My Chaos City

Chapter 26 The Strongest Single Control Tower

Li Hanqiang hung up in the Bibo Pool for two hours before returning to the front line.

At this time, the forest wolves were no longer refreshed in the space-time wormhole, and there were still dozens of forest wolves in the war corridor, looking at the end of this wave of monster siege.

I'm waiting for this time! Li Hanqiang stepped in the air, took out the special monster summoning token and used it directly, and then shouted: Brothers, pay attention, the boss is coming, whoever kills it will make a fortune. La.

As soon as the shouting fell, a behemoth walked out of the space-time wormhole.

[Horned Wolf (BOSS), level 10, HP 5000, traveling 5 meters per second, can steal 20 Chaos Energy from the Heart of Chaos. 】

I saw the horned wolf spitting out white air from its nostrils, four meters tall with four hooves on the ground, with long black hair, red eyes, and claws like an upside-down excavator bucket. It was only a long black horn. The long horn was similar in appearance to a bull horn. It was extremely sharp and could be nearly two meters long.

As soon as it appeared, it made a strange moo, like a dull thunder.

Everyone gasped.

The boss really appeared! Moreover, this horned wolf is different from the old black pig and the iron-skinned pig king. It is a BOSS recognized by the system. The attribute information is clearly written. It is only level 10, and it has up to 5000 health points.

Fanfeng and Firelight looked up but didn't speak. They jumped up and couldn't hit the horned wolf's waist. What's up with such a monster?

Don't be stunned, fight! Li Hanqiang hurriedly shouted.

I can't hit it!

The two of them waved their hands again and again, and the horned wolf stood in the middle of the war corridor, and they couldn't reach it if they didn't slip away.

And the horned wolf is welcome, completely ignoring the 30 points of damage per second of the flame tower, striding forward, just like a heavy tank, Li Hanqiang seems to feel the ground shaking.

It's over, am I lucky or unlucky? What summoning token do I use!

Li Hanqiang was in a panic, and he could already predict what would happen next. With just one mutated sword tower, even with Dark Night Redemption and others, how could he be able to take this 5,000-health ox-horned wolf?

But when Li Hanqiang felt desperate, the horned wolf stepped on the trapper, and saw a crocodile-like gnawing clip suddenly pop out from the ground, biting the horn with a click. One of the wolf's front paws, followed by a giggling sound, out of thin air, a large net covered the head of the wolf with horns, and saw that there was a human-shaped phantom riding on the neck of the wolf with horns, facing the wolf's head. Just punching and kicking.

-30, -30...

The damage number immediately popped out of the head of the horned wolf.

Ding, Trapper LV2 has successfully captured a horned wolf, the monster is a level 10 BOSS, and will break free from the shackles of the trapper in a while!

Beast Trap! Li Hanqiang was only surprised. At first glance, the Beast Trap had already been upgraded to LV2. Now his experience is 20/200, and the attribute information indicates that the damage per second has been increased to 30 points!

In this case, the trapper combined with the flame tower can destroy the horned wolf by 60 points of life per second.

Good hunter, come on! Li Hanqiang shouted, wishing he could move the mutant sword tower to the side.

The damage of 60 points per second is actually quite considerable. The blood bar on the head of the horned wolf fell down a little bit, but it was a BOSS after all, and it took 20 seconds to break free from the shackles of the trapper. It fiercely kicked the crocodile clips away, ripped apart the big net on its back, and overturned the figure on its head. With a proud moo, it continued to stride forward.

However, these 20 seconds were already very powerful, causing a full 1200 damage to the horned wolf. When the horned wolf walked out of the fire range of the flame tower, there was only 3200 health points left.

There is a door, there is a door, the Beast Trap is simply the strongest single control tower, the horned wolf with 3200 health points, the mutant sword tower can be killed in just 40 seconds, just right! Li Hanqiang was heartbroken. Steady, he laughed loudly, and shouted at the top of his voice: Everything is in the hands of the city master, brothers, get up and kill this horned wolf!

Who is your brother?

Don't get too close!

We can't fight even if we want to!

The second batch...

A group of melee knights yelled in their hearts, and they could only stare at this horned wolf walking in the middle.

Soon, the horned wolf entered the firepower range of the mutant sword tower, and the sword qi slashed straight, clanging, and the number of damages constantly appeared on the head of the horned wolf, all of which were -80!

Li Hanqiang likes this kind of defense tower, the real damage, no fluctuation, stable and reliable, completely ignoring any physical defense or magic resistance, if this is a basic arrow tower, it is estimated that it can hit ten points of damage on the horned wolf.

The blood volume of the horned wolf dropped rapidly. Not long after, the Dark Night Redemption also began to attack. The dark arrow was quite powerful, and it could deal about 15 points of damage to the horned wolf.

Finally, the horned wolf fell to the ground, and the range from walking out of the mutant sword tower was estimated to be only about 20 meters.

A treasure chest fell next to the horned wolf, Li Hanqiang ran over and opened it with a smile, but there was only one item in it.

[Lucky Gems: Special items, already bound, can greatly increase the chance of rare items appearing in the No. 68 Chaos City Defense Rewards after use (the effect is limited to one time), and the items disappear after use. 】

For such a strong boss, just give me such a gem. Li Hanqiang was a little dissatisfied, but in retrospect, he was lucky to be able to kill the horned wolf, and he should be content.

At this time, the regional announcement also sounded, announcing the end of the fourth wave of monster siege. Li Hanqiang once again received the evaluation of perfect defense, and received four chaotic slates and small money bags.

The experience of defending the city was also distributed, and the white light of the upgrade appeared on everyone. The Dark Night Redemption exaggeratedly rose to level 18, and Li Hanqiang also rose to level 10.

However, as soon as the defense of the city ended, in addition to Dark Night Redemption, Fanfeng Knight and Ignition Juggernaut, the other seven knight players ran away immediately.

What are you running for? Li Hanqiang was a little unhappy. He was trying to develop these players into drug dealers like big business, but he never had a chance to speak.

Dark Night Redemption came over at this time and said: I withdraw, I will not take up the task of defending the city for the time being, I have to go to the small copy, I have passed the task, the equipment is too rubbish, I can't keep up, see you later!

See you later. I still keep the flame ball for you, don't forget to get the exclusive props of the Chaos City Lord and exchange them!

Li Hanqiang sighed secretly. He clearly realized in his heart that using the dark night to redeem the current level, killing siege monsters that were five levels lower than him could only gain very little experience, and it was not worthwhile to participate in the defense mission.

If he was the Night Redeemer, he would not continue to swipe the city defense mission now. He would have to go everywhere, and maybe the upgrade speed would be faster than that of the city defense.

As soon as the Dark Night Redemption left, the two of them ran over to ask for dividends.

Let me tell you, as long as the other Chaos City Lords are successful in defending the city, they will give out gold coins. In comparison, you are a bit too stingy. Fanfeng Knight said, At least each of them will send us a gold coin to buy medicine. Water, repair equipment.

Ignition Sword Saint said: It's a brother, just give out gold coins.

It's a brother, don't mention gold coins. What Li Hanqiang lacked most now was gold coins, how could he be willing to give points to these two clubs?

With such a prodigal talent like [Tower Transformation], how many gold coins are not enough.

Li Hanqiang took out the trick of the big business, but Fanfeng Knight and Ignition Juggernaut were so excited that they turned around and became drug dealers.

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