My Bizarre Academia

Chapter 4: Mockingbird (Eminem)

"Of course you can Izu. You can be a hero."

Inko stopped in her tracks. Izuku turned past his mother, noticing me in the doorframe for the first time. I stepped into the room, seeing the All Might video playing behind my brother.

This might mess up the plot, but I don't fucking care right now. I thought, watching my brother spiral.

"I mean think about it Izu. What is a hero?" I asked, walking up to his shivering form. I passed Inko on the way there, a shocked look building on her face. I could see the disbelief in her features. Tears began falling down her cheeks.

"A hero is someone who does the right thing. Someone who helps others whenever they can. Why would you need a quirk to do that? So what if we can't punch through buildings or fly? We can still be heroes."

I took my brother in a hug, tears pouring down his face. My footie pajamas were soaked through, but I couldn't bring myself to care.

"We can be heroes, Izuku. Together."

Izuku was bawling into my shoulder now, his sobbing frame racking my own small form. I just pulled him tighter, whispering new promises and affirmations in his ear.

I looked over his shoulder to see Inko had collapsed to the floor, tears streaking down her face, a hand covering her mouth. However, when I looked closer I saw pride in her eyes. She was glad that I could support Izu, I could tell. She was proud of me.

Huh. How long had it been since someone was proud of me? Was it when I learned guitar, back in middle school? It feels nice.

"We ARE going to be heroes Izu. I promise. You and I. Understand?"

Izuku looked up at me, tears pouring off his face, his nose snotty and gross. I could see it in his eyes though. There was a hint of steel, a glint of determination. The spark grew brighter as he opened his mouth.

"Yes. I understand Aki. We'll be heroes. Together."

We stood there for a while, Izu holding onto me for dear life. Inko got off the ground with shaky legs, wiped the tears from her face and started speaking.

"Alright boys. You've had a very long day. I think you need to get some sleep."

I glance down at Izu. "You hear that Izu? We need to clean up and get to bed. You haven't even showered. Can you go get your clothes and shower?"

Izu beamed up at me and smiled. "Ok Aki. Ill go get showered." At that he slid off the chair and collected his pajamas, walking off to the bathroom.

Inko looked at me, the two of us left alone in the bedroom. I just walked over to my wardrobe, picking out a new set of PJs because mine were ruined.

Ugh, everything in here was Endeavor themed. Who wants his smug mug on their pajamas?

Inko spoke up. "Thank you for looking after Izuku, Akatani. You're such a good boy."

"It's no problem, Mama." I said, grabbing a solid black tee and some basketball shorts. "If Daddy's not going to be here anymore, someone needs to help you."

"Wha- what do you mean, baby? Daddy's just in America; he'll be back soon." Inko said, voice shaky.

I just looked back at her sadly, putting on the new outfit.

"No he won't, Mama. I know. It's ok. I won't tell Izu." I shake my head and smile at her sadly. "He doesn't deserve to be hurt like that."

Inko looked like she wanted to say something, but she just gripped the hem of her skirt and nodded. "You've always been so smart, baby. You shouldn't be worried about things like this…"

I stepped up to the shaking woman and pulled her into a hug, my tiny head not even reaching her belly button.

"It's okay to need help, Mama. Everyone needs a hero every now and then. Let me help you."

At that, the woman dropped to her knees and started sobbing. She just cried into my scalp. Today had been hard on Izuku and I, but it was worse for Inko. She'd just been abandoned by her husband, realized she has to raise two kids on her own, and almost broke her little boy's heart.

She deserved a break.

So I stood there with her for a bit, not moving, not talking. Just letting her process her feelings.

I found that I wasn't even lying. I wasn't the 'shining hero' type, but that didn't matter. I had a family now, and I was going to be there for them.

"Alright Mama. Izuku's almost done with his shower and I need to finish changing and wash my hair, and you need sleep. Goodnight, Mama."

Inko pulled back, looking down at me with loving eyes. She wiped her tears with her sleeve, a small smile on her face.

