Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 89: Brotherhood and Night Raid

Marek who was tired, diverted the subject asking:

"Is Esdeath doing good?"

Lelouch smiled reluctantly:

"It seems her caring side for her subordinates has already charmed the Mist."

"Schneizel was spot on."

Marek nodded:

"Well, she always cared a great deal about her subordinates."

Lelouch had sneaky smile:

"No. Not quite like that, your Majesty."

"There is a difference between spoiling and caring."

"Her behavior seems somehow different from her time in her Home World."

His smile grew wider, like he was trying to get his payback from something!

"Yet, it seems somewhat really familiar."

"Like she is subconsciously imitating a certain someone~"

The Emperor seemingly oblivious laughed flattered:

"If she takes me as a role model. That means I am doing my job right, isn't it?"

The man was completely oblivious to his meaning! He continued, a weird face on:

"Although I don't get why nobody wants to tell me what this test was about…"

Lelouch narrowed his eyes in thought:

'This is weird. Even though he tends to lose some ground to his women.'

'He was never the dense kind. Why doesn't he get it?'

What Lelouch didn't understand, is although Marek isn't dense and certainly isn't indifferent to the Ice Queen.

I mean, one didn't have to look twice, to understand the Emperor's taste in women and Esdeath fit in perfectly.

The big issue here is that he had a preconceived idea about 'her taste in men'.

This is actually one of the instances when his 'knowledge' turned on him.

For him. There is a Million differences between Tatsumi and Him.

So, even though she was written as an interest in 'his list' given to his Empresses. She was judged as highly unlikely.

If you didn't understand it by now, Marek is the kind who will always take his relationships with his close ones seriously and earnestly.

When he took the gamble to send a Child version of himself to meet Erza and Mirajane, He used the power of the Blue King Piece to accelerate the time-flow in the Fairy Tail World matching the Hyperbolic Time Chamber's, rendering him unable to use his King Piece for 8 whole Years!

Only the already opened portals were still functional.

He sent his King Piece away, taking another huge risk.

Using his Animal Path to create a younger version of himself with the classic Rinnegan on.

Pushing His understanding of His Human Path to it's limit to imitate Spectral Soul and Fang Yuan and creating split souls!

So you could consider his love story somewhat like that of Bo Qin(Spectral Souls's split soul) and Mo Yao, or Li Xiao Bia(Fang Yuan's split soul) and Su Qi Han!

'Soul Path, huh. To think I needed this much energy to only be able to produce one split soul. One is already the Limit of my current Rinnegan.'

'Well, even Shinigami can't split their souls at will.'

A blue screen appeared in front of him, as he smiled amused, at two dark silhouettes playing chess against each other. Their eyes deep like unmoved lakes, deep wisdom and understanding in each of their moves.

A Chess match carrying the fate of the whole word.

Well 'Fate' in their world is a rather touchy subject, isn't it?

The eyes of the Monarch focused on the Beauty, with the stardust eyes.

Somehow, they resembled the Emperor Sharingan's, yet they were much...much more beautiful.

If the Emperor's Sharingan was a portrayal of the stars, her eyes were like the stars were actually living in there!

She had a charming smile as she casually continued to play like she hasn't been doing that for 3 Million Years...!

The Emperor narrowed his eyes:

'Wisdom Path indispensable for the conquest of the whole Primordial Realm.'

He smiled, a little thrilled:

'Don't you agree? Star Constellation...'

He could only observe her silhouette, yet he could infer from that:

'She is much beautiful than what is described in the novel.'

He made all that effort and took all these risks. Why?

The reason is simple.

If he wanted to make genuine relations, he will never compromise on the manner.

He utterly disliked seduction and manipulation.

He also found the idea of meeting the woman he loved as kids, and taking advantage of them as a full-grown adult utterly repulsive and unworthy of his Imperial Self.

Actually, it didn't even scratch his mind.

He is an Emperor with great lineage, after all. Not a Street Gigolo.

The only thing he controlled is their meeting.

