My barracks is 100 million points strong

Chapter 329 Eternal Academy

Xia Qingkong felt someone poking his cheek. He subconsciously reached out to grab the other person's hand and skillfully pulled "her" into his arms.

I have played similar games with Xiao Yan and Huo Qingdai many times. He obviously didn't need to sleep, so he was forced to pretend to sleep, and then one or more of them randomly attacked him at night. Xia Qingkong can't open his eyes or use any sensory abilities yet. If he guesses correctly, he will be rewarded.

In Xia Qingkong's words: Beating a thief is fun.

But something feels wrong today. Why is it so hard and flat?

Damn it! male! ?

Xia Qingkong opened his eyes suddenly as if he had a nightmare.

When their eyes met, what he saw was a pair of big, watery eyes, a very cute girl.


Breathed a sigh of relief.

At least not a man.

But... "Who are you?"

The girl broke away from his arms, stood up straight, looked down at him and said, "I'm a loser who doesn't deserve any affection~"


"Huh?" Xia Qingkong was stunned. Why do these words sound so familiar?

"Sister Jiang?" A closer look revealed that the girl's eyebrows were indeed very similar to the ancestor of the Jiang family, but she looked too immature, as if she were sixteen or seventeen years old.

"What the hell, why have you been weakened!?" After confirming the identity of the other party, Xia Qingkong was heartbroken.

So how come the mature and perfect big sister is peeled into a walnut?

This is a loss to the world, a huge loss!

In response to this, the girl's answer was: "This is my real appearance. The me you saw before was just a conceptual body. The body shape and other things were completely presented according to the most suitable one. Maybe at that time, I was a King Kong in the eyes of others. Barbie or elementary school kids.”

"The elementary school student can be killed." Xia Qingkong didn't want to be cheated.

He stood up and looked around, and then he realized that he was lying in a place similar to a CT room. The place he was lying on was a suspended bed, and the clothes he was wearing were also white hospital gowns.

His limbs became much slender, as if they were before entering the battlefield of all realms.

He suddenly had a very frightening guess: "Are those things true before? Are all my friends and my subjects true?"

Please, it must not be the ending of some domestic ghost movie!

Fortunately, the answer from the ancestor of the Jiang family was not so ridiculous: "Of course it is true, it's just that you are in a higher dimension now and it is not so easy to communicate with them."

"That's good, that's good..." Xia Qingkong breathed a sigh of relief.

"So what's going on now? Have I become eternal? Why do I feel like I'm completely a normal person now?"

He tried to fly, but unfortunately it didn't work.

Trying to exercise your own conceptual authority still doesn't work.

Even the consciousness, the power of the stars, etc. all disappeared.

"Of course those low-dimensional powers will not be brought out by you. Even if they are brought out, they will only be attacked by some paper figures. What impact do you think the villains on the TV can have on you?" The ancestor of the Jiang family asked.

"Ah, this..." Xia Qingkong was a little hard to accept for a while.

"Okay, it's not that serious. There is always a way. Come with me first." The ancestor of the Jiang family brought him a set of clothes to change into. "I'll tell you what happens next."

Xia Qingkong did as he was told and put on a new set of white clothes, which looked like a high school student's uniform. He now looks like an 18-year-old again. He wears the school uniform just right and is very handsome.

Although he no longer has the deceiving looks, his appearance is still very good.

The ancestor of the Jiang family is wearing a JK uniform, which is also very good-looking.

After Xia Qingkong changed her clothes, she took him outside. Outside CT is a long corridor, which is illuminated by square fluorescent lamps as bright as day.

"Let me introduce the current situation to you," the ancestor of the Jiang family explained as he walked. "The so-called achievement of eternity is just like what the big bald man said. It is the process of walking from the TV to the real world. What we are in now is This is a world with a higher dimension than the Battlefield of All Realms. Your current body was built in the 'Advent Room' just now. For the Battlefield of All Realms, it is a high-dimensional existence, but for this world, you are An ordinary person."

"You also know my sister's three conditions. Since you have taken over the responsibility from me, you will automatically become the next 'manager' after me."

