effects. This skill requires charging, the activation time is 20-40 seconds, and there is no cooldown.

Possess the skill [Sweeping all directions with a stick]: The Chaos Giant Ape swings the stone pillar horizontally with one hand, which can cause damage to the target in the 180-degree fan-shaped area in front of it, and has a small chance to trigger the knockback and knock-up effects. This skill requires charging, the activation time is 10-30 seconds, and there is no cooling time.

Possess the skill [Knock the Mountain and Shake the Tiger with the Stick Method]: The Chaos Giant Ape uses a stone pillar to flank the target, which can cause splash damage to the enemy units adjacent to the target. This skill needs to be charged, and the activation time is 20-30 seconds.

Possess the skill [Staff Method Night Battle Bafang]: When the Chaos Giant Ape's HP is less than 1/11 and it is surrounded, there is a high chance to use this skill. When the skill is deployed, the Chaos Giant Ape dances wildly with its six arms, which can attack all targets around it. Deals damage and has a high chance of knocking back small targets. This skill does not need to be charged, lasts for one minute, and the Chaos Giant Ape will not move during activation.


This is a Kung Fu giant ape, it's amazing! Li Hanqiang sighed. The Chaos Giant Ape has a domineering body. Although the attack speed is slow, it can attack 5,000 points of damage, and it is definitely the nemesis of low-level soldiers!

Looking at the recruitment window of the ghost crew, [Crown Chimera] and [Thunder Lizard Lord] are both superior bosses, both of which can perform long-range attacks. The Crown Chimera can use three types of magic, lightning, toxin and flame, and the longest attack distance is three. 100 meters away, the Thunder Lizard Lord has skills such as [Chain Lightning], [Lightning], and [Static Static].

The life value of these two bosses is 8,000 times the level, which should be the same level as the ghost Gulong Hongyan.

However, what made Li Hanqiang a little unhappy was that although the soul of [Dragon Slaying Sword Soul Elegy] was also collected, it was displayed in gray in the recruitment window, and the system indicated that the crew member was already owned and could no longer be recruited.

And [Resurrected Siege Beast] can be recruited again.

Li Hanqiang pondered for a moment, and felt that [Elegy of the Sword and Soul] is probably a boss with a name and a surname, so there can only be one on a ghost ship. Thinking of this, [Ghost Gulong Hongyan], [The Fallen Captain Boer], etc. should be You can't recruit too many, but the resurrected siege beasts and the six-armed gods and golems can be brushed in large quantities.

After checking the harvest of the ghost ship, Li Hanqiang looked at the Sanctuary Temple and waved his hand: Go, attack the temple!

At this time, a Star Dragon Empire standard, and the most common void airship, flew out from the back of the Sanctuary Temple. It was a [Steam Pioneer]. Qin Xiaolang was in it at the moment, and he wanted to escape!

The Sanctuary Square was captured, and his city master invincible skill was invalid. Once Li Hanqiang caught and killed him, his labyrinth city would be marked as the initial state!

With the strong support of the Qianxiao Guild, Qin Xiaolang finally transformed the [War Corridor] into a maze, which cost a lot of gold coins, gold coupons and chaotic energy. He didn't want to start all over again, and now he can only escape!

This is also the meaning of Qian Xiaowu.

But how could he escape? Da Hei squinted, swung his tail, and slammed into it on his own. A mere [Steam Pioneer] sank as soon as it hit it. Qin Xiaolang fell out of the broken [Steam Pioneer] with a face full of horror, and Li Hanqiang turned somersaults to it. Nearly, he smiled and said, Maze City Lord, didn't you say that you are waiting for me in the Sanctuary Temple?

Qin Xiaolang snorted coldly, started floating walk, and escaped at the fastest speed.

But how can his speed compare to Li Hanqiang?

Equipped with Jin Ruyi and Yin Ruyi, Li Hanqiang followed closely behind Qin Xiaolang, bowing from left to right, hitting Qin Xiaolang on the head with two damage each time.


Qin Xiaolang was full of helplessness. He only had 100 health points, and was quickly knocked out by Li Hanqiang. Finally, he squeaked and disappeared into white light.

Regional Announcement: The siege is victorious, the master of the maze city is killed, Chunxiao City will plunder all the resources of the maze city, and the maze city will be beaten back to its initial state after the siege battle is over...

Li Hanqiang assists the siege through Juyitang. Whether he wins or loses, he will not be rewarded or punished by the system, nor will he receive the hatred value of the imperial camp. However, Chunxiaocheng has made a small contribution this time. The family of Labyrinth City But very thick.

Of course, in addition to the gold coupons that are immediately bound, the gold coins and materials obtained by Chunxiao City will ultimately belong to Li Hanqiang, and he will order Erhei to load them up and transport them away.

After Er Hei obtained the [Beetle Tentacle], he could completely load and unload the car by himself.

However, although the labyrinth city will be beaten back to its original state, Li Hanqiang will still search for the sacred mountain and the sacred temple in front of him.

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