My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle

49. Roadblock

We chatted and listened to music all the way, and had a quick snack in the car along the way. There were not many vehicle wrecks on the highway to begin with, and the rest were shoveled away violently by Gu Zhuo using the Doomsday Fortress, which was no problem at all.

We drove until about 3:30 in the afternoon, and finally got off the highway intersection and arrived at the entrance to Beicheng.

There was a toll booth parked at the entrance to the city. Naturally, there was no one at the toll booth, but the road sign blocking the road was still in the center. It seems that no one has passed this road recently.

After violently knocking off the road sign and passing the toll station, you only need to drive a little further to enter Beicheng.

As soon as he entered Beicheng, Gu Zhuo planned to go straight to the broadcast signal tower without making any stops.

The closer she got to Beicheng, the more Chaoying felt that there was something wrong with the smooth journey. She was always afraid that there would be some ambush in the middle.

She reminded Gu Zhuo aloud:

"Gu Zhuo, it's better for us to be careful. If something ambush us, maybe we'll be fine. We're just worried about what might happen to Akashi behind us."

"I know, I'll pay attention."

Gu Zhuo said, silently turning on the thermal imaging display. The instrument diagram can display all creatures with heat within a kilometer of the surrounding area.

There is only one red dot on the instrument chart now, which is Akashi on the Jeep Wrangler being towed behind them. Once there is anyone else within a thousand meters, they will not escape Gu Zhuo's thermal imaging display for the first time.

It’s okay if monsters don’t have calories, but can humans still have no calories?

Continuing to drive all the way, finally, the signboard of Beicheng can be seen. The big red "Welcome to Beicheng!" instantly caught Gu Zhuo's eyes. In the white, this sign looks so eye-catching.

Before the end of the world, Beicheng was a famous tourist attraction. It has also become a well-known "entertainment and fashion capital" because of the filming of many famous variety shows.

The broadcast signal tower mentioned in yesterday's broadcast was once one of the landmark buildings in the North City.

It is famous for its unique architectural style, which looks like a capital "π". It also covers an extensive area. It is said to be a broadcast signal tower, but in fact it also contains a large supermarket. It's no wonder that the group of survivors used that place as their base.

Driving towards the signboard of Beicheng, Gu Zhuo and others soon entered Beicheng.

At this time, Beicheng has long lost its previous prosperity and has become as depressed as City A.

The ground was covered with snow, and the dried dark red blood seeped into the snow, giving the place a terrifying atmosphere.

Broken human corpses can be seen everywhere, telling everyone who sets foot in this city everything that has happened.

The high-rise buildings that originally highlighted the prosperity of this place now look dark during the day. There seems to be a monster lurking behind every window, waiting to rush out when night falls and carry out crazy massacres.

"Gu Zhuo, we have entered Beicheng. Do you want to separate our two cars first? You can't keep dragging me to the broadcast signal station, right?"

Akashi's voice came from the intercom.

"Wait a moment, when we pass this section of the road, I will get out of the car and separate our two cars."

Gu Zhuo responded on the intercom.

Now, he really doesn't want to get off the car in this environment. The high-rise buildings around him can only give him a feeling of extreme danger.

Although it was daytime and there was no heat display on the thermal imaging display, he just didn't like to expose himself to a situation where the enemy could observe him at a glance.

"Okay, then I'll wait a little longer."

Akashi replied over the intercom.

After driving the car away from this distance, Gu Zhuo looked at the map and saw that he would reach the broadcast signal tower in about ten kilometers. Soon, it would take about half an hour to drive.

After leaving the developed residential areas of Beicheng and driving forward, you can enter one of Beicheng's previously famous attractions: the Cross-River Bridge.

Cross-river bridge, as the name suggests, is a bridge built on the Yangtze River. This bridge connects the north and south ends of Beicheng, with a length of 1,300 meters and a width of 22.5 meters. The whole bridge is very grand, and the bridge is covered with night lights, which is very beautiful especially at night.

Seeing that he was about to reach the cross-river bridge, Gu Zhuo was about to get out of the car and loosen the trailer chain between the Wrangler and his doomsday fortress. The thermal imaging display suddenly moved!

I saw some red dots appearing on the screen, one, two, three...

Gu Zhuo counted, and finally there were more than a dozen dense red dots gathered on the other side of the screen. That side should be where the bridge is.

Sure enough, if something goes too smoothly, something unexpected will happen later!

"Akashi, something happened. I can't go down and release the car now."

Gu Zhuo sat back in the driver's seat and spoke to Akashi through the intercom. His tone sounded serious, not like it was a trivial matter.

"what happened?"

Akashi keenly heard that something was wrong and was busy asking him on the other end of the intercom.

