Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 83: Invincible

The door opened up.

The Imperial Hall wasn't big by any means. Actually, it was dwarfed by that of the Saharos Empire's by several times.

Yet, not one of these notions entered the Knight's mind. She was already on analysis mode, so she could probe the most she could.

Tephania's gaze traversed the whole room.

Landing on Lelouch, on Euphemia, on the Members of the Zoldyck Noble Family.

Each person looked impressive in its own way. Noble, refined and deep rooted, even by the Saharos Empire standards.

Slowly her gaze began to harden as she locked eyes with the two Empresses.

'The first one is Shahrazad Vega. But who is the one that looks like a demon?'

Finally…As her eyes rose higher to look at the highest seat, she felt her whole breathing compromised, her whole being giving so many alerts, so many signals, so many warnings, that she actually hesitated a little bit.

But this was nothing compared to when she actually saw 'him'.

She immediately dropped out as she forcefully knelt! The other two also did the same instinctively!

Tephania who was in a position she though she would never show anyone but her Emperor , was contemplating her whole life, as her action eluded even her own understanding!

Yet, this issue was the least of worries at this moment.

Although she was young, although some may call her inexperienced, Tephania got acquainted with the battlefield when she was 8.

She fought Planet shattering wars at 10, she even raided other continents with the other sentences at 13.

Fighting wars so destructive, dueling enemies overpowering her head on, without the slightest hesitation! Building her Palmares and desmonstrating her genius!

Contrary to the expectation of the mass.

The armies who were the most accustomed to fight disadvantageous wars are actually those of the Saharos Empire!

Yes, indeed!!

Because the greater parts of the wars the Saharos Empire fights are not in this continent at all!!

Who repulses the assault of the other continents?

Who tries to conquer new lands and open new possibilities for the Astaroth Continent?

The Saharos Empire as the Number One unrivaled powerhouse in the Astaroth Continent not only rule over the Continent, but has also to carry the burden of defending it!

That's why the Saharos Empire, even after obtaining the power to unite this continent whole for centuries, still hesitate to unify it.

What if the other monsters of the other continents decide to launch a full-scale invasion on the War-torn Astaroth?!

Taking advantage of a weakened Saharos Empire, would the Magic Citadels or the Allied federations be able to fend for themselves?

The Martial Alliance? The Demonic Path Rogues?

Please don't joke with me!

All have abandoned ideas of Hegemony just realizing what they would have to face just assuming this throne!!

Why do every king and Emperor bow before them like little puppies?

Why do the wild and prideful Linaella Vega hold so much respect for the Saharos Empire?

Why did her organization work in such close ties with this same Saharos Empire?

The Truth, that Marek Vega wouldn't admit burning in the flames of Hell.

Is that the Saharian Imperial Dynasty have been protecting this Continent for Millennia !

Protecting this continent from absolute destruction!

The principal threat in their eyes, until this very exact moment! Was never internal!

It was always external!

In this continent, the Saharos Empire always was unrivaled. And everyone willingly bowed their head under its protective shade!

And Tephania held the title of protector of the Continent with pride and honor. Fighting Multi-Star Busters, without even flinching!

Resisting Solar-System Monsters head on!! Bravery was always her creed!!

Yet, today, for the first time since she was born.

Tephania felt fear. Genuine fear.

Her breathing was ragged!

She gulped up and down struggling with her tongue to just even try to articulate words.

The people of the Rosenkranz family had a special ability.

It's name is Spirit Manifestation.

One of it's powers is to envision the nature of a person's existence…By using their eyes.

By her eyes she could see Zeno and Silva represented by two twin Heavenly Dragons!

She could see Aya as a doubly wielded sword-dancer, marching to the sounds of a monotonous music!

But what she saw…The meaning of his spirit was the Impossible, itself.

'This…What's that even supposed to mean!?'

Her back already drenched in sweat.

In her heart a certainty was formed:

'This person is invincible.'

He was still sitting in silence, just above her head. Yet, she was still gathering the courage to even make eye-contact again!

She didn't want to see 'that' again! Ever in her lifetime!

His deep abyss eyes were still ingrained in the depths of her mind.

