My America

Chapter 46: Tariff issue

The banquet has already begun, and the joyous dance spurs people's dancing emotions, and many teenagers dance gracefully, but this occasion does not belong to the earth buns like Sheffield, it is just a usual dance party. Also invited were some members of the Secretary of State and his party.

After the magnificent hall, that is where the real decision is made. The Prime Minister of the German Empire, the Prime Minister of Prussia, Hornloe-Hillingsfest, supported his head with his hands, and everything was still a bit furious. His daily life is spent in the crossbows. The Prime Minister of the German Empire can be divided into two types, one is Bismarck and the other is other people.

This is especially true after William II became Emperor of the German Empire, and there will be no more powerful prime ministers like Bismarck. But the political environment of the German Empire is destined to have strongmen again. It is very simple. This strongman must be served by His Majesty the Emperor. Hornlow-Hillingsfest is in this awkward state.

Although the German Empire has long been unified, it can still be regarded as a monarchy union in a certain sense. It's just that it's not as exaggerated as the Austro-Hungarian monarchy alliance to balance the interests of royal Junkers and capitalists everywhere in the country. This is not easy, although not all places seem to have an army in Bavaria.

One of the issues that has been frequently mentioned in recent years is tariffs. Like the United States of America, the German empire has been in a stage of catching up in recent decades. Naturally, the approach is to raise tariffs and build cars behind closed doors. The problem is that raising tariffs will inevitably lead to retaliation and fall into the situation of mutually increasing tariffs.

Now that the development of the German Empire is considered acceptable, more and more Ruhr district voices are very dissatisfied with this tariff, because the retaliation for raising the tariff requires them to bear it. If you want to go further, you must find a bigger market, but if the empire still maintains such high tariffs, how can they go to other markets?

"High tariffs are outdated. What is the situation now? Protected agricultural products in East Prussia? But we still have to import grain, because those mansions simply cannot meet the needs of the whole country. What is the significance of such protection? Retaliation makes Germany ’s exports uncompetitive. For the country ’s development, the manor in the east must converge, and high tariffs must become history. "

Reopening is a heavyweight, August Thyssen, president of Thyssen United. August Thyssen's eyes were bright, and he looked at the people across from him. He had long been dissatisfied with the high tariff environment.

Because of the tariff problem, Thyssen United Company can be regarded as seriously damaged. Traditionally, the Russian Empire has always been a traditional market for German exports, and exports account for 30% of Thyssen United Company. The reason why most people in the Ruhr area agreed to the tariff policy at that time was that the United Kingdom occupied a large number of domestic markets at that time, and the losses from Russia could be recovered from the domestic market, but now it is another situation, and the tariffs have become The focus of the dispute between the two sides.

"August is right, we can't get stuck in the national gate." Another representative from the Ruhr area spoke at the time, which was Alfred Krupp who was still in Essen.

Hornlow-Hillingsfist looked at the two people and the people behind them who didn't speak, but the expressions were the same. They represent more than two hundred and sixty cartel companies. Three hundred coal mines and coal fields, two hundred mines and mining areas, fifty transportation companies, more than one hundred power plants, more than two hundred banks and trading companies, and thousands of factories, mines and corporate entities.

Coal mines, steel, cement and machinery, they all account for more than half of Germany's internal share. Thyssen and Krupp are not friends at all, but their positions on this matter are the same.

"My friends in the Ruhr area, you should know how important food security is to a country, especially the environment of many unfriendly countries around us, and we must ensure that the food of the German people is not affected by external impacts."

"I think the best way to avoid shocks is to increase the production capacity and ensure that food self-sufficiency is under shock. In fact, the country is importing grains every year. You ca n’t do this. , But could not meet the needs of the entire German, what is this? Even if it is to protect food security, I do n’t see it. "

"We need a broader market, rather than being locked in the country. Do you understand? The same is all in the agricultural field. The country's manor owners are obviously not as far-sighted as the country's countrymen."

"Did you collect American money? Why do you want to speak to the country folks?" A group of people on the other side began to accuse, seeming to doubt the loyalty of Thyssen, Krupp and others to the country.

"The environment abroad is not the same as you think. Can you make people obliged to pay for your nobility? The trade is equal, can you use your stubborn head that is harder than steel plate? Think about it? "

The two sides began to accuse each other of their selfishness. With regard to tariffs, the two sides have already had an irreconcilable conflict.

"People run agriculture, and you also run agriculture. Why can't you guarantee food for all Germans? Since you can't do it anyway, it's all imported, it is better to let someone help you."

"Our United States is now at least more purchasing power than the Russians, depending on the ideas of those in the Ruhr area, can they form an advantage for those rural Junkers." Sheffield poured a glass of champagne for Secretary of State Russell Canter, I bumped into the opponent and said, "I hope everything goes well."

"What if the Germans don't let the interest out? Now the United States hopes to get the Germans' support for Venezuela." Russell Kanter thought a bit worriedly, "I heard that there are also many spokespersons of German manor owners."

"So what are we talking about? What do we owe the German? What does it mean to make money, refuse to contribute, and slowly waste time? Waiting to take advantage of the negotiating table?" Sheffield said with a lip, "I rely on , It ’s their turn to get such good things. Let ’s go find the British. ”

After sending away the secretary of state, Sheffield drank champagne himself and asked people to call John Connor, "Find me a newspaper with a huge circulation but not so rich in politics, to let people from the London company Spend a little money, humiliate the United States in the newspaper, it ’s better to have two satires. "

"Master, this?" John Connor looked at Sheffield strangely. What was it for? Scold yourself?

"It's scolding the federal government, not scolding me. You just have to do it." Sheffield shrugged. Was she keeping a low profile? What was wrong with the ridicule is an inevitable process.

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