My Beloved Dog is the Strongest in Another World

Chapter 954

A message from Mr. Ekenhart

As the message was waiting for me, I quickly finished the rest of my lunch.

It would be bad manners to read it while I was eating.

“Hmm… Hmm…”

“Mr. Takumi. What did my father say?”

“The butlers that I can hire were sent from the house. They should arrive within three days. Also, their names are written here.”

“I see… I was worried that he was going to ask you to do something reckless.”

“Hahaha. I don’t think he would… Well, maybe he would. But only if he was actually here. As he would want to watch.”

“That is true.”

Also, the boys that were with Deam when he was arrested. They had arrived safely at Mr. Ekenhart’s house.

Mark had gone ahead of them, and they would be trained to be soldiers. I suppose since I was involved, he decided to update me on that.

“Excuse me. Do you have a minute, Sebastian?”

“What is it?”

“I just learned that Mark and the others have started their training.”

“…It is a bad habit…”

“Um, are there any conditions to training with Mr. Ekenhart? Of course, I am not talking about vicious criminals…”

“Indeed… It really just depends on if he likes them or not. But as for soldiers, there are other places that are recruiting.”

“Uh, and you get trained to become guards?”

“Yes. Similar to Phillip. The other guards here receive that kind of training. Of course, it is very harsh, and not everyone is able to complete it.”

“I see. Well, this is just a suggestion, and will probably be rejected…”

“Oh? Have you thought of something interesting then?”

Sebastian asked with an amused smile.

Claire had finished reading her letter from Mr. Ekenhart, and she was not looking at me as well.

“I wouldn’t call it interesting… But it concerns the slums. And how there are many people there who want to find work.”


“Nick confided in me about that earlier. So…I was wondering if maybe some of them could undergo Mr. Ekenhart’s training?”

“Hmm… I did not think of that. Turn those men into guards?”

“Obviously, you will have to do background checks on them. To see if they can be trusted. But I also think that Mr. Ekenhart’s training might also help them live honestly?”

Anyone who survives that training will surely come out a different person.

“In any case, I don’t know if they will really become soldiers or guards, as that is up to Mr. Ekenhart to decide after the training. But I think it would be a good chance for some of the people who want to leave the slums.”

“Hmm. Indeed. Once you live there, it is difficult to leave. Not many think about getting honest work. I was like that as well.”

I did not understand what it was like.

Because I had never experienced it before. But I’ve heard about it.

Apparently, Sebastian felt the same way that I was thinking.

You were too desperate to live day to day, that you did not think too far into the future.

According to Sebastian and Liza, just securing food was difficult…

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