His indifferent smile, mocking the world like he was beyond everything in existence.

He was looking at her as if she was merely a formality for him, not even worth her attention.

She felt like an ant facing the whole sky!

And she still felt like she was underestimating him!

Was it by pure reflex? Was it to seek some kind of comfort?

Maybe was it some form hope?

She lightly turned her eyes to see what Baltsar saw…

To her dismay:

'As expected,'

The experienced old man who fought by her side in Solar System level wars was so shaken he was trembling with fright as he knelt.

He spoke in his beard, his trembling voice making him seem like a dying old man:

" 'She' is scared."

'She', this word caught the attention of the knights.

They would sometime hear Baltasar mention 'her'.

Baltsar was the apostle of the Goddess of Victory, Laniaia. He was granted her favor, and given a part of her power.

Sometime, he would ramble about talking with the Goddess.

He always spoke of her as a gentle and kind bearing that blessed the world with her grace.


Baltasar was blurting some absurd sentences:

"She is scared. "

"She is trembling."

"She says that such being shouldn't exist in this part of the world."

"She is imploring me to leave this continent."

Tephania felt her legs give out.

'This is even worse than I imagined.'

Marek smirked looking at the old man:

"A Puny Galactic level being calling itself Goddess? And Goddess of Victory to boast?"

His eyes turning into two everlasting galaxies.

"Playing god in my continent. What a tasteless joke!"

His doubled voice added to his Domineering aura:

"Be gone from my sight and from this place. Or I will come for your head!"

Suddenly, Baltsar felt the power in his eye completing dispersing like it was never there to begin with!!

Despair invaded his mind:


His words were like thunder, his doubled voice exuded millennial old supremacy!

In each of his sentence she felt instinctively cornered into compliance!

A Lion?

Please! This man would treat Lions as rats and Dragons as Lizards!

Who would even in his right mind, treat this man as a disappointment!

If this 17-year-old Emperor is a disappointment then the Crown Princes of the Saharos Empire are beyond cosmic trash!

Linaella who saw the Legendary Imperial Sentences break down in front of her eyes had a saddened gaze, yet not a surprised one.

She still could estimate caliber. Malé alone, was already someone of Great Caliber in her eyes.

But this man?

This Marek…was something beyond that.

She observed carefully Tephania's reaction. She then looked at her Elder Brother, his eyes were actually always on her.

Like the Imperial Sentence never mattered for him to begin with.

When their gazes locked, she felt her heart turn cold as she could see the floating galaxy in his eyes like a floating eternity.

His face had a mocking provocative grin.

But his eyes, his beautiful galactic eyes felt like a whirlwind of worry, sadness and anticipation.

She remembered his words:

"So you are going to spend your time scheming, warring, and resisting me."

"Only to find, one step at a time, that my schemes run deeper than yours"

She looked at the strongest of the continent not even daring to look up to him.

"That my strength outclasses your wildest imagination."

She met his beautiful tender eyes.

"And that my love for you will never falter."

She took a deep breath as determination reappeared on her face, she walked up:

"Your Majesty… I present to you my esteemed guests."

"Tephania Rosenkranz, The Fifth Sentence of the Saharos Empire. Baltsar De Moya, the Fourteen Sentence. Laron of the Great Amengal Family."

When Marek heard the 'Amengal' name a silent rage appeared on his mind.

Rage that he immediately controlled, as he knew his sister was trying to rile him up.

But even that…

…. Was lived by Laron as the closest he has gotten to death since he was born!

Is he really the man who he deemed unworthy of Kosem the Sword maiden?

Did he really want to take this flower to himself and add her to his Harem?!

He came her with this proposal in mind, and was even prepared to pay the Exile Tribute as a dot so he can take her hand!

Even going against his Emperor's wishes to do that!

This how much he was infatuated with this woman.

Regarded as 'The most beautiful to ever wield a sword'.

Her Sword dance was replaying in his mind as he came here, the enormous assets of the Amengal Family backing him up, absolutely certain of making her his!

But what of it now?!

This woman seemed more distant now, than the Empresses of the Saharos Empire herself!

'I can't even begin to fathom the bottom of his power!'

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