Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 79: Plans for the Shinobi World

Primordial Realm, Atleasian Empire.

The Monarch was sitting in his throne, his two Empresses by his sides. He laughed and played with them, as he observed, the advancement of the operations in the Shinobi World:

"It seems, everything is on track. Esdeath seems to be having fun too."

Shahrazad narrowed her gaze:

"The development of the Land of Water and Land of Wind are crucial investments. The Land of Wind needs to become the Battery of our country. It's Solar energy could and Eolian Energy could respond to 40% of The Empire's needs."

Marek nodded:

"When we build the Scientific city, this value will only grow. But for now, energy wise and industry wise, the Land of Wind need to grow exponentially to meet the needs of our future expansion."

Roygun, used her beautiful hands as she massaged the broad shoulders of her lover:

"The Land of Water who already control the whole maritime space of the Continent, would be a perfect place to set up a Commercial Empire and then… a Financial one. "

"The loose trade contracts that we will set up between the Wind and the Water will make the Water have the nigh exclusivity of the advanced products of the Empire, for the countries far away from the Wind."

Marek narrowed his eyes:

"The war of resources will slowly transform into war for money. As the concept of Multinational Holdings appear in the Shinobi World for the first time."

Roygun smirked:

"The previously starving Wind and the Berserk Water will find itself with a production excess. An excess they will diverse in small countries. Creating a war between local and foreign products. Although the war will only be in agricultural products, there is no way to rival Industrial ones."

"The local business drowning, will slowly starve the local economy."

Marek smiled:

"This is were banks come into play. The Imperial Banks of the Water Country."

"Everyone will run, to take a loan. A loan from the Water to counter the Wind. National Debt will grow, and the hegemony of the Water will slowly take over all the businesses of the neighboring Grass, the Rain and the Waterfall. Splitting the cake in two between the Water and the Wind."

"The Three other Great countries banks will try to fund their own businesses. Still they will always be dependent of the products of the wind."

"At this time, they will already start feeling the pressure of the Wind and the Water."

"Some years later…"

"The Daimyos of each country will find that economic growth brings about social disparity."

" And the birth of the Bourgeois class."

"A class composed of nouveau riche merchants that build it's new found wealth on investments in Holdings and the industrial revolution. Their wealth will slowly grow through the years until it even surpasses that of the little countries Daimyo!

They will then see economic interest in taking over power. With assets outclassing the withering Daimyo system…And with the crushing majority of them completely dependent in a way or the other on the Imperial Family."

"Their greedy sight will then lend on the Shinobi Villages!"

"Injecting endless money in the small villages, causing their growth. Although they will never rival the 5 Greats they are still at the borders of the Wind and the Leaf and the Rock! And they are numerous!"

Roygun continued to play with the Emperor shoulders as she spoke:

"The Bourgeois class will take over the number of missions, the funding of the villages and the business of the Shinobi."

"Tilting the Allegiance of the Shinobi Villages. Th other Daimyo will see themselves compelled to inject money too!"

"The two of them continuing to take loans from the Water, again and again! As the two sides drown again in debt!"

"The war for the 'allegiance' of the Shinobi Villages turning into a standstill."

"It will divide the Shinobi Villages into factions!

"It may even result in the creation of two Shinobi Villages in a single country."

"Civils wars will take over the whole little countries with The Wind and the Water backing up the Bourgeois faction and the Three other Daimyo of the Thunder, the Fire and the Rock backing up the Daimyo faction."

Shahrazad sighed:

"But it will not stop there."

"The Three Daimyo will see the crushing economical power of the two other countries. Their Holdings will only grow bigger and when they are done with those, they will immediately try the same thing with the big ones."

"They will see that their situation, their debts, their products and what they consume are all from those two Countries!!"

"They will realize that if they ever hope to be stable, they need to be as Industrial as The Wind and have as much assets as the Water! Who everyone is in debt off!!!"

Marek snickered:

"Those old men only solution would be to rise the taxes on exportations. But to do that, you will need to have local products to compete with. Industrial wise, they don't."

"The Holdings knowing their advantage will stop all production, and even pull-back from the Five Great Countries."

"The loss will be great for the Wind and the Water, but the loss will be greater for the Fire, Rock and Thunder. The Daimyo will then demand to buy a part of the Holding, with obvious threat of declaring war!!"

"To get 50/50 part evening the tables with the Water and the Wind, and the Bourgeois class. A threat that will amount to nothing. As the Water and the Wind will obviously refuse!"

"The countries, with the same kind of social class emerging in it's country and facing the outright refusal of the Wind and the Water, without any apparent solution, will turn to the only thing they have that could rival the Wind and the Water with…"

Roygun nodded:

"Their Shinobi Villages."

He smiled widely:

"At this stage…The Second Shinobi World War is imminent! As the Civil wars will slowly turn into wars between countries!"

Shahrazad had determination on her face:

"A war we will absolutely win!!"

"Esdeath will prove useful in this war, The Third Kazekage too!"

"The Second Shinobi World War will rage for years! But in the end, we will win, even if we have to intervene personally!"

"The accession of power to all the Bourgeois Factions, who are loyal to the crown, will mark a new age for the Shinobi World. The small countries transforming into states."

Marek grinned:

"They will all unite with the Wind and the Water at the center, giving birth to…"

"…The Imperial Shinobi Federations!!"

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