My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle

56.Broadcast signal station

After spending the whole morning sorting out the goods, Gu Zhuo was ready to continue driving to the broadcast signal station. At the same time last night, he received another survivor broadcast from there.

Before they were about to set off, Akashi suddenly stopped him on the Wrangler through the intercom.

"Gu Zhuo, I have a request. This request is very abrupt. If you don't want to agree, you can reject me at any time."

Faced with Akashi's sudden request for help, Gu Zhuo asked:

"If you have any problem, just tell me."

Akashi's expression darkened, he pointed at a tent and said in a deep voice:

"In that tent, there are all the women who were robbed by Zhao Shifang. I want to take them all to the broadcast signal station. Seeing them, I think of my original group of survivors..."

Halfway through, Akashi emphasized:

"If you find it troublesome and don't want to do such a thing, you can refuse me directly. I know that asking like this makes me look like a bad person."

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo was silent for a few seconds.

Then, he asked Akashi seriously:

"Are you sure those women will be able to live a better life than they do now if you bring them to the radio station?"

Akashi shook his head,

"I can't guarantee it, but at least I will do my best to protect them."

"Okay, let's take them with us."

After hearing Akashi's answer, Gu Zhuo decisively agreed to his request.

"Really, Gu Zhuo, thank you very much..."

Hearing that Gu Zhuo agreed to his unkind request, Akashi was ecstatic and was constantly grateful to Gu Zhuo.

Gu Zhuo didn't answer. He turned off the intercom briefly and was helpless to Chaoying:

"The only difference between Akashi and a real leader is that he has an overly kind heart."

With Gu Zhuo's consent, Akashi got off the Wrangler and set about arranging the women.

It was impossible for Gu Zhuo to let those women enter his doomsday fortress, and a small Wrangler could not accommodate so many people. In the end, it was Gu Zhuo who suggested driving away a large military truck and letting the women sit on the large military truck.

The soldiers were numb when they heard that Gu Zhuo was going to take away all the women here and a large military truck.

They comforted themselves that at least they still had two large military trucks left for them, right?

Akashi walked into the tent where the women were imprisoned. When the women saw the one-armed man coming in again yesterday, they thought that he, like Zhao Shifang, was here to choose a concubine.

They were just about to desperately accept fate when they heard Akashi say:

"Would you like to leave here with me and go to the next survivor base? I promise each of you here that I will not let you be insulted and treated like this again. If you are willing to follow me, just come out with me. , If you don’t want to believe me, I respect your decision.”

After Akashi finished speaking, he didn't continue talking. He just stood there, waiting for them silently.

When the women heard this, they all looked at each other, and no one made any move.

After a while, a woman stood up first and silently walked to Akashi.

The woman stood next to him and said in a positive tone:

"I trust you."

As this woman moved, more and more women moved. In the end, all the women chose to leave here with Akashi.

Akashi took them silently and let them sit in the back of the large military truck.

"Akashi, ask if any of them can drive a big truck."

Gu Zhuo's voice suddenly came from the intercom,

"It would be easier if someone could drive a big truck."

Hearing this, Akashi asked the women sitting behind the big truck:

"Do any of you know how to drive this big truck?"

Originally, he had no hope for such a thing, but unexpectedly, a woman actually raised her hand. That woman was none other than the first person who chose to believe in Akashi.

If you look closely, you will see that the woman is different from the others. Her wrists are thicker and the lines are very smooth, as if she has been deliberately trained.

"I used to work in the military area and drove this kind of car."

The woman said so.

Akashi was stunned for a moment when he heard that the woman turned out to be from the military area. Unexpectedly, that guy Zhao Shifang would not even let the female soldiers go.

"Then come with me."

Akashi called her out, handed her the key to the military truck, pointed to the doomsday fortress in front, and said to her:

"You drive, just follow the big black car in front of you, and don't worry about anything else. Do you understand?"


The female soldier nodded, took the key and got into the driver's seat of the truck.

Seeing that everything was arranged, Akashi also sat back on his Wrangler. He said to Gu Zhuo through the intercom:

"Okay, let's go."

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo activated the Doomsday Fortress and continued driving towards the bridge exit.

There are not many military handles at the exit of the bridge, only an alloy wall similar to the entrance. The soldiers guarding the exit already knew what was going on. When they saw Gu Zhuo coming with two cars, they hurriedly opened the door for them.

After exiting the bridge, three cars were driving in a row on the road.

The one in the front is Gu Zhuo's doomsday fortress, the middle one is a large military truck, and the last one is the Jeep Wrangler driven by Akashi coming to the rear.

After driving out of the cross-river bridge, we were getting closer and closer to the broadcast signal station. It was estimated that it would be less than half an hour.

Along the way, Chaoying was very worried and didn't know what he was thinking.

She recalled everything she had experienced these days and the people she had met, and she compared those people's experiences with her own. Chaoying sighed slightly and suddenly said to Gu Zhuo:

"Gu Zhuo, I have been with you for so many days and experienced so many things. I am really lucky to have met you. If I had not met you, I am afraid I would have turned into a cold corpse... "

Gu Zhuo scratched his head after listening to her words:

"Hate, why did you suddenly say such a thing? Didn't you also help me? If it weren't for you, my Doomsday Fortress wouldn't be upgraded to the level it is now. The two of us can be considered helping each other. If you ask me, I still I’m so glad to have met you, you saved me a lot of things!”

Listening to Gu Zhuo's words, Chaoying felt warm in his heart.

At some point, an idea appeared in her mind: It would be a good thing to stay with this man all the time...

Time passed quickly like this, and half an hour later, the group finally arrived at the broadcast signal station mentioned on the radio.

As soon as he arrived at the broadcast signal station, Gu Zhuo found that it was not simple here.

In the open space in front of the signal station, there were many corpses of monsters lying in various directions. Some of them seemed to have been dead for a while, and some seemed to have just fallen here this morning.

In front of the entrance of the signal station, the wreckage of more than a dozen cars was blocked there, forming an impassable roadblock.

Apart from corpses and car wreckage all over the ground, Gu Zhuo didn't see anyone else at all.

He honked his horn and shouted through the loudspeaker in the direction of the signal station:

"Is there anyone there? There are survivors here who have received the broadcast and come to seek refuge!"

Soon, after hearing Gu Zhuo's voice, there was some other movement at the signal station.

On the second floor of the signal station, five closed windows suddenly opened, and five black muzzles stretched out from the windows.

"Are you really the survivors who came here to seek refuge?"

As the muzzle of the gun was extended, a man's loud voice sounded at the same time.


"Didn't you get stopped by Zhao Shifang when you were passing the bridge!? How did you get here? Who are you? Don't lie!"

Upon hearing the man's question, Gu Zhuo's first reaction was that these two groups of people were in the same group. One is responsible for spreading false news, and the other is responsible for robbing people on the road.

He sneered, set up four Gatlings on the car, and pointed them at the broadcast signal station:

"I also want you to explain to us. Since you knew that there was someone specializing in robbery on the road, why didn't you tell us in advance on the radio!"

The two groups of people immediately became tense, and the atmosphere was once as low as freezing point.

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