Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 121: Emperor and Marshall

He ended his hand signs!!!


Suddenly!! Million of kneeling men appeared beside him…Kneeling in deep worship and awe….

From the more ancients to the last Saiyan killed by Frieza….

Marek narrowed his eyes:

'The Oldest Saiyans are much stronger than the newer ones…'

'I didn't bring back those of the Royal Family…'

'…For obvious reasons…'

Whis sighed:

"So you could even do that, huh…"

The Emperor smirked:

"Sorry…Did you think control over life and death was your exclusivity or something?"

Whis titled his head:

"Those eyes of yours…"

"I wonder how many more powers do they hold~."

Marek had a long smirk:

"Do not worry you will get to know them very well."

Whis sighed:

"I know the answer…."

"Still I need to ask the question, anyway"

He had a sharp glint in his eyes:

"Would you want to be the next God of Destruction?"

The Emperor smirked….

"Let me answer you by another question…"

"What would the God of Destruction position give me that I don't already have?"

Whis sighed…

"I see…"

No God of Destruction has the right to interfere in the affairs of the others….

And if the Universe, its gods and it's Power level isn't threatened, the Angels, the Grand Priest won't interfere.

The advent of a new Saiyan Empire in the Universe 7 only means that the Universe 7 is becoming a much stronger entity.

'For now…They can't be held accountable of anything.'

'He didn't threaten the life of the Kaioshins and the God of Destruction, didn't break intergalactic law. And even augmented the life level of the Universe.'

'Even the Destructed Universe was bonded back by his powers….'

He sighed as he saw no sign of the Grand Priest.

'Indeed…Father has no reason to interfere.'

He saw his passed-out pupil.

'Only the God of Destruction's authority seems to be challenged…'

'…But this isn't a bad thing in itself….'

'This isn't the first Universe where a Mortal becomes stronger than his God…'

He titled his head:

'Well…By beating Beerus-sama, although the other God of Destructions won't admit….'

'He is a Mortal who is stronger than all other God of Destruction.'


He felt the Power emanating from his landing on his skin. Giving him Goosebumps.

'He is a Saiyan whose strength rival the Angels.'

He smiled teasingly.

'The Weaker Angels…That is…'

Like he was reading his mind, the Emperor smile only got wider.


'I can't be sure of that…I didn't even expect him to last more than a hour against Beerus-sama.'

'His Powers are completely unknown, his techniques, he is a genius surpassing even Beerus-sama….'

'No…In term of talent only Father…'

'The creator of all Angels, Ultra Instinct and Ultra Ego could rival him…'

Looking at the kneeling and solemn Saiyans.

He marched his whole body burning with endless power!!!! His Angel level Ki!!! TAKING OVER THE WHOLE UNIVERSES!!!!

Behind him a portal opened up!!

And 9 Powerful Figures appeared behind him!!!

All in the SSJ2 Transformation!!!

All looked at the Yellow hair and blue sparkles!!!



There was deep admiration looking at those 9 Warriors!!! Men able to bypass the barrier and access the Super Saiyan Transformation!!!

The Emperor used his Rinnegan once again!!!


He used the ability of his Sharingan. Something he had planned to do for a long time.

The Saiyan race are either born good or evil.

With the crushing majority being born evil….He needed to atleast change their evil tendencies for them to be able to serve him.

Since he needed his men to be loyal to his People.

He influenced their mind to be more accepting of change.

In Fighting. War of Classes. Racism. If he brought those men as they were to his Nation.

The Evil and Arrogant nature of the Saiyans will destroy his country from the inside.

But was it actually the case?

'If the Head is evil could we really blame the people?'

With rulers like the Vegeta Royal Family and Frieza…..the Saiyans didn't have the chance to turn good. He smiled lightly…

This could be seen as hypnotism…But it was actually him giving their nature a chance to change.

The Mentality of Strong, trample the weak, is completely unacceptable in his Empire.

In the Atleasian Empire from the butcher to the Vizirs anyone has value in it's existence, and everyone is protected by the Imperial Crown.

'Although there is some who I don't even need to use that on….'

His eyes landed on a certain kneeling man. Bloodlust for battle still quietly raging in his eyes…The Carbon copy of his son.


'For how long are you planning on hiding the Super Saiyan transformation?'

'There are many other interesting people…Nappa, Raditz….'