That's actually the only push he made.

All the relationships were made in the most natural way. And he would be satisfied, even if it only amounted to simple friendships.

Even if Erza fell in love once again with the unworthy Jellal, even if Mirajane stayed indifferent, he would accept it.

He would have had a beautiful Childhood either way.

As much as the Emperor found strength in his love for his family and his people, he will respect their feelings too.

So for the Emperor who knows of Esdeath's 'Taste' and requirements.

He never had any kind of expectations; he didn't even consider the possibility.

Him and Tatsumi were the Sun and the Universe after all.

Completely different, and incomparable.

But would C.C's intuition in this kind of stuff betray her?

If she made it…It's because she knew, something interesting was bound to happen!

A Few Days earlier.

Akame ga Kill World.


In the same day. One after another, two men arrived.

One is an innocent hopeful little boy on the verge of having his whole word collapse. His name is Tatsumi and he is here to make it in the Capital!

On that same fateful day, much later at night.

The other, who didn't come from this world at all. His oriental attire a little conspicuous as he approached, the dawning night of the Imperial City.

Behind him, a pink haired gorgeous princess, her eyes a little saddened as she could even somehow feel the despair oozing from this place.

The Emperor whose eyes could see through creation itself sighed, as one hundred hooded men appeared beside him. Kalluto and Illumi in their lead:

"The moment I set foot in this City, This Empire is officially mine."

"And a county of My Atleasian Empire."

His face became stern and intransigent:

"And in the lands that I rule."

"He who steals, kills and rapes."

He slowly marched.

"He who bribes, perjures, and enslaves."

As he looked at all decadence that existed in this place.

"He who thinks is strong and bullies the weak."

The Tragedies unfolding secretly in this Empire.

"He who thinks is rich and oppress the poor."

"He who think is unbridled by the law."

"All those who stench my Empire, by the simple act of walking on it."

"All shall face The Vega Dynasty's justice!"

"Marek Vega's justice."

"Start from the Imperial City and work your way up to the whole Empire."

His stern and cold face slowly decomposed into a pleading smile:

"This place reeks of Filth. Clean it up."

"Don't let your Emperor sit on a Dirty throne."

The hooded behind him propelled themselves into the Imperial City, as they left the same answer:

"""""Yes, your majesty!"""""

As he saw each one of them disappear, he smiled warmly as he called:


One graceful hooded woman appeared kneeling by his side, infinite worship in her eyes.

"Accompany Euphemia. Make sure she doesn't hurt herself."

He then looked at Euphemia:

"I will be waiting for you at the Imperial Castle."

Euphemia nodded with an intense light in her eyes:

"I will be back as soon as possible."

Kassandra took Euphemia in her arms, as she disappeared in the sky outside of the City.

As the Emperor made his first step into the Capital.

Change began happening.

After that night, nothing will be the same again.

The Silent Night, was riddled with the sounds of wails.

Soul after another was taken in the deep darkness.

Heads piled up, as the stench of blood, grew in the whole Capital.

The Death Angels descended delivering Imperial Judgement on the land.

That night…The whole Ancient Empire was getting purged.

Aria's Mansion.

The members of the Night Raid were standing on top of the Lubbock's strings.

The innocent Tatsumi looking at them with awe.

They were brave and battle-ready and blood thirsty! The future of the Country in their heart! They were prepared to lay their life at any moment! They were assassins after all!

Yet, today, everything will change!

Just as they were about to start their operation they had a fleeting feeling.

Like they felt the present of mystical beings… The wind seemed to blow in a mysterious way, like it was narrating a story.

The Red Moon seemed a little brighter, like it was setting stage for an apparition.

Something deeply profound.

And before they could even understand what was happening.

One by one, parting with the darkness's embrace.

Hooded Men appeared with charming, confident smiles, marching slowly out of the darkness.

Some were on the roof. Some on land. Some were levitating in front of them.

The Hooded Men had their arms slightly opened up, their hidden blades out, colored with Red Blood.

