My barracks is 100 million points strong

Chapter 102 Upgrade! Level 4 territory

"Fortunately, I practice hard and didn't lose my temper at the critical moment. This must be God's reward for my hard work." Huo Zisu patted his chest, full of joy.

After eating, she lay down and took a nap. She killed so many people in the area that no one dared to come near. She was indeed tired after killing for most of the day, so she slept until dawn.

In Dongliang City, a group of high-level officials were having a meeting.

"There has been no movement all night. Maybe the monster has left. We should go out and check the situation."

"Who's going to see it? Are you going? Anyway, I'm not going."

"Then how about we escape? That guy is too strong and we can't resist her at all, and she is so murderous. What will happen when the city is massacred?"

"Escape? You dare to leave the city? We can still use our last trump card in the city, but if we leave the city, we will really become a fish on the chopping board."


The meeting reached a deadlock. No one dared to risk their lives to leave the city and could only wait in agony.

What they didn't know was that Huo Zisu didn't go towards Dongliang City after waking up. The task given to her by Xia Qingkong was to deal with the invasion of the Dali Dynasty. As for the affairs of Lanshan County, she was not in charge of it, and other troops would handle it.

Further north in Lanshan County is the Dali Dynasty. Looking at the mountains in the distance, Huo Zisu's thoughts suddenly flew back to more than three months ago. At that time, she, her sister and an uncle tried their best to escape here. In the end, the uncle allowed them to escape into the Liang Dynasty at the expense of himself.

They were in such a state of embarrassment at that time, but now...she is back. He came back with a powerful force.

"Emperor Dog, it's time for you to go down and bury my father, mother and everyone with you!"

She rose into the sky and flew towards the other side of the mountain.

What Huo Zisu didn't know was that just as she was leaving, a group of people in the distance were peering at her through binoculars.

"She's gone." A young man breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had survived some kind of disaster.

"Where did this person come from?" A girl next to him couldn't help complaining, "Isn't this Dragon Abyss Realm a lower plane? Why does this kind of monster appear?"

"God knows, I feel that she is most likely to be a heroic unit with high potential. If she can be recruited..."

"What the hell are you thinking! With that kind of strength, why should people be loyal to you? Is it because you look ugly? Or because you don't take a shower?"

"You are deliberately looking for trouble, aren't you?"

"Okay, stop arguing!" Ge Lin stopped everyone and rubbed his head, "This accident disrupted our plan, but it's not a big problem. Xie Chengfeng has already started fighting with Daxia. We can definitely We can take advantage of the opportunity when his troops are tied up to occupy Dongliang City, and then push all the way westward until we can break out of Lanshan County and enter Lizhou. When the time comes, we can unite with the lords of Lizhou to fight Daxia, and we will definitely be able to defeat it. .”

Someone asked: "Why do people from Lizhou help us fight against Daxia?"

Ge Lin said: "Of course it's not to help us, but to help themselves. I want to give them all the territory we captured."

"Ah!? Why?" Everyone became anxious immediately. Although Ge Lin was considered their leader, he would not let them give away their territory for nothing.

"Stupid! Of course you have to throw bait when fishing! If we give them the territory here, they will definitely confront Daxia. When the time comes, if we outflank their hometown, wouldn't the harvest be better than one-third of an acre in Lanshan County? Is the land 100 times better?”

"But will people really be fooled?" Someone asked unconfidently, "Do we have the ability to confiscate homes?"

"Then it depends on whether you believe me or not." Ge Lin stopped explaining and walked straight towards Dongliang City.

Today's Dongliang City has experienced the attack of the Dali Dynasty, and Huo Zisu accidentally killed several King Wu, and its strength has been extremely weak. The only thing they relied on was the level 6 killing array set up in the core area of ​​the city.

But he had started planning that killing formation a month ago, and now it was completely under his control, so there was no need to worry at all.

Once it was confirmed that Huo Zisu had left, he had nothing to be afraid of.

"Dongliang City, you are mine today!"

"Huh?" Xia Qingkong suddenly discovered that his territory met the upgrade conditions.

To upgrade a level 3 city to a level 1 state capital, in addition to those materials, it also needs a level 4 territory heart and the territory area, territory population, territory prosperity, and security to all meet certain standards.

Changfeng County has completely fallen into Daxia's bag, and half of Lanshan County has been captured by the gods of death. Both area and population have reached the standards.

What is more troublesome is prosperity and public security. After all, the war has just ended, everything is waiting to be done, and people's hearts are also uncertain. Xia Qingkong didn't just say that he liked peace. If he could take over the territory by persuading him to surrender, he could save a lot of effort.

Changfeng County was easily captured because of the surrender of the Xuanwu Sect, and almost no war broke out during this period. It is completely different from Lanshan County, where all the people are soldiers and will not surrender until they are defeated.

At this time, we need to mention the infrastructure construction that Xia Qingkong started from a long time ago.

The thoughts of ordinary people are actually very simple, nothing more than survival. Clean and convenient drinking water, cheap and sufficient medicines, abundant and cheap food, free compulsory education and incredibly low taxes... When they found that their lives were better after being ruled by Daxia, they naturally returned home. .

Of course, the deterrence of strong force is also indispensable. There will always be some people who are mean, and the right way is to use kindness and power together.

Unknowingly, the prosperity and security levels also reached the upgrade standard. Xia Qingkong was naturally not polite and immediately chose to upgrade his territory.

After the territory was upgraded, the space on Tianren No. 7 remained the same, but the territory left on the ground expanded outwards in a large circle. Ordinary people usually live on the ground. Only various military services and their families live on the flight base. It is also very convenient to get in and out. Tianren No. 7 has its own wormhole transmission technology. It only takes an elevator to go from the sky to the underground.

Xia Qingkong rushed to the barracks immediately and chose to upgrade his two exclusive barracks.

The angels were upgraded to extraordinary units, and the Shinigami were upgraded to emperor-level units with the blessing of the Phoenix Palace. The captains who had mastered the liberation of Zanpakutō were also upgraded to emperor-level hero units. At the same time, the number of units also increased from 100,000 to 100,000. It skyrocketed to 250,000.

"There's another big conscription." As the war continued, Daxia's combat power became stronger and stronger. Xia Qingkong estimated that it would not take him as long as 300 days to unify the entire Longyuan Realm.

"At that time, I may be able to directly control the Heavenly Way of Longyuan Realm and make this world my back garden."

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