Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 81: The Trash of the Atleasian Empire

When the guards saw the sentences, they felt their breathing accelerate as they couldn't even put up a front anymore!

Those people weren't humans!

They were living legends, whose great feats are recited by the bards from years!

The guards were suddenly paralyzed as they humbly made way. The servants had a smug face, even thought they were left outside.

This was the effect of the Imperial Sentences!!

As they marched on the Imperial City, the three silhouettes managed to attract the attention of all that lived in the city. As the busy crowd, naturally made way!

Each Grade of Sentence knight had a specific color code. A color code that no other forces in the continent was allowed to wear!

From the 20th to 10th the color was light yellow and sky blue.

From the 10th to 5th the color was dark navy blue and red.

From the 5th to 2nd the color was golden and black.

And the First is immaculate white.

They all wore armors that looked like they were crafted by the god themselves. Everything from the breastplate to the kneecaps was immaculate and forged with the greatest materials to ever exist.

Behind them was a long cape, and written in big Roman Numbers their Ranking!

All the citizen of the awed Imperial City parted ways, seeing living legends in front of them.

More so when they saw the Sentence numbers and associated them with the Legends:

The 14th Sentence, Baltasar De Moya or One-eyed Baltasar. The monster, said to have offered his eye to the goddess of Victory, Lanaia. In exchange for his other eye obtaining the ability to see through existence itself.

The 9th Sentence, Ladron Amengal. Another noble from the deep rooted Amengal Family. The friend of the actual Sword Saint and the one who said to have the talent to be the next Sword Saint.

And Finally, The 5th Sentence; Tephania Rosenkranz, nicknamed the Calamity. A scourge that is unleashed wherever her blade is unsheated.

A once in 50 generations genius, obtaining the title of 5th Sentence at 17 year old, only surpassed by her elder sister, the Heavenly Lotus!

This was the effect the greatest knight order had on the Continent.

No matter how confident you are, no matter how prideful you are, no matter how strong you are!

You need to bow before the Sentences of the Saharos Empire!

The monsters that ran this continent for Generations! Those are the Imperial Sentences!!

But even then, even after the crowd parting a solemn aura on, neither of the three of them were satisfied.

The reason is that they felt something was deeply different with this population, here. There was the usual awe and fear.

But there wasn't only that. As experienced warriors they were good at gauging emotions! And with this war-torn, devastated and starving population, there was something that even those of the Two Other Great Nations didn't have!

Something that made them extremely tense! Because it's the first time they ever experienced a situation like this!

This sentiment seemed conflicted with something much deeper, something that fought with their basic instinct.

And that…was grudge and anger!!

Deep seated grudge that accumulated over generations only manifested now!

Grudge of ants against a Titan! Grudge of beggars against the Emperor of the World! Grudge of the insignifiant Atleasian Empire against the Saharos Empire!

Why now?!

Why not 30 years ago?

Why not 150 years ago?

Why not a MILLENIAL ago?

Does it really need an explanation?

Do the Ladron and Baltasar need further arguments?


Did they start to feel that this place was different?


And what is going to happen next will only solidify their feelings!

As they were advancing, they saw a young man, with a plain face, but with eyes that seem to border on psychotic insanity!

This young man was a normal citizen, you would often see drinking away his sorrow for the loss of his father, wife and children in the war.

He was pretty much a lost cause for the people who knew him.

Treated like a soul so deeply scarred by war, so deeply tormented by its atrocities, that he would never be able to redeem himself!

He would drink himself away and roam the night of the Imperial City crying:

"Long Live the Emperor! Long live the Empire!"

This young man advanced without a shred of fear in his eyes!! Like a possessed bastard!

Stood in front of the Three Beasts!!

Was he drunk, was he sane?

All the crowd watched in silence gulping sounds, invading the tense scene!

He approached with slow and resolute steps, the Fifth sentence of the Saharaos Empire!

The most pathetic man in the Atleasian Empire! The one who could be deemed as trash even in this devastated country stood up in front of Tephania Rosenkranz!