In the signature pose of the Brotherhood, they exuded the majesty of a Millenial Old organization.

Every one of them radiated an extremely profound aura.

Assassin's easily recognized their peers.

But even them, could feel that these people have perfected the act of killing to the level of transcendent art.

Those were not Assassins build by circumstances, like themselves.

Those were skilled monsters, formed, like Akame, since their young age.

And as…One after the other they appeared.

Even the Assassin's of the Night Raid felt their heart turn cold.

As they advanced, they seemed like they could disappear in the windy night at any moment.

They were 10 in total.

Tatsumi who couldn't even process what's happening felt his head was about to burst.

Lubbock gulped up and down, as all the members of the Night Raid prepared for combat, assuming this was some sort of set up from the Empire.

Leonne narrowed her eyes, her animalistic instincts on guard telling her something was off:

"Were you sent to kill us?"

Akame had her hand on her Murasame. Everyone's nerve tensing up!

The young man at the lead's smile grew:

"Don't flatter yourself. Do you really think all of us are needed to kill you?"

He waved his hand and suddenly the heads of Aria's family members appeared in his palm.

"We are only here to execute Justice."

"His Imperial Majesty's justice."

Tatsumi who saw Aria's severed head, was angered as he cried:

"Why did you do that?!!"

The members of the Night Raid had solemn faces. Mine took a deep breath:

"Clean Cut. Perfect Strike."

Akame spoke:

"It seems the Empire is much stronger than expected."

Lubbock looked down on the guards.

"It seems our targets are still there."

Akame's eyes turned cold as she made a back flip, landing on land:

"They will be eliminated."

She immediately struck to kill. But before she could land on the powerless guard, her blade was effortlessly repelled by a Hidden Blade.

Akame narrowed her eyes:

"Why are you getting in my way?"

"Aren't you delivering 'justice?"

The man's smile was the only thing that appeared of him in the night, his mouth moved:

"Would you blame a knife for stabbing?"

"Would you blame blade for cutting?"

The other members of the Night Raid narrowed their eyes in thought, Leonne smirked:

"No matter what you say…Those people have done their share of trouble too."

"Doesn't your Emperor's Justice cover that too?"

The hooded man with the mystic aura on, opened his arms, his hidden blades shining in the red mooned night:

"If the head is rotten, do not blame the others for being the same."

Mine snickered:

"They have their free will. They could have picked out a better job."

The Hooded man shut his eyes as he remembered the words his Mentor once said to him:

"Humans are creatures of good, but are easily swayed by evil."

"That's why the issue is not with Free Will, but with the choice itself."

"The Moment the choice between good and wrong is discussed casually."

"It already proves that the Country and authority has failed."

He then reopened them as he spoke in his own words:

"The fact he had to make that choice is this country's fault to begin with."

The members of the Night Raid took a deep breath, as they understood his words.

He exuded charisma, as he continued.

"Those are citizen of the Empire. Under His Majesty's protection."

He then smirked as they all felt a powerful will, shaking them in their tracks!!

The Haki of Kings!

Mine who as, the others was still on her feet, still felt the sheer might of the thing he exuded:

"Such Power!"

He approached Akame, his En slowly manifesting his tick Blood-lust:

"If you try to harm them. I will have to kill you."

The guards who knew of their wrongdoings all broke down crying.

Akame was stubborn but she knew when she was outmatched. If they engaged know, even if they won, she would lose comrades once again.

Seeing Akame backing off, he nodded in acknowledgement:

"You have a cool head."

"And know how to make decision in favor of your comrades."

His smile contained some longing:

"You will be a good asset to the Brotherhood."

Akame narrowed her eyes, as she felt those people get stranger with time.

'The Choice...Huh..'

Her memory took her back when she made the decision to leave the Empire's ranks. Then a familiar face appeared on her memory.


The both of them were exposed to the same choice. The words of the hooded man resonated in her mind:

'That's why the issue is not with Free Will, but with the choice itself.'

She was determined to kill her sister, exactly because the two of them made two different life choices.