"Ok baby. I'll wait for Izuku to get out of the shower and go to bed. I love you."

"I love you too mama."

Inko walked out of the room with a little wave, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I grabbed the towel I'd brought from the shower and dried my hair, thinking about what just happened.

Ah man. I completely fucked the plot. I thought. Whatever. The main timeline isn't that precious, and it's nothing compared to my family. Besides, I can make sure stuff goes right on my own. I don't need to give Izuku a Shonen Backstory™ for him to be a hero.

And poor Inko. I've seen how the next few years affect her. Years of raising Izuku alone making her a hyper-emotional helicopter parent. The stress even made her shorter. I won't let her suffer this time.

I threw the towel in the All Might themed hamper and put on the new clothes. As I was crawling into bed, I wondered how much money the man made just on merchandise. Hell, looking around the room I saw what I figured to be thousands of dollars of hero merch.

Would I be able to make that much on merchandising?

While such greedy thoughts were bouncing around my head, my door opened, revealing Izuku standing there in an All Might onesie, his hair damp and sticking to his face from his shower.

I assumed he would crawl into his own bed, but he made his way over to mine and crawled in with me.

"Hey Izu. What are you doing?" I asked, moving my arm to hug him.

He didn't respond. He just looked up at me, eyes pleading.

I cracked. "Alright buddy. C'mere."

He snuggled closer, head resting on my chest. I held him, staring up at the ceiling, listening to his breathing slow.

Pretty soon, he was snoring softly.

I stared at the ceiling, my thoughts going a mile a minute. Today was a LOT. First I touch that weird ass portal, getting sucked into he body of a FOUR YEAR OLD who is apparently IZUKU MIDORIYA'S TWIN BROTHER. Then, I watch as the famous 'Dr. Tsubasa' scene happens. Wait…

I shiver in my bed, hugging Izu tighter.

Wasn't that Kyudai Garaki? All For One's personal doctor? The mad scientist behind the Nomus!? We dodged a fucking bullet there. If Izuku or I had a strong quirk… I don't want to think what could have happened.

I shiver at the thought, the dread of what could have been vibrating down my spine.

And then, after all of that, we get in the car where Inko calls Hisashi. He was clearly upset that we were quirkless, but he said 'Null'. As far as I'm aware, that's a term only used by Meta Liberation Army supporters. That's a leap though, right? It must be…

After that, when we got home, Hisashi was gone. So was all his stuff. And given what Inko said at dinner, he probably isn't coming back. That was further confirmed when she didn't disagree when I confronted her later.

And then after that, at nap time… 'Tenebris' introduced herself. She even gave me a system, based on my own video game. Phantom Resonance. A JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Gacha that I'd been developing on my own. The good news is that it has Stands, skills and abilities all the way to Part Seven. Plus, I can have multiple stands active at once, so I can pick which ones I want.

The problem is that the game has HEAVY Mana Point requirements. Based on Hamon. How do I even get Hamon in MHA?


I read the screen. I couldn't fight off the smirk that overtook my features.

Well what do you know? That answers that question.


Train Hamon Breathing until it remains active at all times (Level 5). You will be given the skill at level zero for free.

Skill Gain

Rewards- Will Anthonio Zepelli's Martial Arts Skillbook.

I immediately checked the skill in my status window.

Hamon Breathing (0/10)

This skill allows the wielder to replicate the power of the sun through self-controlled breathing. This power is manifested through 'ripples' throughout the body, which can be used offensively or defensively in a number of ways.

I immediately activated the skill and nearly hacked out my lungs. I could feel why, my body wasn't nearly strong enough to support the skill. Even the small surge of energy I managed to generate backfired, wreaking havoc on my cells.

It felt like my lungs were balloons, stretching far past any natural limit.

I looked down to check on Izu, relieved to see that my coughing fit hadn't awakened him.

Okay, maybe I was a little too enthusiastic to use the skill. This is going to take time.

Luckily, I have time in spades.

As that thought passed through my head, I felt my body settle, and I realized how exhausted I was.

I was asleep before I even noticed.

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