The effects of Kotoamatsukami was uncanny, the two didn't seem to exude nearly as much evil as they once did.

The Emperor snapped his fingers.

Immediately..In front of him a Solar System was formed….

He spoke to his people, in awe of his immense power.

"For now this solar System could be considered as our Empire's base in this world."

He smiled.

"There are 9 Planet….Each one of them will be managed by one of my 9 Generals here…"

"For the Warriors…"

"You will be assigned to each General after assessment of your abilities."

"You will be then trained according to their rules and their demands…Am I clear?"

The Saiyans felt the power exuding from that 9 that seemed to surpass Frieza by eons!!!

"Yes!!! Your Majesty!!!"

By his side, he spoke to Riboku and Hakuki:

"25 Million Saiyans…10 Millions Civilians, 5 Million Engineers."

Marek didn't only resurrect the Warrior but also the Civilians and the engineers. While the Engineers are extremely useful as a workforce for the development of the Empire.

The Civilians who posses much less bloodlust and have a much more mild character will mingle with the normal society.

In each of the territories of the Multiverse.

This serves two purposes…One the reproduction of Saiyans…


In the years to come, he has plans to build, a deep sense of belonging of the resurrected Saiyans to the Empire. The most effective way for an army to feel apart of the Empire is for it's civilians to be Atleasian.

No matter how great their allegiance these army have. It will never really be the army of the Atleasian Empire if their people are not Atleasian. It will be barely a loyal Mercenary corps.

This also served to curb the characters of the Saiyans, rewriting the Ineffective Saiyan culture from scratch

This could only be actually be possible, using his Komatatsumi to make the Saiyans more accepting of the Atleasian Dynasty.

Yet this could too, be a double-edged sword. For, if he curbed their characters too much, Saiyan would no longer be Saiyans.

Fortunately….The Atleasian Culture and the Saiyan Culture are quite close in traditional values such as Pride, War, Vengence….

Even if the Saiyan were to become Atleasians, they would still be Saiyans….

He had plans to merge the legacy of the Saiyans with that of the Vega Dynasty. And to do that this was the greatest way.

"Can you handle it…?"

"Training 10 Million Saiyans?"

Riboku smiled lightly:

"The Preparations in the Training Ground are over."

Hakuki nodded:

"The Saiyans will be integrated in each of the 9 Generals army."

"We are already expecting 20 Million conscripted from the Primordial Realm territory, the rating Game, the Ancient Empire territory in the next 5 Years…"

Marek still feeling deep pain from just maintaining his transformation, responded calmly.

"Can you guarantee me that you will be ready in 5 years?"

Riboku, Hakuki and Bakuki all shared a deep look before nodding. Riboku spoke calmly:

"Your Majesty…You've given us the best training grounds, the strongest soldiers and the Largest Bases…"

"…And even got rid of their problematic evil side…"

Riboku had a serious expression:

"If in 5 Years…I don't bring the Astaroth Continent to it's knees."

" I would rather you cut off my head yourself."

Marek laughed lightly:


"You said it, Riboku!! Now you can't take those words back!!!"

He looked at the Other Generals.

"What do you think? Saiyans are quite difficult to handle…"

"Would you be able to manage an army this big?"

The 9 only smirked, in acknowledging silence. Especially Yotanwa and Kanki…For them looking at the Wild and evil Saiyans was like looking at their own people.

The Connection with his Generals already made him understand, their meaning.

He turned around… Finally meeting the gaze of the Angel. He finished healing the sleeping God and gently carried him.

"You didn't have that much of a problem with the Frieza Empire….I Believe I am untitled to the same treatment, right?"

Whis smiled elegantly:

"Should a Man able to rival Angels in strength really compare himself to Frieza?"

The Emperor only smiled without any response. Cracks appearing all over his body.

"It appears your body is nearing his limits."

He sighed, his eyes containing deep wisdom as if he could see through everything:

"I wouldn't want to be you when this transformation ends."

"Even I wouldn't be able to save you from the aftermath."

"Such a shame…You really shouldn't use this technique."

The Emperor smirked:

"Do not worry…."

"There will surely come a time when I could face you, without using this…"

Whis smiled back, as he disappeared.

"I sure look forward to it. Saiyan Emperor~"

And as he disappeared…The Emperor immediately coughed up blood!!!


'It seems…I don't have much time.'