But what if the issue wasn't her? What if it was somewhere else?

'Are those really the words of Assassins?'

Mine was tense but still put up a front, as she retorted:

"The Brotherhood, huh? Is that the name of your organization?"

The man turned around, and so did the others:

"Indeed it is. Hopefully we have the chance to meet again in better circumstances."

Leonne snickered:

"Better circumstances?! You are working for the Empire, aren't you?"

"The Next time we meet, we will kill each other!"

As she said that with all her guts. She heard light chuckles from all the members of the Brotherhood. Like she said the funniest thing in the world.

Leonne even felt a little embarrassed. Well, those people can easily embarrass even Killua.

He turned his head around, meeting Leonne's gaze:

"We are serving the Empire and the Emperor, indeed."

All tensed up.

"But not the ones you are thinking off."

"You should all go back to your base."

"Najenda will receive some guests in a short while."

"You will be able to understand everything by then."

They all disappeared, as they got back to their purge.

The Night Raid was immediately alerted!! Lubbock was the one to head back at top speed! As Everyone else's followed in his tracks!!

As they traversed the Imperial City. Their bewilderment only grew bigger!

Death! Death! And Blood was flooding the entire capital city!

Corpses, fallen heads, like the stench of a Battlefield. Sometime they would notice a Hooded Silhouette, here and there. Circling around the Imperial City like Falcons on their prey!

Yet…They weren't repulsed by it!! Because each one of these people was listed as a potential target of the Night Raid!!

Those people are the scum and the scourge of the city, and this night they were all getting picked out like weeds in a field!!

Leonne felt her heart tighten even more, as she smiled powerlessly:

"They make it seem like it was the easiest thing in the world."

Mine was terrified:

" Who in the Hell are those people?"

Lubbock accelerated even more:

"Those Bastards! Najenda better be safe!!"

Akame was still keeping her cool head:

"Lubbock calm down. Najenda is probably safe."

He cast on her a questioning look.

"The reality is that if those people wanted to kill us tonight, there was nothing that could stop them."

"Killing Najenda doesn't make any sense."

"Just Calm Down."


From now one...I will try to write my Author notes here, tell me if it does bother you!!

I want to add some information on my writing intention so that everyone could understand my thought process while writing this fic!

You may have noticed it, but in every universe, a 'side' of Marek as an Emperor and his 'way of governing' is treated.

The Universe's original story and theme needs to be somewhat related to that side of governing.

In the DBZ World: What is treated through the relationship between Marek and Vegeta, is:

-The responsibility a Ruler has vis-à-vis his destructed country. When they meet both Marek and Vegeta are in somewhat similar situation. Members of A Country that was massacred and destroyed.

-The concept of Legacy in A Ruling Family. As in the Arc, Marek is acknowledged by Vegeta as the 'Next Ruler' of The Saiyan Race. In the same time he is taking the throne from his father who is unworthy of his won 'Vega Legacy'.

In the DxD verse: What is tested is 'The Bottomline of a Ruler when dealing with foreign forces':

-In this verse Marek sees himself almost failing because his bottomline is way to rigid when it comes to the Respect on His Empire and the well being of his 'Ambassador' Roygun Belphegor. This is what ticks him off and make him lost an important opportunity.

He is then sidelined by his Empress, understanding that even him, can't deal with all the situations alone.

In the Code Geass Verse:

-Marek sees in Lelouch what it is like when a ruler chooses to sacrifice something( Shirley, Euphemia, Nunaly) for attaining a bigger goal. Rejecting completely this concept of Sacrifice, something that will play the biggest role in his relationship with Linaella.

In the Naruto Verse:

-What is treated here is the rapport to Peace. And the way to create a Peaceful world.

In this Akame Ga Kill World...What will be treated is the way Marek deals with his Empire 'own internal challenges'. The Revolutionaries , the criminals, his rapport to his citizen and his approach to ruling his subjects.

If you have any inquiries please!!! AND GIVE ME POWAA!!

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