"Manager?" Xia Qingkong heard an incomprehensible term.

The ancestor of the Jiang family is still the same, answering all questions: "The place we are in now is called the 'Eternal Academy'. Every student in the academy is from eternity in a low-dimensional world. So many worlds naturally need to be managed. That is, a 'manager' like you."

"What about you?" Xia Qingkong asked.

"Because of your appearance, I was able to receive a reward from the academy. Now I have been upgraded to an 'elite student'. I will join my sister's club..."Natural Disaster"."

The ancestor of the Jiang family suddenly stopped and said to Xia Qingkong: "You can also join the natural disaster in the future. Of course, if you are not willing, you can also find other societies. You can get to know them better when you have time. My sister said there is no need to force it. .”

Xia Qingkong scratched his head: "So what is the purpose of this academy? Why are there managers and elite students? Are there any more advanced classifications above?"

The ancestor of the Jiang family suddenly asked him: "Do you know what our current high-dimensional world is called?"




"That's right, it's the Earth you understand," she said slowly, "You are an Earthling, and I am an Earthling. We are all Earthlings. Before, we could only travel through time on the battlefield of all realms. People like me are completely Those who have been blinded by their memory have grown up in a completely indigenous way, and cheaters like you who retain their memories are quite special. In my sister’s words, they are elite students who voluntarily give up their original status and strive for a new future.”

"What do you mean?" Xia Qingkong was shocked, "You mean, I lived here before? This is impossible, the earth in my memory..."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly got stuck because the ancestor of the Jiang family was looking at him quietly.

A very scary suspicion suddenly arose in his heart: "My memories before time travel...are they false?"

She nodded: "Higher dimensions can interfere with lower dimensions, and it is easy to modify part of the memory. However, you must have your own consent before you can modify it."

"Why?" Xia Qingkong couldn't understand. If he was a student of this academy before, why would he modify that memory.

"Because this is an assessment," she walked forward and explained, "people like you are equivalent to living a 'second life', and their strength will be much stronger than ordinary students. My sister is like this, and you were not just now Ask me if there are other levels above elite students? Let me tell you now, if you wait for a new manager, after you leave this identity, you will be promoted to an existence above elite students...'controller'."

"Controller? Control what?"

The ancestor of the Jiang family pointed to the ceiling: "Of course it is this academy. There are no teachers here. Everything is student self-governance. The people in control are the leadership. You can understand it as the 'student union'. These are what my sister said. "

"But what about the memory of my last life?" Xia Qingkong still couldn't understand. If he really had a previous life, why would he tamper with his memory and rebirth? Isn't that tantamount to committing suicide?

When the memory is gone, where is the self left?

"Your memory has been sealed. I will take you to read that memory now," said the ancestor of the Jiang family. "Of course, you can also choose not to read it. After all, you are now an independent individual. The old You don’t necessarily want the memory.”

"If I choose not to read it, wouldn't the old me really be gone?"

"This is the price you have to pay to become a controller. How can you be upgraded without any risk?" said the ancestor of the Jiang family.

The two came to a smooth wall and stopped. Just when Xia Qingkong was confused, the ancestor of the Jiang family stretched out his hand and pressed it on the wall. Soon, the wall dented and opened to both sides in a technological sense, revealing an empty room.

This time it was still a place like a CT room.

The ancestor of the Jiang family pointed to the bed board and said: "Lie down on it and you can read the memories of your past life. You can decide for yourself whether you want to or not."

Xia Qingkong wondered: "How can I be sure that the memory is mine? What if it is someone else's?"

"It's very simple. You can read it first like watching a movie, and then choose whether to accept it or not. No matter whether the memory is yours or not, as long as you don't want it, it will not become your memory."

With that said, the ancestor of the Jiang family walked to the machine and clicked a few times, and a large screen suddenly appeared on the wall of the room next to it. The screen paused, but the first scene was Xia Qingkong's face.

No, to be precise, it's another Xia Qingkong. His clothes and hairstyle are very different from what he looks like now.

"I'm going out first. Take your time and watch. Press this button to pause and start." The ancestor of the Jiang family left the room and closed the door.

Xia Qingkong pressed start.