The Fifth Sentence of the Saharos Empire!!

The woman who could, at 17-year-old of age, obliterate Stars with a shred of her power!!

A woman so powerful she would put Madara and Esdeath to shame.

He looked up and down, like he was the one gauging her out!

A disgusting sound came from his mouth before….

He hock a Big old loogie on her face!!

A loogie she evaded before it landed on her feet.

He just spat on her!

He spat on the Fifth Sentence of the Empire!

The two others were so shocked they were immobilized for a moment!

This just how crazy of a gesture that was!

This isn't provocation! This is a blatant insult!!

Even the people of the two other super forces wouldn't have the guts to do that! Hell even the people of the Saharos Empire wouldn't!

No, with the Fifth Sentence?

Even the Saharos Emperor wouldn't!!

Even the cool-headed Tephania, start to reach her limit!

She had her hand on her hilt:

"I will give you 20 seconds to say your last words."

Yet the man didn't even flinch:

"Last words?"

He then took a dagger and cut his hand with it!

His blood began spilling on the ground!

His deranged eyes pierced hers! Giving her the chills!

"You see that? This bright red blood! Is what do you want spill?"

"The blood of the Exiled ones and their descendants?! A clean blood pure of the filth of treason in it?!"

He smirked, licking his arm:

"It must be funny, being a knight with such a dirty blood!"

He then got his bloodied hand near her face as he screamed in her face:

"You see that?! That beautiful pure red blood?!!"

"That something you will never have! Something that you envied all your life! No matter how mighty you become, you will always be beneath us, you will be always trash!!"

He continued to cut his hand like a deranged maniac!

"So spill it if you want!"

He cut it again his eyes became crazier by the second!

"Spill our pure blood all you want!"

He didn't even seem to fill pain!

"Kill our Parents and children! Kill our loved ones!"

He passed his bloodied hand all over his face.

His then, red faced approached her again:

"Because no matter how much you spill pure blood! Yours will always be filthy!!"

The two other Sentences all unleashed so much pressure that the Imperial City began shaking! Yet this man thought nothing of it!

Tephania seemed shook by the statement of the man as she remembered her father's words:

'The people of the Cobrosia are those I fear the most.'

He laughed out loud!

"My father before he died always said. Do not blame the crown."

"Everything bad that happened to us, is the Saharian Empire fault."

"He lived and died, with the words 'Curse the filthy traitors' in his mouth."

He smiled widely like a possessed demon, as he opened his arms welcoming all the blades in the word in his body:

"And I will live and die by this creed too."

He cried to the sky like he was addressing a deity:

"Your great Majesty! Even if this servant has to die today, I will show you who your real enemies are!"

He then turned around addressing the riled-up citizen!

"Those bastards don't deserve our awe or our respect! In the end! Filth, they once were and Filth they will always be!!!"

He then looked at Tephania again, with his disgusting appearance.

"So kill me if you want, filthy little girl!"

"For after I die!"

His mouth contained spit and injures as he screamed like a deranged maniac!

" I will laugh and drink with my family in the afterlife as I see his majesty bring Imperial judgement on you!"

When they heard the name of the Emperor being invoked, all the awe in the people eyes disappeared as smirks appeared. The more hotheaded spoke!

"Yeah!! Get the fuck out of our country you filthy trash!!"

"His Majesty is too divine to sully his eyes with your sight!!

"Dare to be arrogant in His Majesty's Alteasian Empire! Who do you think we are? Filthy Snakes!!"

Tephania looking at the deep awe and borderline worship bordering on insanity that the populace had, her face turned solemn:

'Again? Him?!!"

The population began throwing rocks and spitting on the road like deranged bastards.

A county size population had so much pride, so much gal, so much confidence to actually throw rocks at the Higher Ups of the Saharos Empire!

If one ever told this story, they would be laughed as lunatics! Yet those people did it! At the first trigger!

Were they crazy?


Are they the ones who are?

The two Sentences who were enraged by the words looked at the man responsible for that as they unleashed their attacks immediately!!

