Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 95: The Battlefield of Dreams

The General narrowed his eyes, as he gauged the apparition in front of him.

Wearing oriental, wear, leaning against the dying tree, a subtle yet confident smile on his face, his long spiky hair, his turban floating at the whims of the wind.

The Great General took a deep breath, a solemn expression on.

He felt it. Deeply.

The air of greatness, from him.

Greatness easily discerns greatness. And this was the case here.

Each of his movement, each of his poses, each of his eye mouvement.

A Sense of Greatness never seen before was oozing from the man.

If he were told that the man fated to unite China was standing before him, he would have believed it.

Because his guts told him so.

'He would be able to do it!'

The man kept his eyes shut as if wallowing in the nightly breeze.

The General eyes were glued on him, like he was looking at a treasure trove.

As he could see the shadows of the 6 of Qin behind his stand.

He felt as powerful and domineering as a Great general, yet….

He didn't feel like one. He certainly had the Calibre of it.

Yet...War didn't totally claw it's way into his body yet.

The Shadow of King Sho also appeared behind him. Yet, the latter seemed somewhat insignificant in front of him, as all the other kings he knew till this day.

Was he a King?

Probably the closest thing he could come up with. Yet…

It still seemed somewhat wrong.

His natural authority strongly suggested something of the sort. Yet…

'King seemed 'too narrow' of a term for him.'

And as his eyes continued to observe he reached his closest conclusion:

'If I were to describe it accurately…He would be something above 'King' like….'

'…The 'King of Kings.''

The Man in his luxurious and exotic dark green clothing slowly opened his eyes. His deep jet-black pupil-less eyes on display, as his smile widened bit by bit. He finally spoke, a meaningful smile on:

"Do you allow people to share your wine? Or would you prefer to keep it for yourself?"

The General smiled, intrigued by his doubled voice, but not bothered by it:

"I do share my wine. But only with those worthy of it."

The man, made light steps as he humbly sat in front of him, their eyes locking for the first time:

"And what do you think?"

The Great General had a thoughtful face:

'His eyes…They have the same innocence than that of King Sho…'

'No, in his case it isn't innocence but absolute belief!'

He added, the same calm smile on his face:

"Am I worthy enough?"

The Great General, didn't respond, only a laugh coming across from his mouth.

Men didn't need that much words to convey feelings.

He violently put down a cup in front of the man. He poured his most priced wine, like he was offering water!

A slight smirk appeared on the mysterious man's face. As the beautiful aroma of the wine filled his nostrils…

The man skillfully took the cup of wine like it was the most precious thing in the world. In a single jug, he descended it, like he was quenching an endless thirst.

And as he put back the cup of wine. The eyes of the man shined with a dark luster, he smiled slightly, as he spoke in the most genuine way possible, his only desire at this moment:

"I want to hear of your battles."

The Great General feeling the deep interest in the man's voice felt somehow flattered. Mysteriously so…

His Memory took him back to his debut, as a young general. His mouth began to speak like it was urged by some mysterious force.

He rambled about his first days as a recruit in the army, his first battles…His feeling on the battlefield.

He spoke like never before. Feeling both a sense of closeness and farness from the man.

His eyes were a mix of longing and melancholy when he spoke off the Great Battles of The Golden Age. Of the Glory of the Three Heavens of Zhao, The Six Greats of Qin…

The man in front of him drank his words, like it was the drink of the gods. His interest only growing bigger at every move each of the generals made, his heart beating at every surprise turn, his blood boiling at ever glorious turn.

He laughed when he laughed, cursed when he cursed wailed when he wailed, comforted him when he cried.

The bond between men. Truly a wonder to behold.

A second they were gauging each other out. The next, they were laughing, crying, in drunken stupor like old dated friends.

Deep connection quickly formed.

The Great Generals of the Golden Age.

Be it Ou Ki…

Be it Riboku…

Be it Hakuki...The Military God of Yan

or Gakuki...The Leader of the 6 of Qin

Or Himself….

Were all plagued by the same curse.

'Serving unworthy Kings….'

While King Sho and Ou Ki shared an intimate bond. Ou Ki was never truly 'satisfied' serving under him…

Maybe he would have been…Under King Ei Sei…But the two sadly weren't of the same era. And the winds of Time took off his breath before he could feel any satisfaction.

But the biggest example, would still be him.

Treated as a Traitor by his King, while hailed as a Hero by his people. What a tragic yet funny fate!

Today he felt like a maiden meeting the love of her life.

'If he was the King of Zhao…If he was really a King…'

His Blood boiled like never before as he felt that twilight of his life might be farther than he though.