"Hi, hello. Will the Original Divine Bead be useful to me in the future?"

Xia Qingkong's first sentence in the video made him understand that this was really his former self, just like a secret code.

"As expected of me, I know that I will never tell others about the cheat, and now it has become the Jietian Divine Pearl, so the four words "Original Divine Pearl" are enough to become the verification code between us."

"It seems that I still have some problems with my understanding in the lower dimension. This plug-in was indeed given to myself, but I thought it was my future self at the time because I could not understand the time in the higher dimension, let alone imagine that I would have it in my previous life. This ability.”

Xia Qingkong quietly looked at the memory fragments left by his former self.

"I actually don't want to leave you any memories. I know me best. If I were to be reborn again, I definitely don't want any unfamiliar memories to be forcibly implanted, so you can rest assured, it's another me."

Every time "Xia Qingkong" in the video said something, Xia Qingkong became more and more sure that he was himself: "If it were me, I would definitely say the same thing."

"I will choose to be reincarnated. I have no nostalgia for this life, so you can't pick up the garbage that you threw away again. I... I have just lived enough."

"You must be wondering now why this academy exists."

"Actually, the ordinary earth in your false memory really exists, and I did grow up like this when I was a child, but that was only until the moment before the time travel. In your memory, you will time travel after that day, but in reality But I faced a catastrophe."

"The rules of heaven and earth have changed drastically. The entire earth and the entire universe have become battlefields. Countless people who have awakened their power fought bloody battles and finally defended the earth. However, the danger has never left. We still need strong power to protect our homeland,' Eternal Learning That’s why the Garden exists.”

"You can understand that this academy is the largest military base in the world. All the students inside are soldiers guarding the earth, and our enemies... there are many. The aliens you meet in the low-dimensional world are Created based on them.”

"I am a naturally awakened person, and I became an elite student directly without going through low-dimensional experience. But that only made me one step faster than others in the early stage. After that, I became weak. Those who came from behind appeared one by one. Watching It felt really bad to be surpassed, especially when I was unable to protect the people I loved deeply because I was not strong enough. I realized that I should change."

"So, I chose to be reincarnated. This is not a 100% safe and good thing. 999 of 1,000 reincarnated people will be trapped and die in the low-dimensional world. Only a few people can break through the dimensional restrictions and return to the earth. If I can’t break through, I’m afraid no one will be able to see this photo.”

"But now that you are watching, it means that I succeeded. Then, the next thing is up to you...the other me."

"I have lost everything, my lover, friends, relatives...all were lost in the war. You don't need to bear anything at all, you just need to live according to your own wishes."

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot the most important thing... Do you feel like you have become an ordinary rookie now?"

The words in the video made Xia Qingkong breathe a sigh of relief.

That is to say, what kind of invasion by foreign enemies, what kind of death of the whole family, how can one survive in such a dangerous world without power?

"All students who break through from the low-dimensional world are stronger than ordinary students, just because...just because..."

The video freezes here, and a cloud of black and white snowflakes suddenly appears on the screen, just like an old-fashioned TV set is broken.

Soon, the scene resumed, and this time a man wearing suspenders appeared with his back to the camera.

"Just because you are so beautiful~~~"

"F*ck!" Xia Qingkong cursed subconsciously as he watched the man in overalls performing the iron rock stunt.

But just after the other party turned around, Xia Qingkong discovered that this was not the split head in his memory, but himself.

"Haha, you're just kidding, relax, relax."

Looking at himself in the video, Xia Qingkong rolled his eyes. Did he deserve a beating so much? I really want to go up and punch him twice.

"Okay, let's get back to the subject. Students who have made breakthroughs from low dimensions have an advantage that ordinary students don't have, and that is 'low-dimensional manifestation', which you can understand as 'borrowing power'."

"The powers you gained through previous cultivation have not disappeared. You can use them again through certain means."

"I don't know what kind of power you have gained, but the world I chose is the world of lords controlled by 'Senior Ximen'. The combat power of the lord series has always been at the forefront of all professions, and I also gave you a trick. I believe you It must be awesome now, so go ahead and have fun.”

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