Their swords capable of cutting islands in half! The swords that entered the legends!!

Yet the man didn't even blink his eyes!!

All the citizen only cried in respect, and in admiration!!

The two men vicious strikes were at point blank!! Unstoppable like a sentence from the Heavens!!


What happened was completely out of expectations!!

The two Legendary Sentence were blasted off back to the gates!! With monstrous power!!

The power needed to actually move them so far, couldn't even be estimated!!

Tephania had interrogation in her heart:

"Who dares?!!"

""We do.""

As two silver haired men appeared by the sides of the citizen, apparent respect on their faces!

Tephania felt all her sense giving alert signals!! As she analyzed the two men, standing back to back.

The one had a hunch-back position he was quite used too, his Fu Manchu mustache fluttering in the wind!

The other had a muscular body and long silver hair as his clear blue feline eyes looked at the Fifth Sentence like delicious prey!

Tephania spoke in a domineering manner:

"Who the hell are you?! From where do you come from?"

The two knights came by her side, only little scratches on them, yet this was the least of their worries!

Their experience told them…Those two men are monsters in human form!

The Kind of monsters that only live with the countries named 'Hegemons of the Continent'!

Martial Artists that surpassed them! The proof!

They easily blasted them off, without actually injuring them! This kind of mastery at this realm, could already made them national heroes in any other country!!

Silva smiled, his face brimming with bloodlust:

"I am Silva Zoldyck, head of the Zoldyck Family. One of the Great Noble Families of the Atleasian Empire. This is my father Zeno Zoldyck."

Zeno had a piercing gaze, as he unleashed his monstrous En!! Immobilizing the two sentences!

'What horrible killing intent!'

'From where do these people come from?!!'

He announced with a powerful voice:

"The Alteasian Empire isn't your backyard."

His En only getting fiercer:


Tephania who was unfazed by his En, narrowed her eyes:

"Shouldn't your citizen behave too?"

Silva turned around as he spoke:

"I didn't see anything wrong with what he did."

His long silver hair fluttering in the wind as the sheer bloodlust in his eyes was enough to shake any one of the knights:

"Maybe the problem is with you."

"Some harsh truths maybe quite difficult to accept after all."

Zeno smirked, as he turned around, his hunched back frame on their eyes:

"Time advance, Empires fall and other rise. Maybe the time for change has arrived again."

He laughed slowly in the wind:

"Oh…Great Saharos Empire…"

The Three understood the underlying meaning of the two, as their rage has attained the max.

This is the rage of a Millennial old Dragon being challenged! A rage enough to destroy realms and dimensions!!

The two sentences looked at Tephania seeing if they engage in what appears to be one of the hardest fights they ever had to participate in!

Silva smiled warmly at the young man, patting his shoulder with affection in his eyes:

"His majesty already knows who his prey is. That's why it's useless for you to die, here. Boy"

"If you want to be of use to the Empire. Live for it."

They left these words as they disappeared!

The young man broke down crying as all the fear he previously felt burst out in the same time!

The people were flabbergasted!

'There was such a powerful noble family in the Empire? With a strength rivaling that of the Sentence knights!!'

Their insults became even more virulent now that they felt protected!!

"Did you see that?!! Paper knights!! Our Empire's noble Family could take you down like the trash you are!!"

"Hmph! His Majesty subject are numerous!! This only the beginning I tell you!! Only the beginning !!!"

"What is the Saharan Empire? Only old withered fools!! His majesty is a young and mighty dragon ready to take over the continent!!"

This salve of insults cut way deeper! Because it may actually have some truth in it!!

All the people became chanting!! Like demons singing chaotic songs from hell:




Tephania face distorted in anger:

"It seems this place is much more dangerous than expected…"

The disdain the two knights had disappeared as they nodded advancing much faster to the Imperial Castle!!

This wasn't a routine mission anymore!

This is something pertaining to national security!!! Something they never though that could be possible!

After all? Threatening the Saharos Empire? What a joke?!

Yet now the three of them felt the possibility to be somewhat real!!

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