The mysterious 'king' also felt this deep connection with this man.

That only a Regent and his Great Generals would feel. The connection that could make or break a whole regime!

The connection that could rise havoc on the world!

And guarantee the path to glory!!!

Be it in China or the Primordial Realm…Such connection transcended the concept of verse…It was something beyond priceless.

Something that would be spoken off in the Primordial Realm for the Million Years to come!!!

Many Gods,

Many Multiverse-Level beings,

Many Omniverse-level Angels,

In the Primordial Realm.

Would hear of the Tale of Marek Vega and his Great Generals.

And many would seek this same kind mystic connection, in the endless plains of the Primordial Realms…. Only in vain!!

And this night….

These two found it.

Yet none of them spoke. This night wasn't the time for politics and allegiances.

This night was only that of wine, moonlight and friendship.

The two men, without even speaking each other's names continued their moon-led reverie.

Drunk in thought, drunk in soul and drunk in heart.

Like that, the calm yet stormy night passed, as the two gradually got out from their reverie at Sunrise. They both had clear eyes, deep calm breathing and immovable smiles.

Their gaze on each other, waiting for the 'Real Talk' to start.

Yet both them felt calm, at peace…They didn't know how it would go from now on.

Because no matter what happened from now…they would still have that bond.

Marek spoke his interlocutor's name for the first time:

"Great General Ren Pa…"

Ren Pa smiled waited, as he did all the night, for his words. Marek's eyes narrowed, as he dropped his question:

"To which extend, do you love war?"

Ren Pa eyes widened. If anyone else under the Heavens, be it civilian or a king, asked him this question, he would feel offended, and would probably even engage the one asking it.

Yet, from 'this man's 'mouth, the words didn't seem like a question, but more of a wish proffered at the Heavens.

A wish for his answer to not disappoint him. He sighed looking to the rising sun:

"Would you love war even after a hundred, a thousand or million years?"

"Or will your love slowly fade away before the unrelenting assault of time?"

What looked like the rambling of a wandering poet…Seemed to slowly take shape in front of the Great General's eyes.

Before his eyes the world seemed to accelerate, the wars seemed to pile up, the battles continued to call for glory, the blood continued to spill…But what would become of his Ren Pa?

Would his love fade away like a maiden's first?

But Marek's words didn't reach their end, as his solemn doubled voice continued to ramble:

"What if War, after a hundred, a thousand or a million years, changed, continued to change, until it became completely different from what you once knew?"

He sighed, the heavenly smell of wine coming out from his mouth:

"What if the maiden you once fell in love with, changed?"

He took a deep breath:

"What if War slowly turned into an Immortal Battlefield?"

"If war had soldiers who could cut the moon in one swing?"

Ren Pa's eyes widened in stupor.

"If it had generals who would turn all under the Heavens into ash by their simple breath."

Ren Pa's breathing became heated.

"If it had Million Years schemers as strategists, if it had Shenlongs Riders as cavalries."

"If life and death itself became a battlefield, blurring the line between the two, until they become the same."

He locked eyes with Ren Pa once again, an extremely affectionate smile on:

"Even then…Would you still love war, Ren Pa?"

The Great General took a deep breath, as his mind wandered in this 'reality' he spoke off.

For one second.

He slayed his way through the Monster Soldiers.

For one moment. He fought the Transcendent generals.

For a Million years, he schemed against the Immortal Strategists.

A Long silence passed off, as Ren Pa, his eyes shut, his face solemn. Wallowed in Million years of wars.

At the end, what did he feel..?

He opened his eyes, a restrained smile on his face as he responded the man with the question:

"Such a Battlefield would be Hell itself."

His smile grew bigger, his tick scar ridden arms opened widely:

"That's why It would be HEAVEN for My Ren Pa!!!"

Marek laughed loudly, his doubled voice adding to his majesty. He tapped with his hand on the ground!

Breaking it apart like it was tofu!

"Then Are you prepared?"

"To Follow me for Million Years of wars in the Lands of the Gods?!!"

Ren Pa whose doubts were pretty confirmed by his inhumane strength laughed out:

"I Have been waiting for a Long Time!!"

"When Where you all this time!!!?"

"It seems that my death would have to wait!!"

He bowed out, his head reaching the ground:

"Please bring me with you to the Battlefield of Dreams! Your Majesty!!"


Please give me Power Stones!!! And please also add the book to your library if you like it!

It really give me motivation!!



Man do I love the Generals of Kingdom!!

And Please give me Power Stones!!!! AHHHH !!!!

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