He smiled lightly:

'Maybe using 8 Gates just to show off…Might have been a little much…'

He then remembered the God of Destruction frightened like a little ant….

'Nah…It was totally worth it….'

He nodded to his Generals leaving them in charge of the rest…

He opened a portal to his Imperial Throne Room.

As he passed the portal, he found a man, standing proudly, aloofingly.

His eyes were cold….His expression was prideful, befitting of the title of Pillar of the Empire.

A long mocking smirk ever-present on his lips. Deep battle lust could be seen in his eyes.

"You seem like you had your share fun…."

The Emperor grinned lightly:

"Don't make me laugh…"

"…It hurts…."

His smirk got wider:

"You just had to take the extra step…Just to make him feel despair…."

The Man had long spiky hair, he had a casual dark attire.

A crushing sense of evil was coming from him. If he had to chose one person who the Saiyan Transformation did fit the most. It would probably be him.

On top of the dark robe was a beautiful Blood Red cape….

Crafted From Monster Skin….

Drawn on it, with golden lines, the Symbol of his Statue….

A Ruby Red Falcon. This was only four capes of this kind. And one who was wearing one.

Was a living powerhouse, an untouchable, a man represents the crushing might of the Atleasian Empire.

Marek responded:

"Don't try to preach me…You would have done the same if not worse…Red Falcon."

The Man laughed lightly:

"I can't say I wouldn't…"

"But isn't that why you are the one who is supposed to be the Emperor and I, the Marshall?"

Marek advanced and casually sat on the throne…The Effect of the 8 Gates were slowly fading away.

Red Falcon narrowed his eyes:

"Well…I at least got to know the extent of your full power…"

"You were really were just playing around with us, huh…."

The Emperor laughed lightly:


"Shining Lion is also quite the opponent if he goes all out…"

Red Falcon sighed, a little dread in his eyes:

"Don't remind me of that Monster."

His dark abyss eyes had a complicated gaze:

"…But Still Ultra Sage Mode, huh…Who would have thought?"

He had a long knowing smile:

"In every version…"

"…No Matter how I do…"

"…My Fate somehow always seems to be tied to Sages."

The Emperor laughed lightly.

"That's quite funny actually…"

"Am I dreaming or did your character got somehow livelier?"

Red Falcon seemed a little annoyed by this remark:

"Stop Wasting your time with such stupid things….You don't have much time…"

He extended his hand….And an orb of soothing and Healing Energy appearing in his palm.

"Here is the Nakara Path Ki you told me to seal for you."

Marek smiled lightly as he looked at it:

"Sigh…Sadly it won't be enough…."

"…To bring me immediately back…"

Red Falcon nodded:

"Indeed. It will take at least 1 Months…"

The Emperor tilted his head:

"2 Months, at least…"

"I used Cursed Izanagi, twice…"

Red Falcon smirked:

"You wanted to dance too much."

The Emperor smirked back:

"I couldn't stop myself."

He sighed:

"Lelouch is probably in his way here with Medics from all over the Multiverse…."

"Sadly…If even Whis can't heal me….Only I can heal myself."

The Power of the 8 Gates began to disappear from his body….Leaving his body like a broken shell.

"I know you two don't have the best relationship…"

"….But be sure to cooperate well, in my absence."

Red Falcon had a meaningful smile on:

"Don't worry…You did your job as the Emperor…."

"You showed me…your beautiful dance…"

Suddenly he screamed with deep pain!! As Injury after the other started appearing all over his body!!!

'The effect of Izanagi is back….'

As everything came back at once!!!! His body began withering away!!!

He felt all power withering away from his body….His eyes became groggy as even pain wasn't enough to keep him, conscious.

Red Falcon took the orb and put it in the Emperor's chest.

"Let me do mine as the Marshall."

The Emperor smiled back at him. Red Falcon continued:

"This was our promise after all. Marek."

Plunging in deep slumber, deep confidence and trust in his last words:

"I will be back…"

"Take Good care of my Empire for me, Madara."

The Throne Room began glowing with the Warm Glow of the Nakara Path. The Whole Throne was enveloped in the White Glow of the Energy.

"I will…My Friend."

Volume 1 End.


Thank you for your support!!! I was able to finish the first volume!!! I am so thrilled!!!!

Sigh....From now...The Hiatus Start...I really wish, I can find you all back when I return!!! Some readers really made me grow as a writer and I am happy that I gathered the courage to write this story.

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