"There are many unidentified people on the cross-river bridge. I'm afraid it's an ambush. Anyway, be prepared and hide in the Wrangler to avoid being accidentally injured."

Akashi was silent for a while before answering him:

"Okay, I understand, I will pay attention to it, and you should also pay attention to your safety."

After talking to Akashi, Gu Zhuo put down the walkie-talkie and glanced at Chaoying. Chaoying looked at him and nodded, telling him that he was ready.

Seeing this, Gu Zhuo stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the cross-river bridge.

The closer we get to the cross-river bridge, the more heat sources appear on the thermal imaging display. Gradually, the number of people changes from a dozen to dozens.

It seems that the other party is not simple. To be stationed on the bridge in such a group must be a spontaneous act for some purpose. Gu Zhuo found it hard to believe that this group of people had gathered together simply for self-defense.

Finally, the Doomsday Fortress dragged the Wrangler to the cross-river bridge.

I saw that in front of the originally smooth cross-river bridge, a high barrier was erected.

The barrier looked very crude, made of hundreds of pieces of steel, iron, and alloy plates welded together. Although simple, its defensive power should not be underestimated. It can be seen from the wear marks on it that this barrier should have withstood many attacks.

On the surface of the barrier, there were more than a dozen small holes, and inside the holes stood more than a dozen black muzzles. They were pointed at the entrance of the cross-river bridge, ready to fire at any time.

Above the barrier, there are two simple observation towers. One observation tower is equipped with two people to keep an eye on any abnormal situations at any time.

When he saw this configuration, Gu Zhuo's first reaction was that this was much more professional than the defenses built by Liu Yihu.

Moreover, looking at the posture of the people defending the bridge, they did not look like a temporarily organized team, but rather like a well-disciplined army.

Looking at the construction of the two observation towers, I am afraid that those stationed on this cross-river bridge are not ordinary people.

A thought quickly flashed through Gu Zhuo's mind:

They are either mercenaries or real, experienced troops!

Still not knowing what their purpose was, Gu Zhuo slowly drove past the Doomsday Fortress.

While driving, he once again reminded Akashi on the Wrangler behind him:

"Remember, be prepared and don't get out of the car casually. If there is any armed conflict, just hide in the Wrangler!"

After getting Akashi's exact reply, Gu Zhuocai focused his attention on those people.

The Doomsday Fortress slowly approached the cross-river bridge. Seeing that there was still a small distance from the barrier, someone finally spoke behind the barrier.

"Hey, survivors in front, stop the car!"

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo stopped the Doomsday Fortress.

He doesn't want to have any conflict with those people yet, he just wants to see what they are going to do.

Seeing Gu Zhuo obediently stop the Doomsday Fortress, the person who spoke out thought that he must have been intimidated by his own firepower. He stopped being secretive and walked to a watchtower, looking down at Gu Zhuo.

When he saw him walking to the observation deck, Gu Zhuo saw clearly that it was a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was wearing a close-fitting protective suit and a riot helmet on his head. He seemed to be fully armed.

He stood upright on the observation deck, holding a loudspeaker in his hand, and continued to shout to Gu Zhuo below:

"Survivor, let me ask you, are you going to the broadcast tower?"

"Yes, we received the broadcast!"

Gu Zhuo also answered him through the car's loudspeaker.

"You can go to the broadcast tower, but you have to pay us a toll."

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo couldn't help but laugh a little:

Tolls? The survivors took huge risks to come here, but they still have to pay these people tolls? He had never heard of such a statement.

However, in order to avoid conflicts, after all, it might be troublesome if a fight broke out. If it was delayed until night and the monsters came, it would be even more troublesome.

Gu Zhuo patiently wanted to ask them what they wanted:

"What tolls do you want? We have no money anymore!"

After listening to Gu Zhuo's words, the middle-aged man thought that he was easy to bully and was afraid of him. Now he was compromising with him and begging them to let him go!

Although his car looks very impressive, in the face of the firepower of live ammunition, this kind of vehicle is simply a child's play.

As long as what he came to today was not a tank, the middle-aged man would have the confidence to stop him.

It's a pity that he forgot one thing. Before the end of the world, this kind of modified car might be a useless paper tiger in the face of sufficient firepower. But in the post-apocalyptic world, how can it be that it can survive intact for so long?

The middle-aged man completely ignored this and continued:

"We don't want money, money is just useless paper now than garbage! We want all the supplies in your car, as well as your two modified cars! If there is a woman in your car, keep the woman for you us!"

Although the performance of these two vehicles is definitely not as good as tanks, their appearance is impressive enough that middle-aged men don't mind collecting them.

Gu Zhuo sneered when he heard the middle-aged man speak so loudly.

He thought the other party was something, but it turned out to be a group of extremely vicious and greedy thugs!

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